Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Going on Vacation

Thank you so much for your comments about our Moon flowers! They are an annual, although by the sounds of it, they reseed themselves very well. If I get Moon flowers in the veggie garden next year, I may not think they are so romantic. ;0)


So, the kids and I are going on vacation. First, we are going to spend a week at my parent's house on the east coast, then drive 8 hours up to Canada for a visit, then back to my parents house for a few more days. We'll be gone until October 27! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, it's been three years since our last trip. I'm also excited about the cooler weather and beautiful fall colors that I'm sure we'll see. I bought a new sweater for the occasion and I had better be able to wear it!

We have borrowed suitcases from various family members.

Of course, I had to do laundry before packing!

Piles of warm pants and sweaters.

Gifts and outgrown winter clothes for the nephews and nieces. My sister just had a new baby a few weeks ago and I've never met my other niece Keira, so I can't wait to see them!

Our kitty, Fern has decided to boycott our trip. She thinks if we can't get to the sink to brush our teeth, wash our face, etc. we'll call everything off. ;0)

I'm not taking my laptop on the trip. Are those *gasps* I hear?! I do have a few Autumn decorating posts saved up and "Show and Tell Friday" will continue while I'm gone! I will be posting Mr. Linky an hour earlier tomorrow night though. We have to get up at very early tomorrow morning to catch our flight, so I won't be able to stay up until Midnight Eastern time. It will be posted at 11:00pm Eastern time.

I'm off to bed, so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3:45am. Have a mentioned I'm not a morning person?

Bye for now!


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    You have fun and be safe. My calico sleeps in my sink also. They look alot alike.

  2. Have a wonderful trip!

    I love the pic of Fern in the sink!

  3. Enjoy your trip and time with family!

    Mrs. C

  4. The trip sounds so nice. Best wishes for safe travel and will be waiting for your return and the posts about the fun you'll have.

  5. Hope you have a fantastic (and safe) trip Kelli! Sounds like it's going to be a wonderful vacation :o)

    Can't wait to hear all about it when you return.

    I'll be praying for travel mercies for you and your family in the morning.

  6. Have a great trip! Enjoy your time.

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Have a lovely trip, Kelli!

  8. Hi Kelli :) I hope that you have a lovely trip! Praying with you for a joy-filled adventure and a safe one. Love, Q

  9. Vacation? Got room for one more? I'll be the chauffeur. :) Have a great one.

  10. Have a wonderful trip to your family, enjoy the stay with them and come backe safe.

    Hugs, Britta

  11. Have fun! I am glad for your kids to get to see their Grands again.

    It's hard to pack for going north this time of year. So much luggage since you have to be prepared for cool weather or nice temps! Double packing!

  12. sounds like a wonderful trip and i hope you have a great time. i'm sure you'll be able to wear that sweater =]

    your kitty is so cute.

  13. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Have a WONDERFUL time with your kiddos!!!
    (Fern is too cute!)

  14. Have a wonderful time!

  15. Have a great trip, Kelli!

    What a cute kitty! :)

  16. Safe journeys to you and your family.

  17. You and your family have a wonderful vacation, enjoy family and be safe.

  18. Hope you have a wonderful trip.

    Fern is a crack up!!

  19. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Have a wonderful trip!

  20. Have a wonderful vacation! Where in Canda will you be travelling? I know you are originally from Ontario, which is where I am. Weather forecast here for the next few days is 11 to 14 degrees celcius, cloudy with showers. But there are still some trees that are beautiful!!

    Enjoy you trip, and stay safe!


  21. Have an awesome trip, Kelli! Too bad we didn't live closer because Fern could come and visit Buster, Bailey and Annabelle while y'all are gone;o) We'll miss you!

  22. Have a fabulous vacation! Make great memories and really enjoy your family safe!!!

    So glad you are still doing show and tell though! :0)

    Blessings! Sharon

  23. Oh how exciting Kelli! Have a wonderful time, and take lots of pictures.

    I love that picture of Fern!

  24. Kelli, have a great vacation--we are also headed on vacation for a few days. Love the picture of Fern!!


  25. Is it me or did you nilch your chatbox?!?

    Have a wonderful and safe visit with family and friends! I'll miss you when you are gone! :-)

  26. Have a wonderful time Kelli!!! I bet this time of year will be glorious with the fall changes and colors!!! ENJOY!! Will look forward to some photos of your trip.

    Drive safe. Return happy.

  27. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Have a wonderful vacation!

    I hope you get to wear your sweaters, but I'm in Vermont, and it is has been too warm to even need a sweater lately. We haven't even turned on our heat yet. :)

    Have fun with your family!

  28. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hey Kelli,
    Have a great trip. I just wanted to let you know: I LOVE the picture of the cat. I laughed and laughed. Thanks for sharing.

  29. Have a wonderful and safe trip. Love the cat picture :)

  30. Have a wonderful and safe trip. What a wonderful way to begin the holiday season (to me it sort of begins in October!).

    I'll be looking forward to your upcoming posts.

  31. Have a wonderful time on vacation!

  32. Have a great vacation; we will miss you.

  33. Enjoy your family! Hope you have a wonderful time!

  34. Anonymous9:48 PM

    That gasp was from me. :)
    Are you coming through PA?
    May God bless your trip.

  35. Have a wonderful trip! I hope you see all the wonderful colors and get to wear that sweater. The cat in the sink is hysterical. Mine like to drink out of it. We'll miss you!!

  36. Have a wonderful safe trip!
    Love the picture of Fern in the sink :)

  37. Have a wonderful and safe trip!!

  38. Sounds like you are going to have a marvelous vacation! I'm envious!

    I'm on the east coast (central Florida) come see me!!


  39. I hope you have a wonderful vacation. It is a nice long one at that!

  40. Have a great trip Kelli!
    I live on the east coast and "sweater weather" has officially arrived, so that new sweater should come in handy!

    Too cute the way Fern is trying to boycott your trip. My friend's cat tries to do the same thing by laying in her suitcase.

  41. You will be terribly missed here, but good for you leaving the computer behind. Have a wonderful visit with your family. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

  42. Oh, I bet everyone is so happy that you're going to see them!
    Safe journey to you and yours Kelli.
    The cat photo is a hoot!

  43. Wishes for a safe journey for you and the family. Hope you get to see lots of beautiful autumn foliage on your trip.

  44. I'm glad you're leaving your computer behind. Your only *duty* will thus be to enjoy your trip. :-)


  45. Well...we just got home from the beach on our 9 day venture. It was too short if you ask the kids. I so hope you have a restful time and enjoy the beautiful scenery you will encounter....

  46. hope the trip is fun.that's a great picture of Fern in the sink..


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.