Thursday, June 19, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today is Emily's 9th birthday! I asked her to pick out a few special things to share with you today.

Emily was born in 1999, so for her 1st birthday we had a Time Capsule themed party. All the guests brought small items to put inside: money, advertisements, letters, receipts, etc.

It will be fun to open in another 9 years!

My Nana gave Emily this tiny bracelet when she was born. Her name is etched on one side.

The other side says, "Nana."

Teddy bear
A first teddy bear from Grandpa and Grandma.

And finally, a pretty butterfly teacup.

Thank you for looking at my birthday girl's special things! I'll be back to share birthday pictures soon!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


  1. What a special Show and Tell! Happy Birthday to your sweet 9-year-old. What good choices she made and what good memories she has.

  2. Kelli I have an older son, but my oldest daughter was born in 1999February to be precise. I wish that I would have throught of doing a time capsule when all my children were born, That is really going to mean alot to your daugther when she does finally get to open it.... So many great memories, Have a blessed weekend.

  3. Happy Birthday Emily! This is
    such a cute idea! I saved some
    of those little things too, but
    didn't have the tin to store them
    in. Oh 9 more years 18! for Emily. Where does the time go? They grow
    up so fast right before our eyes!

  4. Giving a golden bracelet at the birth of a child is a use in many European countries. My son got one too from his Italian grandma. I find it interesting to open a gift only in 10 years, lol ! What a suspense !

  5. Happy birthday! They grow up too fast!

  6. Happy Birthday! I have a daughter named Emily, too. I esp. love the teacup!

  7. Happy Birthday Emily....and celebrate your day with many sweet moments...
    today is a special day for me too....27 Years ago I married the best of all...Today five years after his death I am thinking about a wonderful time with the whole family....I see my children running with daddy along the beach and laughing.....I remember..
    Kisses and big HUGS Barbara

  8. First of all, Happy Birthday, Dear Emily! I hope you had a great birthday party yesterday!

    I really like the idea of that Time Capsule, Kelli! Yes, what fun it will be to open it in 2007!

    I'll be back soon to have a closer look at your lasted garden picutures.

    Have a wonderful Friday!

    XoX, Anita

  9. Kelli...please add Mimisgarden.blogspot to the show and tell. She posted and I Mr. Linky once for her and it messed up my linking. Thanks so much...Ceekay
    Happy Birthday to your daughter. She has some precious keepsake items.

  10. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Happy Birthday, Emily!! I have to tell you I just love that bear! It looks so cute and cuddly! The time capsule is a really neat idea! Though it would be so hard to wait to open it! I love that Emily's and Nana's names are on opposite sides of the bracelet.

  11. That bracelet is so special - I have a charm bracelet from when I was around 9 years old from my nana and I'll always treasure it! Happy Birthday.

  12. Happy 9th birthday to Emily! I have a '99er too! :-)

  13. Happy, happy birthday Emily! Thank you for sharing your special treasures with us.

  14. She's a beautiful girl with a lovely name. And her time capsule treasure is such a fabulous idea.

    Happy 9th birthday to Ms. Emily!!

  15. Good morning, wishing a special "happy 9th birthday" to Emily..what a neat gift of the time capsule.also Nana's gift given to you as a baby is so sweet.Have a super day.

  16. Happy Birthday to your dear dd and thanks so much for sharing your wonderful treasures with us with grown children. Great memories!

  17. What special things!! I love the idea of the time capsule. Never saw anyone think of that before. So clever and special!!!

  18. Happy Birthday, Emily! Such lovely favorite things ~ your butterfly teacup is beautiful, and I love the idea of your time capsule. What fun that will be to open when you're 18!

  19. Happy Birthday Emily, and thanks for sharing your things!
    i'm sharing a photo I took this week!

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I like the time capsule. My parents and I put one in the wall frame of our old basement before finishing the basement. That was in 1986

  21. Happy Birthday Emily! What a wonderful show and tell, a time capsule, I will have to do that for my granddaughter! Your teacups and plates are beautiful :)

  22. What a cute post. I hope I'm around when the capsule is opened. It will be fun!
    Emily is a pretty young lady. Happy Birthday Emily!!!

  23. Happy Birthday, Emily. Thank you for showing us your special treasures. A time capsule is so exciting!

    Have a wonderful birthday!


