Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tea Staining

Thank you for stopping by and for your comments on my fall living room! I love seeing your fall decorations, too.

Tea stained linen
I found two pieces of cutwork linen at a yardsale awhile back and wanted to use them on my entertainment center.

The bright white didn't seem to work well with my fall decorations, so I remembered hearing about tea staining and looked up some instructions. Here's what I did:

Tea bags
Poured boiling water over 10 spiced chai teabags and let them steep for 20 minutes.

Tea stained linens
Removed the tea bags and let the linens soak from 5 minutes.

Tea stained linens
I squeezed out the water and put them in a dryer for a few minutes.

Finally, I ironed them. I love the delicate shades of soft brown.

It didn't take long at all and now I'm looking around more other things I can tea stain!

Autumn book

Autumn candle

Thank you for taking a look. Have you ever tea stained anything?


  1. hey Kelli! LOVE your fall lights, and tea- stained doily. I havent ever done a tea stain, but was seriously thinking about it. I will have to try that soon. Happy FAll!

  2. Yes, I have tea stained before. I did it on a doll I made before having kids, a quilt I made and a party invite once. It is so easy and I love the antique feel it gives. Happy Fall season!


  3. Kelli,
    It is so beautiful! The only thing I've stained from tea is my teeth. ;-)

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Hi Kelli! Your doily turned out great! For our wedding favors, we gave ivory bud vases with a rose in it to each guest. We had tags on them, but the white did not go well with the vase, so we tea stained them and the look was perfect.
    Happy Fall!

  5. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hi Kelli, No I have never tea stained anything but I have heard of it. Everything looks lovely.

    I tried your recipe for Gingerbread Cupcakes last night. They were delicious. Your mention of "Anne of Green Gables" made me want to watch my series again but I have loaned them out and can't remember who took them. I am sad that they were never returned. :-(

    Have a good day. Debbi

  6. What a great idea with the tea staining!! I will have to remember that one for the future, it's awfully simple!!

  7. The tea staining is a great idea. I will have to try that soon. :D

  8. Oh what a great idea. I usually only tea dye fabric for certain projects. I am not as smart as you. I would have never thought to do that. Great idea. I so can't wait till I get my camera problem straightened out!
    Thanks for all your great ideas.
    Have a great week. Isn't the weather beautiful?

  9. Kelli,
    I did the "tea stain" thing many years ago, when I was teaching Sunday school. We were going to make scrolls and I stained the papers to age them. I had not thought about it in years.
    Have a great day! :)

  10. Hi Kelli,
    Yes, I have tea-stained before -and it was on doilies also. I agree that it softens the stark whiteness of cloth when you want a change. We drink sweet tea (yes even way up here in Wisconsin:) everyday. I knew the effect it would have due to children spilling tea on my tablecloth over the years or sopping up a spill with a kitchen towel. Live and learn...:)

  11. I love tea staining. I especially use it on stained vintage linens I pick up at yard sales. When you tea stain it, the old stains disappear into the new color. I also love the Mary Englebreit autumn book :) I'm missing one season of her set. I think it's spring... I keep trying to find it at thrift stores, but haven't had any luck yet.

  12. No, I've never tea stained anything, but after seeing your beautiful results I want to:) Everything looks just lovely!

  13. Sorry, Kelli- this is Linda - I just realized that my daughter "Manda" was signed in on blogger from last night, so my comment was sent under her name.

  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Not on purpose! LOL

  15. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I have always wanted to learn how to do this! Thank you!! :)

  16. Kelli, thank you for introducing me to tea staining! I really enjoyed looking at your fall decorations. Incidentally, I'm STILL drooling over the cupcakes you posted the other day.

  17. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Hi Kelli!

    I love your tea stained doily! I never heard of this before. I seem to learn something new everytime I visit your site. :)


  18. Thanks Kelli for the Inspiration once again. I have some really sorry looking cut work curtain toppers in my Bedroom that need a New Look, and this will be perfect for them. I'm off to make some strong Tea!

  19. Your decorations are beautiful. My mother actually tried the tea dying on a pair of lace curtains and they turned out really well also. Have a great day!

  20. I have never stained anything with tea on purpose, but your cloth turned out great. Thanks for sharing that idea with us. Have a beautiful day.

  21. Really enjoy your blog! You have given much inspiration for fall decorating. I usually don't do too much, but after looking at your blog decided to go ahead and decorate. Fall is by far my favorite season although we don't experiance much of one here in Florida. Where did you get the small pumpkins that fill your candles jars? God bless you and your family this fall season.


  22. I haven't tea stained, but I do coffee stain fabric and sometimes use vanilla or other flavor which makes it a nice stain but also gives it a really good scent :)

    Love your doily :)

  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I made a dress with bloomers for one of my girls. I dyed the bloomers and the lace that I put on the dress with tea. They turned out really good and really gave the dress that old fashioned look.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hi Kelli,

    I haven't tea stained anything, but I have coffee stained (which is the same except you use coffee and it gives a slightly darker stain).


  25. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Everything looks really sweet!

