Thursday, May 08, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Happy Friday! I have some new gifts to show you today. Recently, I participated in a homemade gift swap and my partner was LaTeaDah from Gracious Hospitality. May of you know her from the lovely Tea blog-a-thon she has been hosting. Here is what she sent me...

Two of the softest hand towels with gorgeous trim.

A pretty piece of needlework framed in a Victorian style frame.

I especially love the ferns and roses!

Some lavender handsoap and bodywash, a candle and a sachet filled the dried lavender.

The lavender is from LaTeaDah's own garden. I can't wait to try adding a little to scones and shortbread.

Since my bathroom is done in lavender with green accents, these gifts are perfect and I have already found a home for everything. Thank you so much, LaTeaDah!


Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

~*~*~Show and Tell idea for next week: Something that you have made.~*~*~

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


  1. What lovely things you got from the exchange. There is so much talent out there in blogland!

  2. LaTeaDah sure knows how to give nice gifts!


  3. What a nice swap gift! And it all matches your bathroom. I'm also jealous that you have such gorgeous strawberries. :D

  4. Nice gifts! I love the colors of the towels.

  5. Hi Kelli,
    Great swap gift! Lavender is one of my very favorite scents!

  6. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Oh, needlework framed in a Victorian style frame is just beautiful!


  7. Great gifts! The embroidery in the
    frame is so sweet and I love the
    fancy hand towels - ohhh so rich

  8. Nice gift especially the frame and flower,I love that.
    again thanks for your show and tell,hope see you there in my blog.
    come and see my strawberry:)

  9. Such lovely items you received from your swapping partner. I love swappin'!

  10. Kelli, I love your pretty gifts and the way that you have displayed them.


  11. The towels and the framed embroidery are realy lovely.

  12. I love your new gifts! The colors in your bathroom look wonderful together.

    Happy Mother's Day,

  13. Anonymous11:46 PM

    What sweet gifts! I love the towels, but I love that needlework especially. Roses are right up my alley, you know, and I love crafts and old-fashionedness.

  14. My hubby swears by lavender for a headache and also for those needing sleep! I can almost smell it just looking at your post! Blessings...

  15. Lucky you! What wonderfull gifts you received from LaTeaDah! And what a nice bathroom you have (I should keep the colour in mind...)

    By the way, I am sharing pictures of our new bee hotel today!

    Have a great Friday, Kelli!

    XoX, Anita

  16. Your gifts are beautiful. I wanted to let you know that I put my post on. And sometime, please tell me how you find out about the swaps. I would love to participate sometime, but they always seem to be over by the time I find out. Have a great mother's day!

  17. What a wonderful swap you received! And everything goes so well in your pretty bathroom. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  18. I'm getting 'error messages' when I try to post a comment.

    3rd time's a charm.

    Anyway, as I 'said' ---these items would be a fabulous fit in my master bath too. I have the same color plum wine with the lavender & dark green *hint*

    My show n tell this week, in honor of mother's day coming up, is some of my mom's cooking implements --all antique now.

    Have a glorious weekend.

  19. Those gifts are just lovely, Kelli. You have such a knack for displaying things so that it shows off the unique beauty of each piece.

  20. Oh Kelli, the towels are asbolutely lovely. And they fit in so pretty. Your bathroom is just lovely. And what a really nice gift! I am going to have to do a swap! I keep reading about them and I am missing out!
    Have a great weekend I am leaving for a convention down in Austin but I'll be back on Sunday and look at all the great Show and Tell's and see what your up to in the garden! Blessings,

  21. I love all the beautiful things from the exchange, but by far, my favorite has to be the delicate needlework. So pretty!

  22. Hi Kelli, I have enjoyed you showing us all of your pretty things..I think I have found out how to do the permalink.. check if I did it right..

  23. Kelli,

    What delightful gifts! They match perfectly in your bathroom. LaTeaDah has excellent taste! (and so do you!)

