Monday, September 15, 2008

Pear Honey

Jars of jam
I spent Saturday morning in the kitchen making Pear Honey. I heard about it from Janet's Journal several months ago and finally got around to making a batch.

Pear Honey
It is very sweet and will be wonderful on toast and biscuits.

Jam Cover

~Pear Honey~

Yields 12-16 half pint jars

8 cups (about 3 pounds) peeled, cored, and chopped pears
One 20-ounce can crushed pineapple with syrup
10 cups sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Mix all ingredients and cook until pears are tender and mixture thickens, approximately 30 minutes. Place in sterilized jars and seal while still hot.

Jam Covers
For the jar toppers, I traced a cereal bowl onto fabric and cut out the circles.

Pear Honey Tags
Made tags using cardstock cut with decorative scissors and a gold bee stamp.

Pear Honey
Then attached them to the jars. Most of these jars will be for Christmas gifts and I'd like to can a few other things, too.

Thank you for taking a look and I hope you all have a great start to your week!


  1. Perfect! I have been wondering what I could do with the pears now ripe on the tree. Plenty were canned last year so didn't need to put up any more this year. I didn't want them to go to waste (or all to the deer who clean them up nearly as soon as they fall off the tree) and wanted to use them in a new way. Thanks for the recipe and the idea for the lovely toppers and tags! I will be right on it tomorrow! :~}

  2. That sound so yummy! And the jars look beautiful!

  3. Kelli, your finished jars look great. I just called Mum in to have a look at them. The pear honey sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. Hi Kelli -

    I've loved catching up on all your autumn-related posts. This is my favorite time of year, too. It may be close to 100 degrees here in southern CA, but I've got Fall on the brain!

    The pear honey sounds so yummy, and your jar decorations are just darling. They’ll make charming and very-welcomed gifts this Christmas.

  5. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I love pears and I love honey. I would never have thought of marrying the two. This is a fabulous idea! Many thanks!

    Ali H.

  6. That looks sooo delicious! I love how you decorated the jars as well!! :)

  7. Wow, that looks wonderful!

  8. Kelli,
    I have never heard of pear honey. I can't wait to try it!! I think it would make a wonderful gift. I'm glad you and your sister were safe durring the storm.
    Love Kerri

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sounds really good and it looks so pretty! I know I'd love to receive something like this (those tags are so cute)!


  10. It looks wonderful. Maybe I will try this.

  11. I bet Danny would love your pear honey. He makes pear preserves that everyone says is know I dont like fruit....chocolate there is a thought!!!!

  12. I have been putting up pears for a week. Although, I have not done pear honey. I still have a lot of pears to go and will have to try this one. They are beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Yummy and beautiful. I am just catching up with you. I'm glad to hear that you and your family are all right.

  14. What a beautiful presentation! The tags and fabric on the jars are fabulous, Kelli!

  15. Oh this looks so yummy.
    Beautiful presentation too.

  16. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I love how creatively they're presented!

    I am glad you all are safe, too. I have family in the Houston area -- they lost power but had no other damage.

    I have a little award for you today!

  17. That sounds delicious, Kelli. My mother used to make pear jam and it was my favorite! I think the recipe was very similar to yours.

  18. What a lovely and beautiful gift to receive. The bee tag and fabric top make it so perfect.

    Glad the storm did not do too much damage around you. It certainly did enough damage in other areas.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Hello Kelli! I received your lovely letter on Saturday! Thank you so much! I love your pear honey and the labels for them. I am hoping to make some strawberry jam in the next few weeks before the strawberry season is over. Hope you are doing well!!

  20. How yummy...I love pears!

  21. It must have been the day for pears! I was making pear butter on Saturday with 10# of pears that a friend gave us from their own tree. They were too mottled and small to bother paring, so I washed them well, cored them and made some pear butter. It isn't as pretty as your honey, but it is yummy! I am so glad you are all well - we survived the winds here with just a little damage - south of us was much harder hit. Today we are doing storm reports for current events.

  22. I think we got all the rain up It is very wet. The Honey looks delicious..and the jars are beautiful. I cant wait to see what you create with all your fall stuff. I am glad your sister is okay and that you all faired well.


  23. Those jars look too pretty to open! :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  24. Kelli,
    Those jars are absolutely beautiful.
    I bet that the contents will taste delicious, too! Thanks a bunch for sharing with us!

  25. Kelli, you're too much! I love it! I can always count on you to be up to something spectacular.

  26. Oh my word - I've never heard tell of such a thing. It sounds so yummy and the pictures you took are amazing. I also like the tags you made as they add such a nice touch.

    Blessings - Debbie

  27. Kelli, the Pear Honey sounds so good and on biscuits...delish. The jars look so pretty what a lovely gift....handmade and from the heart are the best gifts ever.
    I really enjoyed your candle display...neat idea the frame into a it...hugs, Linda

  28. that sounds sooo good. Love how you put them together, too. I sure wish I was on you Christmas list-LOL!! julie

  29. I honestly don't think I can visit your page without being inspired to do something! LOL...

    Blessings to you!

  30. Not only does it sound yummy, it looks great! Glad you had a productive weekend and are safe!

  31. Hi Kelli,
    This looks yummy and will taste so good in the cooler months. Pears are very reasonable here right now.
    I'm so glad to hear that the storm missed you and all is well.

  32. This is just great Kelli. I have talked Harvey into planting a pear tree next year. While it might take awhile before it bears fruit, I have copied out the recipe in hopes of a bountiful harvest one day.

