Friday, March 07, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Hello everyone! As you can see, we ended up with enough snow to build a snowman! The craft drawers were raided for the eyes, nose and mouth and everyone had lots of fun. It was a warm and sunny day today though, so we had to say goodbye to Mr. Snowman.

Our weekend began with a spaghetti dinner and I also tried out a new recipe called Italian Cheese Bread.

It was very easy to make and everyone loved it, definitely a repeat recipe. Thank you, Tammy!

Grace finally got her haircut this afternoon. Here she is last month on her birthday.

Here she is now, modeling her Kit (American Girl) inspired cut. I think it's so cute!

Show and Tell
And finally, a little Show & Tell Friday chit~chat. The one year anniversary is coming up next month, I have enjoyed meeting many friends and seeing all of your treasures and keepsakes.

We started out with around 30 participants, and have recently grown to around 70! I would like to welcome all the new faces and also take this time to let everyone know that the Show & Tell Guidelines have been updated.

Many of you visit and comment on every Show & Tell that is shared and I want to especially thank you. I know how much time this takes and I think it is one of the things that makes Show & Tell so special. With that in mind, the time has come to refocus on what exactly "Show & Tell Friday is. Please read the guidelines listed down below this post or click HERE before joining in next week.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I have quite a few spring decorations to show you, so next week I'll take you on a tour of my home!


  1. Hi Kelli :) The cheese bread looks delicious! Thanks for sharing that.

    Please tell Grace that her cut is wonderful. She is adorable!

    A very happy weekend to you. Love, Q

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Hi Kelli,
    That bread looks so yummy, I would love to know if I could make that Italian dressing myself, because we don't have that here in The Netherlands.
    Grace looks very pretty with her new hair !!!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Good morning dear Kelli:-)

    I love Grace's haircut, it really suits her! Tell her she made the right decision, she looks gorgeous:-)

    Yummmm that cheese bread looks so good, I've bookmarked the link for the recipe. I know my boys would love this next time they come visit.

    Loved the snowman but I guess he's all gone now! lol It's frigid here today so I don't think I'll be going out! Rather stay inside where it's nice and warm and visit all my blogging friends:-) xoxo

  4. Hi Kelli,
    The haircut is totally cute. But I couldn't help but notice the t-shirt! Come by and visit my show and tell. I think ya'll will like it. Let me know what you think! And that cheese bread stuff looks so yummy.
    Thanks for the Show and Tell.
    Have a wonderful weekend. I hope it's warmer I haven't been outside yet.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Grace's hair cut is cute.
    The cheese bread looks wonderful. I'll have to try it.
    You have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Grace looks delicious and the cheesebread looks adorable ... or visa versa :)

    You always make me feel hungry and full at the same time Kelli ... if you know what I mean.

    Just downloaded my SD mag and can't wait to get into it.


  7. Hi Kelli,
    Oh my, I guess with all that snow Texas must have pretty much closed down. We don't do snow too well in Texas, do we?

    The cheese bread looks delish!! I'm gonna get that one.

    Also, Grace's hair is so cute!

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    The Italian Cheese Bread just looks wonderful! I will definitely have to give it a try!

    Thanks for sharing!

    ~Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage

  9. Kelli, That bread looks soooo good. I can't wait to try it with some pasta(extra sauce for dipping). Grace's haircut is cute too!

  10. Hi Kelli, thanks for clarifying the S & T rules, know & understand (which is a miracle for me) about the permalink thing. Will do that in the future. Have a great weekend.

  11. The haircut Grace has makes her look so grown up and so pretty. Just like one of the lovely dolls in the American Girl Doll Collection. Your chees bread just made me hungry. Have to run to the kitchen so see you later.

  12. The cheese bread looks way too yummy. I love trying all the recipes that people blog about.

    Very cute new haircut. I hope that Grace likes it too.

  13. Love the snowman and the look of the cheesy bread. Yum!
    He haircut looks lovely, too. ;o)

    Hope y'all enjoy your weekend.
    ~ Christina

  14. Oops... my butterfingers...
    Her haircut look lovely. ;o)

  15. LOL... I did it, again.
    One more time...
    Her haircut looks lovely. ;o)

  16. She looks so cute and you know what, I just cute Jasmine's hair short like that too LOL She is also in love with American Girl :)


  17. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Grace's haircut is adorable! She looks great! I am excited for when my girls can get more into "American Girls." They really love the bitty-baby (we bought them each their own for Christmas) and are just in love with playing mommy and taking care of them - even dressing like them.

    It sounds like you have had a lovely weekend! Hope it continues so for you! :)

  18. She DOES look like Kit, wow!


  19. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The bread looks yummy.And it is so sweet when our little ones start to grow up and pick their hair cuts.So cute.

  20. I love the "Kit" cut! Kit was my camp name when I was a counselor!

    Thank you so much for hosting Show and Tell each week. I hope that posts of what we have outside are still ok. I love seeing the gardens and flowers many have posted.

    Have a wonderful weekend! We moved my brother and sister in law out of their home that caught fire and into the new one! Phew, I'm beat, and poor Kaia fell asleep at 5:30 p.m. and I think she'll sleep all night.

  21. Anonymous10:17 PM

    I'm sorry I haven't done show and tell lately. It seems like I always forget until it's too late. Oh well.

    Oh man...I have got to make that bread.

    How much snow did you guys get? we got somewhere between 5-6 inches!

  22. Just want to tell you, again!, Karen how much I appreciate your starting and hosting Show & Tell. I am glad you adhere to the guidelines you have set up and are consistent about it. I'm thankful you are continuing!!!!

  23. P.S. The hair cut is adorable!!!

  24. Hi Kelli! I have some pictures of the snow in my little corner of Texas too. That cheese bread looks great, I'm going to follow the link and get a copy of it.

    Your beautiful Grace's haircut is very becoming!

    Have a good week!

  25. The snowman looked great. I love that you added that the craft room was raided to make him!

    The Show and Tell Friday Update was very clear and straight forward. When a project grows to those proportions, it definitely needs guidlines. Be blessed - Jen

  26. What a cute haircut!
    The Italian Cheese Bread certainly caught my attention! I've simply got to try it.

  27. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Thank you for sharing the Cheese bread. It looks absolutely scrumptious.

    Grace's hair cut is adorable. It suits her to a T.

    God bless.

  28. Thanks for clarifying the gardens for S&T. I wasn't very clear in my post. I plan to have a by the rules S&T and provide a link to my celebration/giveaway. I already have a few birthday gifts I want to share.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.