Monday, June 02, 2008

"I Remember Laura"~My Special Quilts

I Remember Laura
Hello everyone! Today I am participating in Miss Sandy's Laura Ingalls Wilder Blog-a-thon. If you would like to join in the fun or visit the other participants, please visit her at Quill Cottage.

This week's theme is on one of my favorite things: Quilts!

Quilt rack
I started collecting quilts about 6 years ago and keep them on a rack in my bedroom.

I got my first quilt when visiting family in Tennessee. Sunbonnet Sue is my favorite block pattern.

This is a Southern Bell Sue.

I got this "bonnet" quilt in 2004 when I went home to Ontario, Canada. I found it in a little antique shop near the town I grew up in.

The back is made from old sugar sacks and is very soft.

This is my favorite quilt of all. Several years ago my sister and I went yardsaling together. At one of the stops we saw some quilts lying on the grass. The lady that was having the sale told me that her husband's aunt had made it about 20 years earlier. Her name was Audrey but she went by "Aud" and she lived in the Appalachian Mountains, in a cabin with no running water or electricity.

There are endless rows of tiny triangles, many of the fabrics are from the depression era.

I love the borders on the top and bottom of the quilt, too.


The same lady also made this sweet yellow and white baby quilt. Both quilts are completely done by hand.

This pretty quilt was made my my great grandmother, and was also done by hand.

Beautiful blue tulips.

Doll Quilts
My great grandmother also made my sister and I dolls when we were young and they each came with their own mini patchwork quilt. I will show the dolls later on in the blog-a-thon.

Thank you for looking at my special quilts and I hope you have a great start to your week!


  1. Wow - those are beautiful, and I love how you know some of their history!

    My fav is probably the one with the sugar sack backing.

  2. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Such beautiful quilts. I love quilts too and have made a pincushion as my very first project ; ) It's a logcabin patern.
    I love the new issue of Summer Delight, thank you so very much for the lovely ideas !!!

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    I to love quilts. I also love anything with a southern belle or sunbonnet sue on it. Your quilts are very special.

  4. You have quite a beautiful collection of quilts, Kelli! All so pretty, and full of history, too.

  5. Beautiful quilts. Many of your quilts have depression fabric in them. Bet you didn't think you had another theme going there?


  6. Your quilts are amazing! I can't imagine hand quilting- much less hand-sewing all of those little triangles together- I'd go blind! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see your other treasures this week!

  7. Those are so pretty. My grandmother made me a Sunbonnet Sue quilt all by hand, and when she started it I was about 6 and when she finished it, I was 18 or so. LOL. So of course when the time came it is packed away nicely, but you have me the idea of displaying it once I get it back from my parents in Canada.

  8. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I love your collection of vintage/antique quilts! Do you do any quilting yourself? You would probably really enjoy it... :)

  9. What pretty quilts you have! I am enjoying seeing everyone's posts.

  10. I linked to your blog from my blog. I love all these quilts. They are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these pictures.

    God bless you.

  11. How could that lady sell those quilts made by her husbands aunt!! She needs beating! What a piece of heritage!! I bet the aunt would be happy you have them since you appreciate them. They are all so pretty.

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Girl you have something to be proud of! I love quilts,but have only one and it isn't old.

  13. I adore your quilts Kelli, and the stories behind them are equally as precious. :) Sunbonnet sue is my favorite of all!!

  14. I love quilts too. I love the history in every stitch. I have several Scott's grandmother has made. And I have my papaw dub's. He passed away 4/06 and I got his favorite quilt....

  15. What a fabulous collection of quilts! I only have one; it was made by my grandmother who died many years before I was born.

  16. I have to tell you this, my daughter and I were looking at your magazine, which we absolutely love! And she said "mom if you ever meet her you need to get her autograph" I had to laugh. I am going to print all the magazines up for future use, Thanks Kelli and Phillip

  17. Your quilts are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them and their history.

  18. I come from a family of quiltmakers, so I especially appreciate all the hard work that went into each of your treasures Kelli. My grandmother made each of those patterns at one time...all except for the bonnet one. I've never seen that pattern before. It's very special to have one backed with the old sugar sacks. My grandma and aunts used to tell me stories of when they were young and without a lot of money. They used to buy their flour and sugar in printed calico sacks, and they tried very hard to collect enough of the same patterned material to make a dress, or a shirt.

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Oh how gorgeous! I love that sugar sack fabric! And I think I like the one with the tulips best. What treasures!

  20. I love your quilts, especially the older one made out of feedsacks. The quilt rack is a great way for displaying your quilts.

  21. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Kelli, I also love quilts. I have made several. I have made an African quilt, a "pink and zebra" quilt, a Russian quilt, and several patchwork potholders. I want to make the "denim chenille" quilt next. It's so therapeutic. I have also made a quilt that is mostly hunter Green and "forresty". I throw it over my futon most of the time.

