Sunday, September 14, 2008

A quick update

Door stop

The storm ended up missing us at the last minute. It drizzled all day and we hardly got any wind. My sister lives in an apartment (in Houston) and already has her power back on! Thank you so much for all your prayers!


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Thant's good to hear:) Gill.

  2. Oh Kelli, I'm so glad to hear that. I've been worried about y'all so much. My heart and prayers go out to those people who weren't as fortunate in the storm. BTW, did you get lots of "crafty" things done? :)

  3. Good news from you, Kelli. Our prayers continue for those who were less fortunate. I love the picture of the pumpkin doorstop! ~Adrienne~

  4. PTL!!! Bet you're glad!!!

  5. Wonderful news...Praise the Lord!

  6. Praise the Lord! I'm so glad you're fine and that your sister is fine, too! How wonderful she has her electricity again! Have a blessed week!

    God bless you ~ Julie

  7. So glad to hear the storm missed you--and that your sister is well, too!

  8. I have many cousins in the Dallas area, so I knew you were fine :D

  9. Kelli,
    Glad to hear you are ok. My Aunt and cousins are in Houston, and they did ok. They are without electricity, but otherwise all is good. We said prayers this morning in church for everyone affected by this terrible storm. A few years ago, Isabel did a considerable amount of damage here in Virginia. We were without electricity for over 3 weeks, and the phone was longer than that, but looking back, we made a lot of memories and took life a little slower, did alot of reading and real talking to each it wasn't all bad. Hope you guys dry out soon!

  10. So glad all is well. Mimi

  11. Kelli, I am so glad that you are okay. Your sister has her power back on already!! Truly amazing.

    This weekend I worked in the garden and when I tried to get on my blog, Blogger had deactivated it. So....I started a new one. Didn't want to miss out on any of my blogging friends doings.

    God bless.

  12. Glad to hear you and your family are all safe.

  13. I was watching the news today about Ike and all of a sudden remembered reading on your blog that you were from Texas, so I had to check to see if you're affected. Glad there is good news on this post.

  14. Glad the storms missed you!
    We slept through a stormy night here.We we went out this morning, lots of tree branches were down and the storm drains are full!

  15. Kelli, I'm so thankful that the storm missed you and that your sister is safe and the electricity has been restored.

    Your new autumn banner is lovely. I hope you have a blessed week.


  16. yeah! What great news!

  17. Thanks for letting us know that you're o.k. I've been thinking about you and Revee all weekend. I'm relieved your all safe. :o)

  18. This is good news Kelli! I'm glad you are all safe and sound.

  19. So glad to hear this!!!

  20. Thank You, Lord!
    Thanks, Kelli, for letting us know so quickly how you're doing.

  21. Kelli,
    So glad that you and yours are all safe and sound. Have a great week!

  22. That is great news, Kelli. But so many there need our prayers and help.

  23. I'm so glad that you are safe. :) I love how God watches over and protects His children.

  24. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Glad to hear you are well, watched footage on TV and glad to say we very rarely get storms like that here.

  25. I am soo glad you all are OK Kelli! :)

  26. I have worried about you and Revee and Patty...wondering if it would affect yall. I'm glad it didnt and I am glad your sister is ok. Hard to believe she has power already. We are some blessed people aint we!!!

  27. So glad to hear you are ok Kelli! Unfortunately we are getting hit by skyrocketing gas prices due to the hurricane and we are in Tennessee!! At least that's what they say they are blaming it on--and most of our stations around town do not even have gas--it's scary!!

  28. I'm so glad you all were safe and sound. It was a terrible hurricane.

  29. Here in the DFW area all we got was wind and rain from Ike. No power outages or damage.
    I stayed up all night and watched Ike make landfall (online as we don't have TV) as I am fascinated with hurricanes and tornados and I would keep yelling to the hubby 'Ike is only 45 miles from landfall' or 'He's almost there!'. :-) Don't think the hubby cared at 2 a.m. hee hee.


  30. Hi Kelli, I am glad to read that you and your family are ok. I heard on the radio this morning that some of the people in Texas will be without electricity for weeks. Thankfully we do not have hurricanes here - I am afraid of storms.

  31. What a relief about the storm! If you want..come check out my blog to see where my youngest dd, two friends and I got to go this past weekend!

  32. Glad to hear she has power again. It is so frustrating for the area down here. although the power people are working so hard to restore things and are doing a great job at it. But Hurricane Ike was not fun to go through but the aftermath is even harder to deal with.


  33. I am SO glad to hear you've been spared the horrendous battering from this thing, I was worried about you all.


  34. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I'm so glad you are OK !! I didn't realize you were in the middle of it !!!
    Have a great day !!

  35. Now that's good news!! Praise the Lord!


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