  24. Happy Birthday Emily!!!

  25. Happy Birthday, Emily. My daughter will be 9 in July. Great idea with the time capsule. We have a family one buried at my in-laws backyard. We open it every ten years. So fun!! Great post. Have a great day. Julie

  26. Happy 9th Birthday Emily. You are a special little girl and so pretty, too. You did a good job picking out items to show today.

  27. Thanks for sharing these things with us,Emily, and Happy Birthday.
    Mama Bear

  28. happy birthday to emily.

    what great things to share today. i think the time capsule is really beat and such a cool idea. it will be fun to open. wish i had done something like that for my kids.

  29. What an interesting post. I love all the things, especially the lovely bracelet. What a neat idea the time capsule is. Won't it be hard to wait that long to open it? I guess I'm impatient.

  30. Happy 9th Birthday Emily. Love all of her treasures.

  31. That's a very special idea for a baby's birthday party. Happy Birthday Emily! I enjoyed seeing all the things she wanted to share.

  32. Anonymous11:20 AM

    That is a great idea! Maybe I could do that for my kids 10th birthdays.

    Thank for hosting.

    I'm showing off my bedspread/quilt today.

  33. Happy Birthday Emily!!! I hope that you have a lovely day..What a wonderful show n tell that was..;-)

  34. Happy Birthday Emily! Thank you for sharing some of your treasures with us!

    Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. TJ

  35. Love the time capsule idea.
    Thanks Emily for sharing your treasures.

  36. I am new to blogging and discovered your blog via someone else's. After reading your post I wanted to wish your Emily a Happy Birthday! How much fun it will be to open that Time Capsule in another 9 years! That is such a great idea!
    I have something special that came to my mind as I was reading your post. Thanks for jogging my memory!

  37. Oh Kelli...this was wonderful!
    And close to my heart because my oldest daughter is about to turn nine in less than 2 weeks! 1999 was a good year! ;)
    What a wonderful idea to have a time capsule for babies...I wish mine would have had that!
    And love all the other special treasures she has, too!
    These will be wonderful things for her to hold dear through the years!

    (I just posted a minute ago- very late getting in on Show and Tell this time!)


  38. Have a wonderful birthday, Emily! My Grace will be 9 near the end of July. The idea of the time capsule birthday was really a good one.

  39. Happy Birthday Emily! I like your show and tell choices - just think, if you were in a classroom, only 25-30 other kids and one teacher would see your special treasures - this way your show and tell is for all the world to see and enjoy! How fun! I hope your day is filled with blessings!

  40. Happy Birthday to your sweet Girl--how pretty she is!

    I love the time capsule--how neat.


  41. What a sweet show and tell! Happy Birthday to Emily!

  42. Kelli,

    That is a lovely Show and Tell. I really adore her bracelet and I'm sure that it is something that she'll always treasure.

    Happy Birthday, Emily!

  43. Lovely! Happy Birthday and lots of happy years to come!

  44. My Emily just turned 9 too. Happy Birthday to your Emily! What a special way to keep her memories.

  45. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Happy Birthday to the birthday girl, she really looks happy, being a year older ; )
    I love the gifts she got when she was little, that little bracelet is so special.
    I hope she had a lovely day.

  46. Anonymous6:07 PM

    That is such a cute dog.
    I love animals so much!!!!

    I looked at your fairie garden it is so awesome. I love fairies to!!! today I made a fairie house with the help of my mom and dad. I needed help with the saw. I love making fairies houses. We do it all the time. We are just going to add on to this one though because it is awesome. It is the best we have ever done. We are keeping it forever. I will get some pictures of it and others scanned on my blog tomarrow.

    By the way I am 12.
    I hope that does not bug you. I am also a friend of miss. Dawns from ~The Featherd Nest~
    I was just thinking you might now her. Well bye.


  47. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hello from Germany!
    ..and belated birthday wishes to Emily!!! Our son is in the same age, he will turn 9 in September! :-) We are a German-Scottish family and very much in country style decoration and shabby chic..

    I always love to read the "Show & Tell" Friday on Anita's Blog and from now on I like to share my personal "show & tell" with you, my friends. I hope my English is not tooo terrible, we speak more German than English at home.

    All the best to you,

  48. What a wonderful idea...a time capsule will mean so much to her. I have collected things from my kids as they were growing, and it means alot to them that I have.
    You are doing special things that make special memories!
    Your, Mary

  49. Your time capsule party was a great idea! My son was born in January 2000, a bit late for such a thing! :-)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.