Monday, October 29, 2007

A New England Vacation

Thank you for the welcome back! We stayed at my parent's house for 6 days, then my Nana and Papa picked us up in New York and took us across the Canadian border into Ontario. We were there for 4 days, then we headed back to my parent's house for another 6 days.

We had lots of time to visit, play, shop, hike and enjoy the beautiful Autumn colors. Here are some pictures of the highlights:

My parents have this incredible oak tree in their back yard.

It was the perfect source of fall leaves!

Emily enjoyed resting in the pile. :0)

There were lots of cousins to play with, including a brand new one to love. Grace is holding Aidan, my sister Amy's new baby.
Grace and Aidan

Uncle Steve was the victim of many loud games of Uno!
Playing cards

One of the trip highlights for Grace was the horse ride that Grandpa treated her to.

It was a 45 minute guided ride through the woods and she loved every minute of it!
Horse riding

Other exciting news was that Benjamin caught his first fish ever! He also said it was the biggest fish ever. ;0)

A short time later, Grace caught her first fish.

Poor Emily seems to have my luck when it comes to fishing. A lovely catch of seaweed!

We also went on a couple of hikes through the woods. I have to tell you that we had a little trouble with a hideous tree vine monster. Can you see his huge tail hanging down from the tree? Don't worry, Emily took care of him for us. ;0)

I'll be back later with some pictures from our Autumn walks.


  1. Anonymous11:56 PM

    What great photos, Kelli! I am so glad you had a wonderful trip.

  2. Fantastic. Can't wait to see more.

    Welcome back.

  3. Hi Kelli and welcome back home to Texas!

    I'll be back here later to read about your adventure (I need to hurry to work now)!

    Hugs, Anita

  4. What wonderful photos of your time togeher! Thanks for sharing, Kelli. Looking forward to seeing pictures of your autumn walks! Have a blessed day. :)

  5. Anonymous6:12 AM

    What a joyous time with your family. I am sure they were so excited to have you and the kids there for a good long visit.

    I love the fact that the kids got to enjoy the grandparents and great grandparents. But ... we're selfishly glad you are home. I am sure that Philip is too.

  6. You've been tagged! Please visit my site for details. :)

  7. Nice pictures! Glad you all had such a fun time.

  8. Don't worry, Emily...If it were easy, they would call it "catching" instead of "fishing"!

    That baby is just precious! I want to hold him myself!

  9. Hi Kelli! Welcome back! It looks like you had such a wonderful trip. I am glad you got to get away and relax and be with family!

    I love your autumn living room too!


  10. Looks like such a wonderful time.
    That vine is quite interesting. ;o)

    ~ Christina

  11. It looks like you all had a great time, and how wonderful that you were able to visit someplace so unlike home.

  12. sounds like a very nice trip. and the photos are great. makes me want to take a long walk in a forest.

  13. Loved seeing the pictures! It sounds like y'all had such a wonderful time visiting with your family!

  14. Kelli, I'm glad you had a good time on your trip. That oak tree *does* look amazing!

  15. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Lovely! How nice for you all to be together...

  16. Sounds and looks like a great time....loved the pictures. A horse ride how exciting Grace!

  17. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Amazing photos!!!
    It looks like you all had a BLAST!!!

  18. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful vacation. I so enjoyed seeing all the pictures.

  19. What great photos of your lovely time away! I'm glad you figured out how to show them to us! It sound like you had many wonderful adventures and have made some lasting memories!

    P.S. Does Amy know that Aiden means 'little fiery one'? Every Aiden I know lives up to their name and more so - just so you know!

  20. Welcome back dear Kelli:-) I've been so busy the last couple of days, I haven't been around to visit much so I'm catching up now! Sounds like you had a wonderful time while away and I so loved seeing all the pictures...hey I catch seaweed also! lol Great to have you back:-) xox

  21. Anonymous5:55 PM

    What a great time with family. Those are very special times. When the empty nest comes these type things are what you will set and remember.

  22. Welcome Home Kelli!!! Great pictures:) Looking forward to the rest.

    P.S. I am making some coffee--and I am going to use some EggNog Creamer---have you tried that flavor yet?


  23. Looks like a wonderful time!

  24. What fun photos. Your fall walk sounds like fun. Can't wait to see pics of that!

  25. Beautiful pictures! Welcome home. Glad you had a wonderful time away visiting family.

  26. Looks like the children had a wonderful time. :o)

  27. Wow! What great photos of your trip! Sounded so fun...welcome back!

  28. I love your blog! You have some wonderful photos! I'll have to check back for more on your autumn walks!

  29. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Loved the photos. Thanks for sharing

  30. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Come take my poll!!!!!!

  31. Great photos!!! More please! What precious moments you spent there together as family enjoying each other and being able to discover so many things.

  32. looks like you had a great time!!!

  33. Happy Halloween and Welcome home! It's nice to have you back! :)

  34. Looks like you all had a lovely time, that's my kind of vacation!!

  35. Lots and lots and lots of memories made!!!!!

    Um, why didn't you swing south to PA????? ;)

  36. Kelli,
    I just enjoy your blog so much!! It looks like you and your family had such a nice time!!

  37. It looks as though everyone had a lot of fun, it's great to visit with family isn't it? Love your autumn decorations in the previous post, so pretty and appropriate.

  38. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Kelli, I was so excited to think that you thought of me on your vacation! What a nice friend!

    Yes. I'll join the Amish folks with you any time you want. I am now reading book five in the Abram's Daughters series. I have loved those books. Their simplicity of life, and appreciation for good friends, good food, and good land, is dear to my heart.

    I'd miss my blogging though. I'd have to go back to writing snail mail with 50 of my closest friends :)

  39. So glad you are back, Kelli! The pictures are just gorgeous. Just a tad bit jealous here . .. :-)

  40. Welcome back! It looks like such a wonderful time!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.