Thursday, May 01, 2008

Welcome May!

May Day
"The merriest month of the year arrives bringing with it sunshine, birdsong, apple blossoms, budding lilacs, and longer days to enjoy life as spring's promise is finally fulfilled. Start the month off on a high note with the celebration of May Day!" -Mrs. Sharp's Traditions

The world's favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May.
- Edwin Way Teale

May Day
'But I must gather knots of flowers,
And buds and garlands gay,
For I'm to be Queen o' the May, mother,
I'm to be Queen o' the May.'
- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sweet April showers
Do spring May flowers.

- Thomas Tusser, A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry, 1557

I thought that spring must last forevermore
For I was young and loved, and it was May.

- Vera Brittain, May Morning


I climbed and I climbed to the top of the tree;
High up in the branches I stood.
Below in the field was a man with his plough,
And I called him as loud as I could.

He stopped, and he looked at the hedges and lane,
And no one at all could he see,
For he never once thought, as he wondered and stared
I was up in the top of the tree.

I swung and I swayed with the tree in the wind;
I was not afraid I would fall;
The maple seeds spread out their little green wings,
And nobody saw me at all.

K. Pyle

~*~Happy May to all of my friends!~*~


  1. Happy May Day to you too. You so inspire me with your projects. I made your mussie tussies with flowers this week for the kids. I will post pictures when I blog next. It has been a tough week here so haven't done much blogging.

  2. Happy May Day to you, too, dear friend! Hugs!

  3. Happy May Day to you, dear Kelli! And may your garden grow especially beautiful today! :)

  4. Kelli,

    What a delightful May Day post and a Happy May Day to you. I hope you have a wonderful day.


  5. Happy May Day to you, Kelli! I loved reading all the poems and looking at the beautiful pics. I just love May:o)

  6. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Beautiful May Post. I especially love the pictures anbd the poems.
    Happy Mothers Day to you!

  7. I just loved your pretty May post, Kelli! And the poem reminded me of my grandson climbing trees. :)

  8. Anonymous12:00 PM

    What pretty pictures and lovely sentiments!

  9. Lovely post. Happy May Day from Northern Ireland.

  10. HAPPY MAY DAY Kelli!!!

    Wish I could give you a bouquet of Spring flowers to celebrate!

    Hugs, Pat

  11. I've been hearing about these May Day traditions on a few blogs...never heard of it all before...
    we celebrated May Day on the 24th of May--The Queens birthday..since we're a colony of England I guess.Didn't know that MayDay was actually the 1st of may...and I like the little flower thingys ...oh mussie tussies..I think they're called..that you leave on someone's door..cute idea.
    thanks for praying for my mil.

  12. What a dee-lightful post! I see me in the first picture doing the may pole!

  13. ps..
    I just remembered that you're a transplanted I guess you probably grew up with the same Mayday celebration...? Maybe not though if you're from the East.

  14. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Happy First day of May to you!♥

    I may have to borrow the Queen of the May was darling as was the tree poem!

  15. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Happy May to you too, dear friend! What lovely pictures, thoughts, and verses. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I wish you and your lovely family a wonderful May!


  17. Happy May Day to you too Kelli. Have a blessed day. I will be back tomorrow to check out your show and tell. Take Care:)

    P.S. Thank You for leaving a comment on my blog:)

  18. Happy May Day to you too dear Kelli:-) I so loved all your pictures and quotes. Since reading all about the Maypole Dance, it's something I want to do now....wonder if I can make my own and dance around it tonight...make the neighbours think I've completely gone over the deep end! hehe xoxo

  19. Happy May to you, my friend! A very happy May to you! :-)

  20. Happy May Day to a Lovely and
    Talented lady! (hugs)

  21. Very pretty Kelli. Happy May Day, and have a great evening.


  22. Kelli ~

    I just spent some time catching up on your blog. As always it's filled with many delightful things. You look like you've got your garden going strong. And your card making ideas are just beautiful! Happy May to you and your sweet family! :o)

  23. Hello from Canada! You have a beautiful blog here!

  24. This is a delightful post with delightful illustrations.

    I did a Beltane (May Day) post last year but totally forgot this year. The reason: It was cold, cloudy, windy and nasty here on May 1.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.