    God bless.

  33. Anonymous8:46 PM

    The honey looked yummy!!!! And I love how you have decorated the jars!

  34. Oh it looks so good Kelli :) And I love the presentation, it's just too cute :)

  35. Thanks so much for sharing this post. What great neighbor gifts!!! And the presentation with the beautiful jars...perfect!


  36. You've been a busy lady. The jam and the jars look so appealing.
    So glad you were all spared any damage from the storm.

  37. Anonymous9:43 PM


    Thank you for sending folks over to my blog. I have never had so much traffic in one day! :)

    I am so glad you tried the Pear Honey. Your jars and tags are simply beautiful. Who would not love to get a beautiful jar of them for Christmas?

    Thank you for such a wonderful, beautiful blog!

  38. Anonymous9:57 PM

    I have never heard of this but it sounds yummy! What a great Fall treat.

  39. Oh, I want to try this!

    I wonder how it would work with agave nectar instead of sugar. Hm.

  40. Your pear honey and the jars are works of art. The pear honey looks delicious. The tags that you made are so creative. What a wonderful gift they would make.

  41. Sounds delicious! I should put it in my September notebook...that way I can try it by next September!!! Thanks for sharing.

  42. Hi! My name is Jenny and I am passing on the “I LOVE YOUR BLOG” award. If you want to know more about it, please visit my site ( I have been a frequent visitor of your blog and I am blessed to have found you. You are a blessing!

  43. I love the packaging on this... the bee stamp is just perfect!

  44. What beautiful labels! I know the honey will make a delicious and charming present...
    BTW, "The Secret Life of Bees" movie is due to come out this month.
    Don't know if you read and liked the book, but I'm sure the movie will be a visual delight.

  45. Good Morning Kelli;

    Your kitchen looks inviting for the autumn season, cozy for a cup of tea/coffee and sharing with friends.

    I enjoy reading your blog, and have tried several of your recipes, look forward to trying the Pear Honey this weekend.

    I have also tried the Gingerbread coffee, it is very good, but I have a question---is the mixture supposed to increase in size? I am assuming that is because you add the baking soda, just wondering, hoping you can clarify for me.

    Thank you again for sharing.

  46. Hi Kelli,
    Your kitchen looks so cozy! I love the ribbon on the candy jars..I might have to try that as I have purchased "harvest mix" twice already and it's only September! I think your little squirrel salt and pepper shakers are so cute..almost as cute as the bear ones I found over the weekend! Where did you find your bee stamp? I've looked high and low for a "vintage" bee stamp, without success thus far. Your pear honey looks wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!

  47. That sounds amazing...but I wonder what would happen if I replaced some of that sugar with Spenda. Do you think it would change it in a bad way...?

  48. Everything's so pretty. I especially love your the corner with the Nature plaque and the candies. :)

  49. This sounds very good Kelli. I love how you've decorated your jars, and your kitchen looks so pretty decorated for autumn. I was just thinking about your love of acorns the other day. It's going to be time to start hunting for them here soon.

  50. Dost mine eyes deceive me?? I don't see honey in the ingredients! What a neat recipe and fantastic way to use pears!!

  51. Kelli, Kelli, Kelli -

    First of all you show us Pear Honey - two of my favorite flavors - and then you have those gorgeous tags!!! I just love them.

  52. Kelli, Kelli, Kelli -

    First of all you show us Pear Honey - two of my favorite flavors - and then you have those gorgeous tags!!! I just love them.

  53. What a grand way you decorated your jars. I have that Paula Deen cookbook but never noticed this recipe in it. Hmmm...I guess I wasn't looking hard enough at it. I have a huge can of pears and Janet gave word that she thought these could be used just fine so I am definitely going to put this on my list of goodies to make this week. I too would use them for Christmas gifts.

  54. you've made the jars look so beautiful. I've made pear jam with the sure jell, but never pear honey. I might give it a try, I've got pears coming out of my ears. They were little this year because we never had a frost on the blooms and they haven't had much rain on them. But they are still good, even though they are so small.

  55. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hi there Kelli! I am new to your blog and love it! I started out by finding all your homemade cards and it just went from there. I have made the banana bread, blueberry bread, skillet lasagna and just last weekend I made the Pear Honey! So delish!!!!! Love it! Found the greatest material and made super cute tags. My coworkers and friends will love it! Thanks so much for all of your info. Love your site!


  56. would this recipee work with canderel other than sugar for a low fat version ???

    Id love to try something like this but if its too heavy on the calories il have to pass it up myself but maybe try it as gifts for friends :)
    wendy xxx

  57. I have never heard about "Pear Honey" It looks delightful. What do you use it for? I just made a large batch of homemade Strawberry Jam". I am looking for fantastic and beautiful decorating tips for my jars. I want to give them away for the end of the school year Teachers gifts. Any ideas? Visit my blog at...

    Take Care,
    Love the post!
    Belle Chose Home

  58. What a wonderful looking recipe. I will keep this on file. I just made a wonderful batch of Strawberry Jam, I am looking for creative new ways to decorate my jars. Any ideas.

    Best Regards,

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Can you use a fresh pineapple instead of canned? It sounds unbelievably good!!

  61. I love your site. You are certainly a kindred spirit. I'm making the Pear Honey right now.

  62. wm cooper8:17 AM

    I am from the old school,and I will be giving a jar of this with some home made bread as gifts,I am sure I will be asked for more.Thanks so much and take care.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.