Friday, May 09, 2008

Weekend Gardens

It seems I have been sharing gardening pictures every weekend lately. Thank you for coming by to visit and say hello!

I love to look for tiny and hidden things while working in the garden. Come along with me and take a peek.

Among the water garden rocks...

...a sweet violet enjoys the morning sun.

Near the garden gate...

Hen and Chicks
...hen and chicks spread quickly.

At the future home of our sunflower house...

Morning Glory
...morning glory seedlings sprout up.

In the garden box...

...lavender blooms sway in the breeze.

Tiny basil plants pop out of nowhere.

Bleeding Heart
In the secret garden...

Bleeding Heart
...the beginnings of a new bleeding heart!

A purple columbine bud...

...and a pink one!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Lovely photos - never seen a columbine bud before. Please post another pic when the buds open. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful.

    I'm really excited because my flowers are finally blooming. I was a little concerned after that late-April snow storm we had.

  3. Your garden is great. We have a veggie garden with squash, okra, sweet potatoes,tomatoes and cucumber and also lettuce in it. It was fun planting the seeds and transplanting it....I love gardens of all kinds.

  4. I am not sure I've seen a sunflower house. Will watch to see what you do with that spot. T~

  5. Wonderful pictures - your gardens are really coming along. I've always wanting to plant sunflowers but my husband has forbidden it! : ) (To farmers, sunflowers are weeds)

  6. I love seeing all the pictures from your garden. I had hoped to post some from my garden today, but it's raining, so I'll have to wait.

    You have a wonderful garden and a wonderful blog. Thank you.

  7. Lovely garden photos! Yesterday we spent the day at a botanical garden and today we've been busy working in our yard. So I'm really in the yard/gardening mood! This is inspiring! Thanks for sharing.

  8. great posting,Happy Mother's Day as well.
    I wish I coud get away with a sunflower patch.

  9. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Oh your garden is coming along beautifully. We went plant shopping this weekend and hopefully will be able to get out and plant them soon.

    God bless.

  10. I really enjoy the pictures of your garden on the weekends. It seems weekends are the only time I can spend time on the computer. I don't always have the time I would like during the week. I look at your lovely pictures and it inspires me to go outside and work in my own yard. I'm in Ohio and I guess I'm surprised we grow a lot of the same flowers here. Simply beautiful. I can't wait to see the sunflower house. Morning glories are one of my favorites.

  11. I wish I had a green thumb. It seems I always kill things. :(

    Very pretty!

  12. Oh I love always love your garden photo's I can't wait to see the sunflower garden.
    I am so sorry I missed the giveway though. I just got back from Austin. It was an amazing weekend! Thanks for coming by on Friday even though I wasn't home!
    Have a wonderful week.

  13. Anonymous8:17 PM

    You have a wonderful garden. I love your creativity and ability to create a little magic there. I really must spend more time in my yard. Maybe after next week!

  14. Anonymous12:24 AM

    They are all sweet new beginnings. I love it too.

  15. Ah, thank you. I feel refreshed. Watching things grow can be so relaxing. My morning glories look a lot like yours. :-)

  16. Your flowers look so pretty! I'm a little late in getting our garden (both flowers and veggies) going this year. But, it will happen! Thank you for the encouragement!

    Mrs. U


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.