Saturday, February 09, 2008

Vellum Heart Garland

This heart garland is very easy to make!

Here is what you will need: vellum paper (available at Michaels and Joannes), a heart template, scissors, hole punch, and ribbon.

Embroidery floss
I actually used a single strand of embroidery floss instead of ribbon.

Cut out lots of hearts and punch a hole at the top of each one.

Thread a 2-3 inch long piece of thread through the hole and tie onto a long strand of thread (however long you want your garland). Trim ends. Repeat with all the hearts.

Hang in a window so the sun can shine through!


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Very pretty and quite simple, I might have to have a go at it and try one for myself! Its so feminine and dainty too!

    Thank you for your lovely blog Kelli! You have a gift and you are such a sweet blessing!

  2. Hi Kelli :) What a pretty idea! My Miss M will love that. Thanks for sharing it - Love, Q

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    That looks so gorgeous, I love the colours and the way the light shines through the garland !!
    Have a great Sunday !!

  4. You are so creative. Love the heart garland.

  5. So pretty! I love vellum and I love the hearts and the colors. I might keep something like this up all year round.

  6. I think our Dreamer will have fun with this project too! I know she will want to use the pretty pink floral vellum that I've been saving ( hoarding) for just the 'right' project - and I think this is it!!! Thank you so much Kelli!

  7. What a beautiful (and simple - my favorite kind) Valentine decoration! The light through the window just makes those hearts gleam!

  8. Very sweet, and pretty!

  9. What a beautiful garland. I love how the light shines through.


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