Thursday, May 01, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I would like to show you a couple of new things in my kitchen window.

A couple of months ago, I purchased 12 old glass bottles. I liked to keep them filled with various flowers for a centerpiece, but our kitty loved to knock them over.

For some reason she leaves the kitchen window alone, so I decided to display the bottles there instead.

Right now they are filled with pink roses.



But my favorite new thing in the window has ten tiny toes...

...and a sweet little face.

Can you see her trying to escape from the flower pot?! My favorite thing about blogging is all the wonderful friends that I've made. A few weeks ago I got an email from a lady named Cathy. She sent me pictures of her beautiful "Meet in the middle" cards and we have been been chatting ever since.

Cathy knows I love fairies and was so kind and thoughtful to send me this little sweetie. I just love her, although she is a handful to watch out for. ;0) Thank you again, for such a lovely gift, Cathy!

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

~*~*~Next week I'm going to being doing a color theme for my show and tell. I will pick a couple of special things that are all the same color. Feel free to do the same!~*~*~

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


  1. What a cute new little fairy! You have something in common with our friend, Pea, in Ontario.

  2. Oh, how vey sweet of your friend Cathy to send this cute fairy over to your home? I think you should give her a name!!!

    Your bottles look very nice over there on your window glas shelf, too and ... woow... you alredy have roses! (I discovered the first buds on mine).

    Have a great & sunny Friday!

    XoX, Anita

  3. My rosebush is blooming too! I love this time of year. I notice you're making a sunflower house. How cool! I'm growing sunflowers all along our ugly chain link fence. Some are about a foot tall already. I can't wait to see how yours turn out. I usually blog about my gardening on Tuesdays. Come by some time.

  4. What a sweet thing for Cathy to
    do! Such a sweet face on the fairy!
    Very cute on your window!

  5. Lovely window with the bottle and flowers. Cute fairy.

  6. Your fairy is precious! And I love the little vases with cut flowers! How sweet! Thanks for being such a gracious host for this weekly event!

    Have a great weekend!
    ~Rhonda :)

  7. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I love the way you have the bottles grouped together. The roses are lovely.And that little fairy is just darling. The whole window area is cheerful.

    I sure missed S&T last week! Our church had an event Sat. that took the better part of the week before to prepare for. This is one of my favorite parts of the week and I missed checking in with everyone..

  8. Kelli, I always enjoy looking at your kitchen window. The bottles are perfect and look very nice there with the roses in them. What a sweet friend and darling fairy, she look quite content in the window.


  9. That spot looks like it was made for that fairy!

    Love the bottles of roses! :-)

  10. lovely sweet things...
    HUGS Barbara

  11. I love your window! And the ten tiny toes made me squeal with glee!

  12. Kelli,

    Your kitchen window is lovely. I love the way you put such sweet touches on all the little glass shelves. The pink roses look perfect in your little glass bottles. And hello to your little fairy friend! I love fairies too. I have none inside but a number of fairy friends in my garden.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely kitchen window.

  13. I love window sills and what people place on them. I love your sweet little fairy flower pot and the bottles look beautiful. A wonderful post, Kelli!
    Kathy@ Mimi's Garden

  14. Good idea with the glass bottles, although I have 5 cats to knock them down, lol !

  15. I too love the sweet fairy! She's adorable. And I'd love to take a whole tour of your home. I bet it just glows with love and color!!!

    My Show n Tell was posted Wednesday night, I took Thursday [the whole day --no computer, ACK!] off to be with my man all day. And, it's Christmas in May at my Show N Tell!!

    Happy Friday, happy weekend.

  16. You've inspired me once again but I bet you won't be able to guess how.
    Love your bottles I have a couple myself. They looked lovely on your table and in the window now with the roses.
    The fairy is so sweet and I bet what a sweet surprise she was. Take good care of her. That was a a really sweet way to display her.
    Have a Wonderful Show and Tell today. Love, Sherry

  17. That fairy is so cute!! I love the way your window looks - I've got to get mine to look a little less would help if I had blooming flowers though, LOL!!

  18. What a cutie little fairy! I love that she's "escaping". ;o)
    Your bottle idea is very inspiring. I love how the light streams through glassware.

  19. Love the little fairy and the glass bottles are so pretty!

  20. I love the little fairy crawling from out of the pot! It's really cute! There's something about flowers in the window-I love how the water and the sunlight make everything sparkle so pretty! I always enjoy your little treasures!

  21. I love all your flower arrangements. Your kitchen window box looks so cheery. I know it gives you a lift when you're in there working.
    Have a great weekend.

