Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday ~ Daily Cleaning Challenge

I will be going outside for today's cleaning challenge. You can join in, or work on any area of your home that you like.

This area around my tree is supposed to be a "rock garden", but I've never been happy with it. The Asparagus fern is getting moved to another flower bed, the rocks placed all around the outside edge and pansies in the middle.

For some reason the bottom of my door always "weathers" much more than the top so it's getting a couple coats of stain. It will be a cool day so I can leave the door open for awhile.

I've hardly been out on my patio since coming back from vacation. It needs cleaned, vacuumed and I'm going to put a few Autumn decorations out there too.

Lastly, my water garden needs cleaned out, the plants trimmed back and the fountain turned back on.

I won't be able to get to all of this tomorrow, but I'll post "after" pictures sometime in the future. Are you working on any projects this weekend?


  1. So many wonderful posts this week, Kelli! You've been a busy gal. I've really enjoyed your special Thanksgiving week of posts. :o)

  2. You are going to be very busy! Today my project is going shopping for the food that I will need this week. :)

  3. Kelli, I refuse to accept that cleaning challenge! You had me re-doing my computer room about a year ago and I didn't much like you during that time! lol. just kidding of course!

  4. You are one ambitious lady. I'm going to be finishing washing the windows downstairs. I don't think anyone out there would enjoy the before and after pictures of that job!
    Seems everytime I start washing windows it clouds over. Must be a modern form of rain dance! LOL

  5. Kelli, We too were cleaning out our frog pond today...drained, cleaned and all frogs were taken to the wet lands so they could survive the winter....the pond looks great now...but we need to put the net on for the winter. Dianntha

  6. I was hoping to participate more this week, especially the cleaning challenges-our home needs it badly!!!

    A lot of fun posts this week, Kelli. I have some catching up to do!

  7. Beautiful photos. I especially like the one of your front door. That is gorgeous.

    Thanks so much for sharing.


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