  26. I can't get over how cute your lamps are with the berries. I'm going to have to steal (borrow) this idea. :-)

  27. I have not tried tea staining, but I picked up some stained linens at a yardsale (for free) and am thinking that rather than attempt to bleach the stain out, I may just set more stains in. I'll have to look at them again and figure out how dark the original stain is.

    That does look great! Oh and I got the apron yesterday, Thanks! Your Fall card is so pretty it's displayed on my credenza.

  28. I have never intentionally tea stained anything! I think it was a great idea, your linen mat looks lovely. The lamp looks beautiful with the berries round the top.

  29. wow, what a great idea! I never knew you could do that!

  30. Just stopping by to leave my first comment on your site - of which I love! I found you by way of Melyssa (wifeymom.com) and I'm hooked. Love your home and your writing!

  31. I have done some tea-staining and it works beautifully (except for the unintentional staining when I spill a cup on the carpet!). I haven't tried it yet, but I've read that you can also use herbal teas (hisbiscus) and it will stain items a lovely pink.

    Thanks for sharing your fall decorations - isn't Fall in Texas the most wonderful season?

  32. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Ooh, I have been wanting to know how to do this for a long time. Thank you!

  33. Great idea to soften the look of things so they coordinate with the decor.

  34. I've never thought of tea staining anything....I have heard of it tho. I like the tea stained look much better. Kelli I love those acorns too.

  35. Hi!
    Love your tea stained linens! Actually I have tea stained an antique crochet tablecloth. It was quite by accident though as my tea pitcher shattered just as I was setting it down on the table. I was devatated! After a few tears, my then little girl said "I like brown lace, it looks like dirt" well who was I to disagree...to this day, we love our "dirty" tablecloth! I also LOVE the Mary E books..they are one of my favorites! Thought I'd let you know too that you have a namesake:) We had a little baby born last night named "Jonathon Kelli" He's a fair skinned blond little bundle of awesomness. It's fun to see all the amazing handiwork and uniqueness that God gives each baby that is born. Just another perk of my job! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work! Deb

  36. Yes, I have tea stained--I love to do that. Lately I have used RIT DYE and like it better--less messy and stinky!! Julie

  37. Kelli, I've just now had a chance to look at your recent posts. Everything is so beautiful, welcoming and artfully done.

    Love, Nancy

  38. All your ideas are so great. I am trying a few of them. Have a great Fall.

  39. Hi Kelli...thanks so much for stopping by...everything looks so pretty...I love the tea staining...so simple with such pretty results...I love your use of candles...those who know me are familiar with my fondness of candlelight. ;)


  40. The only thing I've ever tea stained is my teeth. HAHA. Just kidding!
    You make everything look so pretty and you find the best yard sale bargains.

  41. Love, love, love all your Fall decorations!!! Your living room looks so inviting and how I wish I could be sitting there sharing a cup of tea with you:-) What a great idea to use tea to "dye" the doilies, I love the way they turned out. xoxo

  42. Kelli,
    Your fall decorating makes your home look so warm & cozy! Years ago when I had craft booths in 5 different locations I tea-stained alot. Sometimes I would stain muslin pieces, dry in the dryer, & then create my mini quilts or prairie dolls. Wow, does that bring back memories! :>)

    Carol * in Oklahoma

  43. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Hi Kelli,

    I just found your blog and WOW - I love it! Your fall decor looks wonderful and I too, love to tea stain fabrics. It works great on paper as well to give it a nice aged look. Thanks for the great idea!

    Now I'm off to check out your recipes...the cinnamon bun scones in particular...mmmm!

    Have a blessed evening,

    PS-I hope you don't mind if I added you to my blogroll. I'd love to come back for another visit!

  44. I have two runners with beautiful embroidery on them...I love them, but they are bright white which just does not go with any thing in my house. They will be tea stained by tomorrow afternoon!


  45. I've tea stained embroidered stuff before. I bought a bed skirt that is black and white checked but I want it black and off white so I am going to tea stain it and see what happens. Mimi

  46. Kelli: I'm home now and like your blog name "there is no place like home!" Nice getting away but even better getting back home. I am catching up now on blogging and I think that your living room looks dvine and you must come over and now re-decorate mine! I love the idea of tea staining linens! While I was in Belgium and Venice there was so much linen and lace ..you would have love it! Pricey but lovley I think I may have taken a photo of a window and I shall post at one time after I've edited the many taken! a weary traveller..aNNa

  47. Hi Kelli,
    I haven't tea stained anything, but my Aunt made my wedding dress and on the back of my dress were faux pearls that she soaked in tea to stain them antique white. They came out beautiful as did your doilies! What a great I idea.

  48. I've always wanted to try tea staining, but never have. Your projects turned out beautifully!

  49. Anonymous4:15 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Anonymous8:22 PM

    My girlfriend loves tea staining her doilies too, and sometimes, she accidentally stains our carpets too. But that isn't a problem, since I know where to call for a carpet cleaning (Orange County, CA based cleaners) service here in our home town.

    Thank goodness for the abundance of the Orange County carpet cleaners, that way, everyone with carpet problems can be attended to.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.