Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall Living Room

Living room
I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to begin a new week. I have some pictures of my fall living room decorations to share with you.

Autumn candles
I made a simple table runner with a single layer of hemmed fabric.

Autumn candles
The candles are set in popcorn kernels!


Pumpkin Lantern
I have some special things on my hearth. My friend, Tina Leigh gave me this pumpkin lantern last year.

Fireplace hearth

Sarah Ban Breathnach's Mrs. Sharp's Traditions opened to the September pages.

Fireplace mantle
When decorating the mantle, I started with the leaf garland.

Fireplace mantle
Then placed the larger things like the topiaries and candles on each end.

Fireplace mantle

Fireplace mantle
I tucked small pumpkins and beads in the empty places.

Fireplace mantle

A cake plate stand with mini pumpkins and candles on the entertainment center.

Autumn candles

Autumn candles

And lastly, I added beaded garland to the top of the lamps.

All lit up for a cozy fall evening. Thank you for taking a look!


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Hi Kelli! It is all very lovely. Hope you and your family had a cozy week-end. I think you did with all the beautiful decorations, the yummy cupcakes and the tradition of watching "Anne of Green Gables."

    Have a good week. Debbi :-)

  2. Your family room is so warm and inviting, all dressed up for fall. Take care.

  3. Very pretty! I love it all. You are so talented. BTW, we have almost IDENTICAL end/coffee tables!

  4. Love the idea about using popcorn kernels to hold candles. Also I love that ceramic pumpkin. Fall looks so pretty at your house!

  5. Kelli,

    Your living room looks so beautiful and inviting.

    Love, Heather

  6. It is very pretty Kelli. Thanks for sharing it. The mantle is so beautiful and the book is a great idea.

  7. I love your autumn decorations. What an original idea to place candles in corn kernels!

  8. It's all gorgeous, Kelli! Happy Autumn!

  9. Okay, I'm officially jealous of your talent! :-) I love the popcorn idea and never would of thought of that. Very beautiful, Kelli!

  10. Everything looks beautiful Kelli!!

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Oh Kelli - your house looks amazing and oh so cosy too. Its sucha warm comforting space to come home to!
    Thanks for alerting me about mrs sharps traditions book... I have that book in the library and forgot about it - so thanks for reminding me about it...I am off now to go look at it. Its spring here but I am doing autumn displays as I miss them so much from when I lived in the UK, and your blog reminds me of those times and off course inspires me to at the same time!

  12. Love your cozy living room!!

  13. Anonymous7:02 AM

    How pretty everything looks. It is warm and cozy :) Just like I think fall should be.

  14. Hi Kelli -
    Your living room is so pretty. You have added just the right touches. Thanks for sharing it with us. You've inspired me to hurry up and get mine done!

  15. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Hi Kelli,
    Everything looks so lovely and cozy! I'm going to be a 'copy-cat' and get out Mrs. Sharp's Traditions book and turn to the September page too! Great idea!
    Thanks for sharing the photos of your beautifully decorated home!
    Have a delightful first day of fall! Is Anne of Green Gables on the docket today! :o)

  16. So pretty....I love the idea of the popcorn kernels. :D

  17. Hi Kelli,my name is Shelley! Your home is beautiful. Very lovely Fall decorations. Nice to meet you.....

    Blessings, Shelley

  18. I'm doing mine inside today. Yours is so inviting...I love it all. Y9our mantle is great and I really loved the beads....girl you know how to decorate it up.

  19. It is very cozy and inviting!!

    I love the popcorn kernals in the candals - I've seen candy corn before too. I do cranberries in the springtime and red hots at February! :-D

  20. Beautiful!

    I also do a similar cake stand deco. My favorite!

  21. Good Morning, Kelli,

    Your home is beautiful! How cute is that popcorn kernel idea? Your mantle is amazing. The attention to detail, wow.

    Your living room is perfect for snugglin' on those crisp Autumn evenings. i just love it.

    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Hi Kelli! It's me, Debbi, again. I was the first one to comment on this post but I was just looking at your fall living room again. I saw the little house in the mantle with your name on it. That is so sweet. Just wanted to tell you the "house" would be my favorite thing in your living room. Does it have a special story behind it? I would think that it did.