  22. My you have put together a wonderful collections of quilts, and each with a special memory.

  23. Oh Kelli, such beautiful quilts you have and how wonderful that some of them were made by your own great grandmother!!! I'm so glad that you're the one who bought those quilts at the yard sale...they've certainly found a good home:-) At the estate auction I was at last Wednesday, there was a handmade quilt up for auction but it went way beyond what I could afford! lol xox

  24. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Kelli,nice colection of quilts.

  25. These are all such precious parts of history Kelli.
    They're all lovely, but the Sunbonnet Sue is my favorite.

  26. What beautiful quilts, Kelli. I come from a family of wonderful quilters, but alas, I am the odd duck. I have pieced two, but have never gotten around to quilting them. Maybe someday.



  27. Beautiful quilts. Thanks for sharing.
    Mama Bear

  28. Kelli, you have quite a collection of beautiful quilts. Thank you for sharing them.

  29. Lovely post. I always enjoy coming here. I still have to check out your Summer Delight section. Thanks for all your hard work that you share with all of us

  30. ?These were fun to look at Kelli. My Granny Susie was an avid quilter and I have one of her Bonnet Sue quilts. My aunt Donna is still stitching away at the ripe age of 81!

  31. Breathtaking! All that loving hand work fairly makes me dizzy. You have a wonderful collection, Kelli.

  32. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Kelli, I love your quilts. Sugar sacks are so soft. I inherited my mothers tea towels made of sugar sacks and I love them.

    My favorite of your quilts are the ones made for your dolls. So sweet and so precious.

    God bless.

  33. Kelli,
    I love your quilts! Quite a coincidence that you shared your Sun Bonnet Sue ~ my grandmother made one for me when I was a baby and I still have it. It is tattered and yellowed. I plan to make one for my two month old granddaughter, Sarah Michelle.

  34. Your quilts are just beautiful Kelli!!

    I have not tried the biscotti Creamer--but I have tried the Vanilla Caramel---pretty good--but I am just like you--I keep going back to the hazelnut...LOL.


  35. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Your quilts are beautiful. I can't decide which on I like the best. You have some really nice yard sales where you live.

  36. What sweet quilts! I loved seeing them all. Have a great week!

    hugs, Linda

  37. What a lovely quilt collection you have! They are all so beautiful and so old!

  38. Ooo! I love the one with the triangles too! What a wonderful story to go with your quilt. They all look so soft!

  39. Lucky Lucky lady!!
    I love the quilts they are so beautiful,I have made 2 all by hand myself so I know how much work goes into one.Love the Summer Delight!!

  40. "Aud's" quilt is just precious. I too love Sunbonnet Sue.

  41. Oh my gosh that is such a wonderful collection. So many ways to use them! You have taken such good care of all of them, thanks for sharing them with us!!


  42. I love all of your quilts, Kelli. The Sunbonnet Sues have always been so interesting to me as they have so much work in them, but that triangle quilt is really a piece of art.

  43. Oh my goodness!! These are all SO pretty!! How in the world could one ever choose a favorite out of all those beautiful quilts!!!

    Mrs. U

  44. Anonymous8:36 PM

    These are such beautiful quilts. The older they get the more story they have to tell, i love it

  45. I LOVE quilts! I come from a family of quilters, even though I can barely sew on a button. I've got several made by my grandma and mom. My most special one though is one that my grandma basted up the blocks for me (butterflys) when I was a little girl. I started embroidering them then, but stopped after a couple of blocks. About 20+ later I decided to finish them. After they were done, my mom hosted a quilting and she and all of her (5) sisters and my grandma quilted it for me. It's a real family treasure!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection!

  46. these are wonderful Kelli. Thanks for the B-day wish for my son. I am playing along in the blog-a-thon too !! Hugs, Mica

  47. I just love everything about Laura. Have you read the book of some of her published works as an adult? I love her sage advice that is still pertinent to today's world. If only I had the chance to sit down with her and glean more. I guess books are the next best thing. Lovely quilt collection.

  48. You have some many lovely quilts. It's quite a collection to pass down to your children.

  49. I love your quilts!
    I am thinking I must eventually get an armoire for my quilts...I have made quite a few! They no longer fit on a quilt rack...I even have a "shabby chic" Jenny Lind style changing table which I have filled with quilts. Of course in the winter a lot of them can be on the beds!

  50. Kelli,

    Your quilts are lovely. I love quilts and collect them too. I love your quilt rack. I have a sweet dusty blue quilt rack and quilt that I keep in our music room. I change the quilt with the seasons/holiday!

  51. What beautiful quilts you have! Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed the Sunbonnet Sue ones - so adorable!

  52. What wonderful quilts! It's wonderful, too, to know their provenance. The triangle quilt has the most amazing collection of fabrics I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing them all with us.

  53. Kelli,
    I love your quilt collection! The Southern Belle Sue is so sweet! How blessed you were to purchase quilts that you got the history of by whom and how they were made! The doll quilts are darling! Thank you so much for sharing and for participating in the blog-a-thon!

    Miss Sandy

  54. Anonymous5:12 PM

    YES, it is exact


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