Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday ~ Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

This is the last day for our "Giving Thanks" celebration! We have taken this week (Monday through Saturday) to prepare our hearts and homes for this wonderful time of year. My daily cleaning challenge, activity and words of Thanksgiving are located directly before this post!

Mr. Linky is available for you to join in and here are some things you could share:
-What you are thankful for

-Thanksgiving traditions or memories
-Craft Ideas
-Decorating ideas
-Your menu
-Cleaning/Organizing "before" and "after" pictures
-Anything having to do with Thanksgiving!

Remember, everyone who participates and signs Mr. Linky will be entered into a drawing at the end of the week! Go HERE to see the prizes. Each day you participate, your name will be entered into the giveaway drawing. If you participate two days, your name will be entered twice, join us all five days for five entries, etc.

Please read the participating instructions carefully:

1. Write a Thanksgiving post on your blog. Link back to There is No Place Like Home so that others can join in. You may use the "Giving Thanks" button located at the top of this post.
2. When signing Mr. Linky, you must link directly to your "Giving Thanks" post and not your homepage URL.
3. In order to make the Mr. Linky list easy to read, please type your first name only. You may also add a 1-2 word description of what you are sharing. Example: Kelli-Recipe.
Note: Mr. Linky will be up at 12:00am Eastern time each day.

Have fun!


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Kelli thank you for doing this. It has really been a fun challenge for me. I have done more around my house than what I have even posted. But more importantly, I have readied my heart for the holidays.


  2. Oh, I wish I knew about this when it began. Oh well, I joined today! Better late than never! Come over and see what we've been doing!


  3. This is a really good idea! Thanks for posting it.
    and I messed up my link!

  4. Kelli,

    I wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  5. Kelli,
    This week has been a lot of fun for me and I've gotten many a great idea!! some to use this week, some to tuck away for next year~Thanks for all that you do, and share ;-)


  6. amKelli ~ I had all intentions to participate each day this week, but today is the first time I've been able to join in! Thank you so much for hosting such a fun week!

  7. Hello Kelli popping by to say hello and to see what you are up to! hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family! NG

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog... and I am Thankful for my new friends...

  9. You have an award waiting for you over on my site. Thank you for inspiring me. Congrats!

  10. Kelli

    I have really enjoyed all of the Thanksgiving week posts. You have taken the time to prepare your home, and your heart for Thanksgiving - and as a bonus you have shared the blessing with all of your readers and inspired us to do the same! Thank you! Thank you!

    Do you know what a blessing you are? I hope so!

  11. i'm so sorry i missed all of your thanksgiving fun. i would have loved to join in. i will probably post something this week along the lines of what i am thankful for.

    hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  12. Kelli, this is proving to be more and more fun and enlightenment for me!! thanks so mych for doing this..just shared my Pecan Pie with everyone:)

  13. Kelli

    May God bless your family and your time in giving thanks to Him. May he continue to fill you with such wonderful talents to share with the rest of us ;-) What a gifted girl you are...I am thankful for you.



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.