Friday, January 18, 2008

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

As you can see, there is a new picture for "Show and Tell Friday"! Please go HERE for the picture code to copy and paste into your post!

We went to the resale store yesterday to look for treasures, here are a few things we found...

I've been needing a new basket for my eggs and found this sturdy metal one. I got it for $1.00.

While taking this picture I noticed the apple design on the basket. That is really going to bug me now! LOL

Sundae dishes
Next, Grace found these cute ice cream sundae dishes. They were $1.00 each.

Ice Cream
As with all new dishes, I recommend trying them out as soon as possible. ;0)

Here was our best find of the day. Grace was on a roll and spotted this doll desk on the side of an aisle. She said it was the American Girl Samantha's desk. I wasn't sure, but it was cute and the price was good.

We looked it up online when we got home and sure enough it is Samantha's desk! It retails for $68.00. We got it for $5.19!! This is something we would have never payed full price for, so it was a nice surprise!


Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.
-Old photos of just people instead of things.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No Place Like Home.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name only. (This will make the list easier to read.) I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.


  1. Wow Samantha's desk for just $5!? Now that is a deal. I have Felicity (I got her in highschool) and I can't wait to give her to Kaia, but I'm waiting for her to be more responsible.

    I didn't notice the apple until you pointed it out in the 2nd pic. I'm not an apple decor fan, so I think I would have it in the yardsale bin once I found another. But our eggs always stay in the container from the store (or from the couple at church that brings in their extras).

  2. Kelli,
    The treasures you found are fun! Your daughter is developing a good eye for a bargain, too! Enjoy...

  3. You found lots of goodies! Don't you just love to find bargains like the desk! Looks like Samantha really likes it!

    Thanks for hosting S&T!


  4. What great finds you found.

    I really like the calendar envelopes you made in the earlier post, I'm going to try my hand at making some. Thanks for sharing that idea :-)

  5. Wow Kelli! You truly were blessed today! What wonderful treasures you found! The icecream dishes are fantastic! I think the egg basket is really cute, even if it does have an apple design. Do you keep them in the fridge like that? If so, do they ever break? Maybe I should try it!

    Have a great day!

    ~ Sharon

  6. Wow Kelli, you really have a talent for finding the most wonderful things!

    The new basket is very nice (makes me think of Easter with those eggs inside) and that little doll desk look so cute!

    Oh, a delicious ice cream in January, yummy yummy!

    Have a wonderful Friday!

    P.S.: Due to the lack of time for taking photos of my latest creations, I am not participating in "Show & Tell" today!

  7. Some great finds! I really like the egg basket. And I wouldn't have even noticed the apple if you hadn't mentioned it.


  8. Kelli,

    I like all your new little things. I laughed when you told about noticing the apple on the basket. I love apples - so I would have been sooo excited to notice something like that. The ice cream dishes looked yummy - and what a wonderful deal on the desk. Thanks so much for hosting S&T - it is always so much fun.


  9. It is a beautiful egg basket and the desk is beautiful. You got if for almost nothing!

  10. I have added the wrong link to my name the first time and had to add my name again. The first time the link was for the previous Friday Show and Tell. Please remove my name. The second time I have added my name is for this Friday's show and tell.


  11. Oh, my eight year would LOVE that Samantha's desk! What a great deal, Kelli!
    Sounds like such a fun day bargain hunting!

    (And love the new button we have going on here!) :)

  12. Geez, you really made good deals ! I love your egg basket it's very cute !
    I continue to show my cat collection.

  13. Truly wonderful finds.

  14. I am always up for a sood resale !!! I am sharing what I found thrifting this week too !!! I am so excited for you finding a Samantha Desk !! I would have snatched it up as well !!!
    Hugs, Mica

  15. E-bay may have the "Shop victoriously" motto, but nothing feels more victorious than a good day at the thrift shop!
    Great finds!
    Warm regards,

  16. I love all the stuff you've shared. I especially like the whole concept of the egg basket! That is awesome [even with the apple design]'s just so 'homey' and 'country'...perfect.

