Sunday, March 09, 2008

~Spring Decorating~

Spring Decorating @

I mentioned this past Saturday that I would be sharing some spring decorations this week, and I thought it would be fun if others could join in, too! If you would like to share any of your spring or Easter decorations, post them on your blog and then come sign Mr. Linky, so we can all take a look!

Mr. Linky will stay up through Thursday evening. Feel free to use the following button in your post. Just copy and paste this code:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Spring Decorating @" height="100" width="150" /></a>

Spring Decorating @

Please scroll down to see my daily spring decorating posts! I can't wait to see what you have to share too!


  1. touching spring...lovely flowers ...look and see...
    greetings Barbara

  2. I love this idea. Unfortunately, we're nowhere near spring here, so I'm nowhere near decorating for it. :(

  3. Your home looks so fresh & springy! I've added just a touch to my house. I posted on it last week, but just added your button.

  4. I love coming over to your blog, your such an inspiration! It seems everything you do is magical!

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I've only been reading your blog for a short while, but you've inspired me so much! I love this idea!

  6. interesting timing, just put up some of mine yesterday, nothing fancy tho. My blog isn't at blogspot any more but over here at

  7. How very, very fun! I plan to share, too...but it may take me a couple of days! Can you believe my Valentine stuff is still out?? I've been busy!

  8. What a lovely post:)


  9. Hi Kelli,
    What a lovely idea. I added some photo's of the beginning of my decorating. I'll be adding more. Come over and see how I have started. It is feeling like spring up here in the northern part of the state. Unlike a few days ago. All the snow and rain left some beautfil green popping up in the pasture. I will have to take a photo and call it God's spring decorating!

  10. Every corner of your house is beautiful...I do love Shabby chic!
    And you made it look so special.
    Hugs, mary

  11. Such lovely decorations! At the moment I have a few little St.Pat's things out, nothing big. I will be decorating more for Spring on the 18th!

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I love this idea too. I posted some of my Spring decorating. I love participating in your ideas. Have a wonderful day!

  13. Hi Kelli!

    Hope you are doing fine! I have been quite busy during the past two weeks (at home and at work) and did not have much time for blogging. So I am really not at all up to date on what's going on here and will try to catch up now. ;-))

    Your spring decorating logo looks very pretty. It has been so very stormy and windy around here. I did not even put out my outdoor decorations this year, I really need to hurry up this week-end!

    XoX, Anita


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.