Friday, February 08, 2008

Giveaway Winner!

The winner of my blogging anniversary giveaway is Anna, from Lullabies and Lace! Congratulations, Anna! Send me your address and I will get your gifts right out to you!

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Thank you to all who stopped by and entered. I was more than a little shocked by the final number and am very thankful for all of your very sweet comments! Thank you for making this blogging adventure so enjoyable. Here's to another wonderful year of friendship and fun!


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Congratulations Anna!

  2. Oh how wonderful! I am so happy for Anna. I can't wait until she receives her goodie package. I know she will love it! Congratulations Anna!

  3. Congratulations Anna. How wonderful.

    Thank you for the fun of your contest, and thank you most of all for bringing all of us together each week for show and tell. God bless you and your blog.


  4. Congratulations to Anna, I was surpised by the number of commenters, too, but I guess everybody loves to win!

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Thank you for doing the give-away Kelli! You're awesome.

    Congratulations Anna! =)

    Arlington, TX

  6. My congratulations to Anna, and you are so sweet for doing this.

  7. Congratulations, Anna!

  8. Congratulations Kelli on your blogging anniversary and Anna on winning! Deb

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Anna is the absolute sweetest person to win!!! I've known her for sometime and am more then honored to call her a sister in Christ.... Yeah Anna!!

  10. Oh My! I can't believe I won! Thank you so much Kelli! Thank you to all your commenters as well! You are such a sweet person, I can't thank you enough.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.