    Mine's posted. More of the seafaring things that extend into the dining room and kitchen this week. :o)

  17. What cute finds for you and Grace!!She's getting a keen eye (like her mother)for a bargain...and that's a good thing!

  18. You got some great finds there! I just love thrifting, too. AND that desk! How cool that you found it.

  19. Let me try again--Woweekasowee--great finds. I wouldn't have noticed the apple thing on the basket if you hadn't mentioned it. The icecream sunday looks Marvelicious (my word?). Have a blessed weekend.

  20. What great finds! I need to start shopping in thrift and resale stores! I plan to do that when I get my act together to re-do my spare room into a reading room. I'll need a floor lamp and a chaise chair! Why pay full price?!

    Have a great weekend!


  21. Anonymous6:44 AM

    What fun finds, and a super find on the American Girl Doll desk.

  22. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Hello Kelli,I've never participated before, I just hope Ive followed your instructions correctly.You've collected some beautiful treasures.

  23. I'm not participating this week (mine didn't get finished as I had hoped yesterday...we had snow...must. go. sledding!)

    Anyway, I ALWAYS look forward to your show and tells - such fun finds!! Very, very cool!

  24. I love your egg basket! If you don't like the apple design, just pretend it is a big, loopy bow. It looks great with your eggs in it.

    The ice cream cups are adorable. And, congratulations on Samantha's desk! That AG stuff is so expensive - you got a great deal.

  25. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Samantha's desk was a GREAT steal! And doesn't she look so smart sitting there.

    Good shopping Kelli! And Grace!

    By the way, I LOVE the apple basket and would use it for anything I wanted. It is just adorable.

  26. Way to go Grace!

  27. Great finds. My DGD would love that desk too, she has the Samantha doll. What a sharp eye your daughter has.

  28. you always find the greatest treasures. i guess i need to visit more resale stores :] i love the doll's desk. what a find.

  29. I love the Samantha's desk!! I got a Samantha doll when I was eight and I always loved all her accessories.

    The ice cream dishes and basket are really cute, too!! :)

  30. Kelli,

    Great finds. Samantha's desk is something that is sought after by collectors. You certainly got a bargain there. Lots of treasures. You never know what you'll find if you just take time to look.

    I enjoyed your show and tell today and especially like the new button.


  31. There's never a bad time for an ice cream treat! Those sundaes looked scrumptious.

  32. Great bargains! The ice cream dishes are so cute! I agree on testing dishes ASAP as well!!

  33. What great new treasures! I love that basket for your eggs. The ice cream dishes are perfect. Wish I lived close enough to come join you for an ice cream sundae! And what a neat deal for Samantha. ~Adrienne~

  34. Kelli,
    O.K...I've joined in. This was fun! By the way, I love your little desk. So much fun to shop for treasures! Blessings...

  35. Anonymous11:17 AM

    What neat finds! That desk is really cute. How fun to have ice cream out of those dishes!

  36. You have just had a World Class thrift shopping day. I can't believe how well you did! I had to look hard for the apple on the basket. I wonder if anyone will ever notice it unless you point it out. In a photo, too, you see everything! The other items are unbelievable, too. I love them all.

  37. Oh Kelli, what nice bargains you found! The American Girl desk was such a deal! I can't help but think how pleased my girls would have been to spot such a treasure at that age. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Pretty stuff! I posted family pictures today...*U*

  39. You sure found some fantastic deals! :)

  40. Kelli,

    My show and tell has been posted.

    I enjoyed looking at all your bargain finds. I like the desk the best and think it was the best bargain. I can't ever seem to find anything this pretty in thrift stores. Maybe I don't go often enough.

  41. What wonderful treasures! I absolutely love how you "display" you eggs in the fridge. :o) That makes cooking all the more fun!!

    We have a flea and farmer's market up the street and I can't wait for it to be a bit warmer to hit it up. I get excited thinking about all of the cherished items just waiting for me (my hubby probably doesn't share the same sentiment, LOL!).