    Happy Monday! :-) Debbi

  23. Hi Kelli! I am behind 20 posts here but enjoying every one... your house is so cozy, love coming here. Wishing you a great week!

  24. Kelli I have the wagon you gave me on my fire place mantel loaded with the Fall potpouri you gace me!(I kept it in a plastic bag and it still smells good) It will always remind me of you. Everything looks so cozy there. Package and I put a good bit of Fall decor out last week. I took some pictures but havent posted them yet. It was 67 degrees here this morning and as I sat out on the porch...I could here Fall in the wind. The wind is different when its Fall. The only thing I will miss about Summer are the humming birds. Just a few here and there at the feeders these days. They are like my children...I miss them when they leave home, lol.

  25. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Kelli, you have so many wonderful seasonal decorations. Someday I would love to read a post about how you store and organize everything!

  26. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hi Kelli, I really love all your fall decorations in your living room! It looks delightfully cozy! I'd just love to curl up on that sofa and read and good book and have a cup of tea!

    Love the popcorn in the candles and the garland on the tops of the lamps and Mrs. Sharp's opened to September (I LOVE that book)!


  27. So pretty! You are very creative and you have a beautiful home. I am so glad fall is here! Hope you have a blessed week!


  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    What a wonderful way to welcome fall. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. I just linked to it on my blog.

  29. It all looks so cozy and comfortable. Makes me want to sit down with you and have a cup of hot apple cider. :)

  30. Very warm and cozy! Enjoyed the tour! Hope you have a wonderful day! nancy

  31. It looks great. I love looking how others decorate for Fall, gives me so many ideas!! Like the popcorn kernals in the glass candle holder. Very cute and stylish :)

  32. Just beautiful! So cozy and inviting. I love Mrs. Sharp's Traditions. I need to check it out again at the library!

  33. Anonymous11:18 AM

    One of the items I love most is that little "Autumn" sign! Also the berries on the lamp shade. Everything looks warm and inviting.

  34. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Popcorn kernels??? Where do you come up with great ideas? Your harvest home looks very inviting!

  35. Your room is so lovely! I want to know how you keep the carpet so clean!

  36. So pretty and festive Kelli!!
    Love the corn kernels in the candle holders! Thank you for sharing photos of your lovely home.

  37. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Kel.. it is beautiful,but then I knew it would be. You make me wanna leave work and go home! I miss it so bad. I feel so far behind.
    I could sit here and look forever!

  38. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Beautiful Kelli! Fall is my favourite time of year! I love your decorations! Thanks for sharing! :) Hope you are enjoying a beautiful Fallish day!

  39. Anonymous1:16 PM

    As always....beautiful!

  40. Kelli,
    All that I can say is Beautiful! You are so talented and you certainly are inspiring me to decorate more.
    Thanks a bunch! :-)

  41. Kelli hi. You really have good ideas and you have inspired me to once again get motivated by the seasons. I wasn't able to for a time, but as I visit so many decorating blogs, and your is one of the best, I get inspired to start again. Thanks a lot. Oh and I went and bought some cream cheese so that I can make those cupcakes.

  42. Your fall living room looks amazing. Everything looks so cozy and beautifully decorated. I especially like the shiny pumpkins and the pottery Winn house. Thanks for showing your lovely home.

  43. Once again, everything is beautiful! All you need now is for it to get cold enough for a fire in the fireplace! have a great week

  44. Hi Kelli,
    You living room is both beautiful and inspiring!

  45. Your decorating is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing (& inspiring) me again! And the Candle/kernel idea is brilliant!

  46. Anonymous2:21 PM

    That's it, I'm moving in....

  47. Looks so cozy! :)

  48. Anonymous2:41 PM

    That's awesome. I have always felt more alive this time of year.

  49. Your house looks so pretty all dressed up for fall!

    Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


  50. Your house is lovely.

  51. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Very pretty and warm, Kelli!

  52. Oh how lovely! I adore all your decorations.
    Just a question: do you have a small kittycat that LOVES to nibble on your decorations?? I have one, my dear naughty Elvis! I have put some decorations on my coffee table and he just loves to jump (he is not allowed!) on the table and nibble on the acorns etc. lol, I laugh because it is a bit funny too, but I would LOVE to be able to put some nice decorations in my mantle, but am afraid he will attack them too.