  24. What a beautiful gift1 I especially love the hand towels. They look great in your bath. I have plans to take everything out of our downstair half bath and re-do in there this weekend.

    I love the idea of a theme for Friday Show and Tell.



  25. I love what you did to your garden gate entrance. I copied the strudel recipe. I loved the setting for tea with your friend. My next home will definitely have a covered porch.
    How beautiful are all these Lavender pieces and the detail on the towels. Such a talented lady! I have a half wall like that in my bathroom.
    Mama Bear

  26. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Lavender is great. I recently did an all lavender bath, with candles and everything. It was priceless.

  27. What lovely things. Who knew blogging could be so much fun and you would meet so many interesting and talented people.

  28. Very pretty things and you displayed them beautifully. Happy Mother's Day.

  29. Your gifts are beautiful. Here's to the great choices made by La Tea Dah. Very Victorian.

  30. so cute come over to my blog to see
    my ruby slippers.

  31. Anonymous11:25 AM

    They are beautiful things you got from the exchange! I love the needlework and the lavendar looks heavenly! I love the smell of lavendar! Beautiful items! Have a beautiful weekend!

  32. That is so beautiful! I loved your idea, for a color theme, but just didn't have time to take and download pics. I'll be back next week though. I want to share my Mt. Saint Helens things and story!

  33. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Everyone else's show and tell posts have a show and tell logo. Where do I get that image link????

  34. Hi Kelli, I love all of your gifts .. I love the lavender accents...I never give up on trying my permalink... Please check if I did it right this time...thanks Baba

  35. Oh what beautiful treasures! Your bathroom looks great with the new items! Happy Mother's day! :)

  36. I keep promising myself that i will participate in a Show and Tell Friday, Kelli! Jopefully soon.

    You received such lovely gifts in the swap!

    Happy Mother's Day weekend!

    Hugs, Pat

  37. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Kelli the colors in your bathroom are beautiful and I know the gifts you received looks great in the bathroom, I love purple too, but I never throught about adding green and purple together I will have to try it. My husband give be a purple gift basket, and that is my show and tell take a look at my web page.

  38. What lovely gifts - perfect for you bathroom!
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  39. Hi, Kelli! How's everything down in south Texas? We are warming up nicely here! I agree with Dawn. There is so much talent in bloggerville!!

  40. Kelli I just couldn't stay away, so I decided to share my garden photos, just not the ones I wanted to share this week.

  41. Hi Kelli, What a nice gift you got. I love the lavender things you got. And I was looking at your other posts that I missed and I love that strawberry fabric that you bought. I can't wait to see how your aprons turn out:) Take Care Kelli God Bless!

  42. What fun! I know I am late to do this but I loved seeing your beautiful treasures! Such a lovely space in those pretty colors.

    I am so happy you visited me and left a comment! It helped me find my way to your blog! I love it here and would like to add you to my list of blogs! Would that be alright?

    Have a sweet weekend!


  43. You are very welcome for the gifts, Kelli! I'm so delighted that they fit perfectly into your bathroom decor! As you know --- I am crazy about lavender! Enjoy a great week-end and a lovely MOTHER'S DAY!


  44. What lovely gifts, the pictures look lovely. Thank you for your help with lnking to Show and Tell Friday.

    Sarah x

  45. Oh how pretty! thanks for the link to show and tell..I will use my post for this week ...i love seeing what everyone has to offer this week !

  46. What beautiful gifts! I love the hand towels :)

    Happy Mother's Day,

  47. Very nice!!

    Hey, do you have one of those Yankee Lemon Lavender candles - they smell wonderful!!!!!

    Happy Mother's Day to you!!

    (PS - I posted Elle's strawberry shorts this past week)

  48. What a lovely gift swap. I love those hand towels they look so luxurious. It all does match your bathroom so nice. I love the smell of lavender too.

  49. Beautiful little pretties! I love the lavendar! I can just smell it now. :)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.