    Happy Weekend!

  42. Great finds. I'm happy for you.

    I didn't do a show and tell this week, but I will next week.

  43. This is my first Show and tell Friday.This belonged to my husband's mom many years ago.I love your picture Kelli of the eggs in a basket..that is the name of a game I played as a child with jack Stones..Thanks for sharing.

    I need to add the logo..

  44. Kelli!!! Are you going to use the basket for apples now? That made me giggle:)

    You found some really wonderful things. I wasn't able to do show and tell today, I will try and do it next Friday--I just feel bad when I can't visit everyone--so I made sure last week when I played, I made a blog visit to everyone that took the time to play--it was so much fun and I enjoyed everyone's blogs.

    Have a great Weekend, Kelli!


  45. Is it the apples that bother you? LOL. Little things like that really bother me a lot.

    You really made a good deal on that American Girl desk. I can't believe what that stuff goes for on Ebay. I'm tempted to sell Kristen's AG stuff. After all, it is just sitting in a Rubbermaid tub in the basement. But, I will leave my sticky fingers off it and let her decide what to do.


  46. I'm an apple fan! That fits right in with my kitchen theme. ;-)

    My daughter bought four of the ice cream sundae dishes in different colors. They are so cute!

    Amazing what you can find that is so expensive elsewhere.

  47. Hi Kelli, Don't you like apples?

  48. I just ran across this meme today. What a fun idea! I'll be back to participate again. Thanks for hosting it!

  49. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Hi Kelli,
    I LOVE all your great finds! You did good! LOL I know my 7yo would really like that desk as she got a 'Samantha' for Christmas! All I can say is WOW! You definitely have a good eye, and I know you'll enjoy all your new treasures!
    Well done!
    Hope you and your have a blessed weekend!

  50. Those are some amazing finds Kelli. Thanks for sharing them.

    You know I didn't even notice the apple design on the basket until you mentioned it LOL


  51. Anonymous5:54 PM

    What fantastic finds; I love that little dolls desk! I wanted to join in today but I didn't get time and now it's my bedtime (almost midnight here in England). Hugs.

  52. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Hi Kelli :) I just tagged you for a game. Visit my blog to find out more! – Liz

  53. I loved looking at all of your treasures! That was so neat that Grace spied that desk ~ I have seen the American girl catalog and I know how pricey their things are. I would definitely say that the desk was the "find of the day" and I must say that Samantha looks very happy in it;o)

  54. I love all of your great finds. Especially the wire basket!


  55. Wow, what great finds! Especially that desk! WHOO!

  56. Anonymous12:51 AM

    love the new goodies you got! how little things like that can brighten our days, eh?

  57. Hi Kelli, what great finds.
    Love the desk Grace found,and the sundae dishes sure are cute. I'm glad you tested them right away...I would have too:). Linda

  58. Hi Kelli! I am so proud of myself! I did the blog, listed the icon-thingie on my site, and signed up here! Shoulder pats all round! I'm planning my next show and tell, like any good kindergartener would do! See all the "!'s" ? It's cause I am so bloomin' excited about this! Man, I miss kindergarten...pudding snacks, alot of coloring and pasting, recess, and show and tell. so smart of you to tap the inner kid and allow us to have grown-up (ahem) Show and Tell.
    Check me out - I gave you a brag on my blog. See you soon - Jen

  59. You've found some wonderful things. I love the basket for your eggs, and that little desk was a real find!

  60. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Awesome finds.

  61. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Wow you did have good finds and great use of them.

  62. The link thing was for Show and Tell because I had to use Mr.Linky for Friday Feast and you are not allowed to use 2 Mr. Linkies per day for free. It is exactly the same and helps me to follow up the links with only one click. And it is free too !

  63. Wow! You got some great bargains...what a fun Show and Tell!

  64. hi Kelli,

    I would like to joìn your fun too! I am a newbie here... How?

  65. Hi, I have found the spring...come and see!!!
    Regards barbara


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.