Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Hello everyone! Many of you asked me about the apple basket in my show and tell post. I like apples for both decorating and eating. Well, I can't eat them raw because for some reason it reminds me of fingernails on a chalkboard, but I LOVE them in pie, cake, crisp, etc.

I just wasn't sure if *eggs* should go into a basket obviously meant for *apples.* Yes, I know that is weird! But, since several of you didn't even notice the apple design until I pointed it out, I guess the eggs can stay. ;0)

Here is some further proof that I am a fan of apples.

I had a quiet day at home today. I worked on some paper crafts while Phillip took the girls to run a few errands. We had two friends over for burgers and ice cream tonight.

Benjamin decided to make his stuffed frog a pair of ice skates. The blade is made from a lego, which I thought was clever.

Our watergarden had a thin layer of ice on top, so his frog had a nice little skate.

Tea tray
The girls and Benjamin were also busy with their clay.

A yummy cake.

Speaking of cake (and apples!) I made this Apple Butter Spice Cake on Friday. My friend, Revee and her girls came over for a visit. If you would like the recipe it is in my sidebar. The only change I made was substituting the topping pecans for quick oats.

I hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. Hi Kelli. I just added you to my favorites list - hope you don't mind. I have added people with such various's kind of cool. I lean heavily toward Christian blogs, but there really is all types! See you soon - Jennifer.

    Oh, and I like this post by the way!

  2. I like all the apples, its funny how you can't eat them fresh. *Ü*

    Loved the frog skates!!

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    What a fun post! My boys have a collection of miniatures they have made with clay, they love it! They are sweetly displayed on our bookshelf :-)

    Hope your doing well!


  4. Hi Kelli great imagination with Benjamin...well I think the girls shall become expert bakers like their mom!I also love to surround myself with apples through the house! I may show and tell! hugs NG

  5. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I'm an apple fan too. We could decorate our kitchens together:)

    Benjamin's frog is quite talented. Is he a figure skater or a hockey player???

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Dear Kelli,
    I imagine that you receive kudos and little awards all of the time, so this is probably not much, but I'm adding one to the bunch. I'm sending you the "you made my day award" because you really have. Participating in your Show and Tell has opened a wonderful world of new friends to me, including you. Thank you for hosting Show and Tell Fridays and making my day.

  7. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I love it when children have such wonderful imaginations.
    The cake looks vrey yummy.

  8. Hi Kelli,

    I have never before heard anyone said eating raw apples reminded them of scrapping on a chalk board. Interesting.

    The apple butter spice cake sounds so good. I love apple butter. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  9. Hi Kelli :) It is always such a joy to visit with you! I have been doing some reading catch-up today, and it has been fun here! I hope that you have a lovely week. Love, Q

  10. Cute creations. That cake looks yummy!

  11. It sounds to me as if your weekend has been nice and quiet. What a perfect weekend and a perfect ending to the weekend with cake....yum.

  12. Hi Kelli. I love your apple-egg basket. It is cute!I enjoy reading your blog, and I copied your cake recipe to make later this week. Thanks!

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Looks like a great weekend..I loved the eggs in the basket so much I never noticed the apple,it is just awsome. I love wire baskets.

  14. Happy weekend, Kelli! It always flies by so quickly! :o)

    The cakes (both clay of them!) look terrific!

  15. Anonymous10:12 PM

    That cake looks marvelous. I am going to print out the recipe to use later. Thanks for posting it.

  16. Your post made me smile - first about the apples setting your teeth on edge! Then the little frog ice skates! So cute! I also love the teeny-tiny tea tray! And the cake!

    Glad you are keeping the apple/egg basket! I didn't notice the apple handle either.


  17. That cake looks yummy!

  18. Looks and sounds like a fun weekend. We've actually had some ice here as well as some very cold rain. brrr!
    Love the skates Benjamim made for his frog. Too cute.
    Sorry I haven't gotten by more often. I always enjoy your posts so much.

  19. I love how kids use their imaginations. They really don't need a lot of toys; just toys that give them tools for their imaginations. :)

    I think that finding new uses for things not intended for their orginal use is great! The "egg" basket with the apple on it is just fine. :)

  20. Now that you mentioned I noticed the handle, wow we let go so many nice details sometimes. Love your apple decor Kelli!

  21. I didn't notice the apple design on your wire basket either.
    I like your new apple hand towels. Your apple cake looks delicious!!

  22. Yesterday, Grace and I made an apple cake from an American Girl's cook book she received for Christmas. We love apples too!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.