  22. The bottles look so pretty. My grandmother was a collector of old glass bottles and they always looked so pretty in her windows.

    Love your little fairy. I, too, thought of how much Pea would like something like that. Better not let her see it. LOL

  23. What a darling little fairy. And I think the bottles with the roses look great in the window shelf. I'll be anxious to see next week's "color" S & T.
    Have a great weekend.

  24. I just adore your window glass shelf. It is inspiring. One of my favorite things is a kitchen window. Always love the things you share.

  25. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I just put up my very first one. Hope you like it.

  26. Very sweet....

    Happy Friday, Kelli!

  27. I love the little fairy. What a nice gift. Bless the giver! I love the idea of the rose buds in tiny bottles. I wish I had a kitchen window.
    Mama Bear

  28. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Your fairy is so pretty. You have everything so nice.

  29. Anonymous11:27 AM

    What a beautiful display! I love the roses - and the fairies! Very pretty. I am skipping this weeks "Show and Tell" and hope to join in next week! Lots of hugs and enjoy a beautiful day today!

  30. I love the little bottles! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great weekend!

  31. Your window is always so pretty! Thanks for sharing, and great idea about a color theme next week!

  32. I really like the way you have some of your favorite things displayed in your kitchen window. The fairy is so sweet. Love it.

    My Show and Tell has been posted. I displayed some more pictures from out trip to Huntsville recently.

  33. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I love the glass bottles, roses are beautiful.
    I've posted a Show and Tell, I hope I've used Mr Linky correctly.

  34. I have a collection of old jars that I like to use to display fresh flowers, also. I love that look.
    Sweet little fairy!

  35. The fairy is just amazing. She really looks like she's trying to sneak out! I just love your bottles. I have a few left,too. There are just a few things that have stayed with me through my travels, and some are bottles. Strangely enough. I really like green bottles. The really transparent green ones, not the dark. Yours are so nice. I love the little disc shaped one.

  36. Hi Kelli :)

    I have my Show & Tell ready. Sorry it took so long.

    I love that cute little fairy! The vases full of flowers in the window look gorgeous :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  37. Anonymous4:30 PM

    colorful flowers everywhere! :) I loooove spring!

  38. Ohhh! I love the tiny old bottles and the fresh flowers ~ what a great idea. The crystal's pretty too. I'm glad you found a place when kitty will leave things be :)

  39. I love the little bottles with the beautiful roses. Are they from your garden?

    And the little fairy is very sweet. How nice of Cathy to send her to you.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  40. What an adorable Fairy and I love the glass bottles with Pink Roses -my favorite. Do you grow your own roses? I have not had much luck with Roses.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  41. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Very cute fairy and beautiful flowers!

  42. I love the little bottles you are using as vases. And fresh flowers bring sunshine anywhere!

  43. Very pretty window decor! Sweet little fairy!

    Next week a color theme, you say? Hmmmm?


  44. Kelli, I love the little bottles(cute shapes)used as vases. Fresh flowers just make me happy as does your sweet little fairy. Linda

  45. i love the little fairy, too. she's so cute and has personality. i also like the flowers in the old bottles. i have some old bottles that are similar to yours. i think i'll try using them as vases.

    thanks, and have a great weekend.

  46. What a delightful kitchen window you must have! Thank you for sharing it. Eleanor

  47. Spring is so wonderful with all the beautiful flowers. How lovely you've added them to your home.

  48. WOW I love all your pictures. I have missed visiting your blog. I also looked at your magazine I wish I had a camera to show you things from my place :)

  49. what lovely items and you are so very creative in the way you group and display things. the sunshine looks wonderful. it is cloudy here in ohio today. you've inspired me to get some glass items out to display! i'm off to the attic to look thru my storage boxes!!!

  50. Kelli--I was on the *Prairie Homemaker* and they were asking what blogs are motivational--I hope you don't mind--I put yours :)


  51. Your little fairy is the sweetest thing. I know what you mean about them being difficult to watch out for!

    Having your glass bottles in the window is an even better way to disply them. We have no flowers yet. Boo hoo!

  52. I love your window decorations!! Where did you get your glass shelves? I would love some of those for my little window. Love the bottles, love the fairy, love it all... thanks for the inspiration!

    JOYfully in Him,

  53. Anonymous6:02 PM

    How precious your precocious little fairy is! Your bottles look very nice in the window. Poor kitty! But what else is a kitty to do with so many little pretties just waiting to be tipped over! My kitty tells me it's in the genes (grin). =0)


  54. Hi Kelli,
    Love the little fairy. She looks so cute in your kitchen window. You're lucky your kitty avoids that area. Our Vincent is not so well behaved!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.