Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Chit~Chat

Wednesday Evening Update: The Ginger Pear Cake that I mentioned earlier was *delicious!*

The cake had a delicate lemon-buttermilk flavor.

And the brown sugar-pear topping was amazing! Thank you for the wonderful recipe, Tracy. I'll definitely be making it again!

Hello everyone! First of all, I want to say that blogger has been giving me trouble when I try to comment, but it appears to be fixed now, and I will be around soon.

Several of you asked about our Easter plans, so I will share them with you. We are taking this week off from school and I had plans for a lot of gardening projects, but it has rained non-stop. I guess that will make weed pulling easier next week!

I am having a friend and her daughter over for a visit tomorrow. We went to Michaels this afternoon for some egg decoupage supplies and I will be sure to share pictures of the finished creations. I'm going to make Tracy's Ginger Pear Cake for our snack.

The girls and Benjamin have new outfits and shoes for Easter. I still need to get their Easter baskets put together. They know the Easter bunny isn't real, but we still like to pretend. I want at least some of the credit for the goodies. :0) On Sunday, we will attend our church's beautiful Easter service and then go to Nana and Papa's house for dinner. We are still working on the menu details, but we usually have ham and scalloped potatoes, plus all the trimmings. The girls like to help me make a bunny shaped cake and I'd like to come up with another "lemon" dessert. Maybe lemon meringue pie.

Well, there's a bit of Easter chit~chat for you! How are your plans coming along?


  1. Hi Kelli,
    I've noticed a few problems commenting as well. Sort of frustrating when my blogging time is limited!
    That Ginger Pear cake sounds delish!
    New Easter outfits are always such fun. I know they'll all be adorable.

  2. Hi Kelli :) Plans and more plans here -lol! The best will be that my nephew is being baptized after sunrise service. That will be a lovely celebration. We will then go to our church for Easter service. After that will be one side of the family for lunch and the other for early supper. Busy! But a wonderful day, too :) Love, Q

  3. Sounds like wonderful plans!! Have a lovely resurrection day!!!

  4. Hi Kelli,

    I just found your blog through Ruthann's and I love it. LOVE all the recipes. Have a Blessed Easter, Theresa

  5. Hi

    Our kids finish school tomorrow for 2 weeks. We will head up to the North Coast to our cottage near the Giants Causeway. We usually spend lots of time on the beach (well wrapped up from the cold),as well as some fun family activities - swimming, cinema etc. There are usually some Easter activities for kids organised at local historic houses etc.

    And I am sure there will be quite a bit of chocolate eaten too - although we don't do the easter bunny/egg hunt thing.

  6. Hi Kelli,
    I think it is so neat how you celebrate the holidays, St Patricks, Valentines, etc. We celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Easter is spent at church,but we don't really do anything else. I am looking at the different ways people celebrate the holidays and looking forward to creating new traditions here in my home :) We will be having Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, your spinach salad and deviled eggs, homemade rolls,and my kids favorite, greenbean casserole. We may even have some guest! This will be our first Easter dinner. (sad I know) :) I need to get busy and organized! :O)
    Thanks for sharing your families way of celebrating with us.

  7. I play handbells and Easter Sunday we are playing both services, so that's where I will be in the morning/early afternoon. Then we are all heading over to the IL's for Easter dinner. I'll be bringing deviled eggs, oreo refrigerator cake and my strawberry shortcake trifle.

  8. Have a blessed Easter! This year I am thankful that my husband is well after a busy year of recovery last year. We will go to church on Sunday and celebrate!

  9. I bought my ham and goodies to fill the "baskets" yesterday. We always have pear salad with our ham, and I need to work out the rest of the details yet.

    I'm anxious to learn how you like the cake!

  10. Hi Kelli,

    I will be hosting Easter dinner at my house this year. I still make Yngwie a Easter basket and he's 16! I did get a "new to me" outfit for church. We will attend the early service Sunday, so that I can get home in time to do the last minute cooking. I love Easter!

  11. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a wonderful day. We found out that we have a birthday party to go to (and it will be an Easter party too, since it is the same day) that afternoon.

    I have no idea what the kids are wearing. My mom offered to buy an on sale dress for Kaia, but at $20, I don't want to take her up on that. The kids have plenty of clothing, so I'll be digging through for nice things.

    Looking forward to your visit on my blog!

  12. I can understand the frustration of not being able to work the comments properly. My time blogging is so limited, I hope it doesnt' happen to mine.

    Your plans sound wonderful.


  13. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I am having probs. with my Easter.i blogged about it today.

  14. Anonymous6:00 PM

    My Easter plans are slowly coming together. It will be nice to have at least one of our sons home. The other is taking his grade 10 and 11 classes (those that wanted to go) to England and France over the break. We will miss seeing him, but look forward to hearing all about it when he returns.

  15. Hi Kelli,I like the cake it looks absolutly yummy.

  16. Anonymous10:43 PM

    wow, that cake... I'll have to try it! looks wonderful!

  17. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Cake looks so amazing. Your Easter plans sound great. What do you put in their baskets?

    Mine plans are coming alone okay. I have had sick kids so it has been a little off track this week.

  18. Hi Kelli! Thanks for your visits and comments on my blog. Can't wait to hear about your Easter menu.

  19. It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful Easter celebration! What a great time to celebrate Jesus and to spend time with family!

    Hugs, Sharon

  20. The cake looks scrumptious!

    A blessed Easter to you and your family!

  21. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Can't wait to see your cake..I think Katy and I are gonna make the basket cupcakes.
    Have a blessed day.

  22. Kelli, the cake looks so very yummy. I am so glad you are able to spend some wonderful time with your family during Easter! I've missed your blog, but I sure am glad to be able to visit it again.

  23. The cake sounds delicious. I went over and printed off the recipe to give it a try.

    Blogger has given me some problems lately too. Fortunately it is not happening constantly.

    Have a blessed Easter celebration.

  24. That pear cake makes my mouth water. I looks almost too pretty to eat. Love your Easter decorations. Terry

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm going to try that yummy cake as soon as possible.
    I bought my kids some new Easter outfits as well. I can't wait to see them all dressed up.
    I'm trying a new recipe for scalloped potatoes this year, it uses gruyere cheese, it's one of my favorite cheeses.
    Take care, Kelli, and I hope you guys have a lovely Easter.


  26. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Yum Yum!!!! Oh I have to try this recipe!! I love the recipes you share on here. Thanks!

    Have a beautiful Easter this weekend!


  27. Our Easter plans sound alot like yours....today is beautiful .We had lunch on the deck...now it's nap time though. I bought eggs today for deviled eggs and making a chocolate pie....yum yum. We had our Easter ceremony last Sunday night and it was so so good.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.