    Any hints?? LOL!!

    Hugs from Marian

  53. It's so wondeful to visit your blog and to be inspired. I did finally get my Autumn decorations out of that suitcase and I am so glad that I did. I have decorated my kitchen and I couldn't be happier.

    I have begun to living room and diningroom as well. Thanks for all of the inspiration Kelli.

  54. Anonymous4:41 PM

    your house just looks so cozy and warm.
    and now I am in search of some candle holders that I can put popcorn in! what a neat idea!

  55. Happy First Day of Autumn, Kelli.

    I love Anne of Green Gables. What a lovely tradition and those cupcakes look scrumptious!

  56. I love your fall living room and I LOVE Mrs. Sharps Traditions. It's such a fun book.

  57. Everything just looks beautiful, Kelli. You are so artistic and talented.

  58. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Hi Kelli,

    Beautiful - your living room is certainly looking VERY fallish!

  59. Your house is fixed up so cozy & pretty . Sue

  60. Hi Kelli, Your living room is just fall fabulous! The wood paneled walls are very pretty! It is hard to pick a favorite of your fall decor! :) The room is very cozy and inviting! The gingerbread cupcakes with lemon frosting sound yummy! I will have to try some of those! ~Rhonda :)

  61. I have enjoyed your pictures of all the fall decorations at your house! So cozy! It's fun to see this because I am living overseas where it's the same weather pretty much year round. I can easily forget that it's fall in the North. :) But I miss it and it's fun to see someone's decorations to get me in the mood even if the weather here doesn't. :)
    I also love your recipes. I have a couple I want to try here soon.
    Libby in Peru

  62. Beautiful home, Kelli! Your fall decor is just so warm and relaxing looking it makes me wish I could drop by for tea!

  63. As always...your home looks so beautiful and so festive. How soon are you available to come and help me decorate our home??? *grin*


  64. Your mantel is just beautiful. The wood paneling on your walls is gorgeous. You have such a lovely, cozy home. Mimi

  65. Kelli,

    Your living room is so cozy. I love what you did to the lamps. Your mantle looks gorgeous. I wish I had a fireplace to decorate. :-)

  66. Kelli, your living room looks so beautiful and inviting. The candles in the popcorn are a great idea.

  67. What gorgeous decorations. YOu are so good at decorating. Your home is so warm and cozy!

    xox Sharon

  68. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Hi Kelli!

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm so honored to have you had you look at it. :) I love, love, love your website and check it everyday for something yummy or heartwarming. Thank you so much. :)


  69. I really like the berry garland around your lamp - it looks very cozy!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)

  70. Your Fall living room looks lovely! I especially like the idea of setting candles in corn kernels rather than pebbles. What a creative idea!

  71. Beautifully done, Kelli. Your home looks so warm and inviting. You are so talented and share so much.

  72. Beautiful decorations! Such a warm and cozy place.

  73. Everything is so festive! I like the mantle best.
    Mama Bear

  74. Your hearth and mantel look so pretty with all your decorations. I love the kernel corn in the candles and all your other displays.

  75. Your home is lovely! Now where do you store all these beautiful things? I have an attic that big as my house where you can walk, Its full of Christmas,crafts, and the girls childhood toys. What I love most of all is your carpet! I miss carpet, we had it at first but living in the country, We took it up and just use the old pine heart wood floors with area rugs.

  76. I love your decorating!

  77. Anonymous7:32 PM

    You have such a beautiful, cozy home :) I love the popcorn kernals idea, I never would have thought of that!

  78. Anonymous9:07 PM

    SO pretty! I used bird seed around my candle. And my 8yo dd and I stripped three dry ears of indian corn to surround another candle. Such fun!

  79. It looks so cozy!! I've often thought of buying that book on traditions, too. It looks interesting!

  80. hi kelli....thank u so much for sharing all this with us...
    ve tried many things at home n simple things become special...

  81. Hello Mrs. Kelli! I was browsing for ideas for Fall decorating and came across you site! I am so thankful! You have a beautiful home and it's decorated so lovely here!

    I would like to share a link to your post with my friends, if I may. I am putting together a post of a collection of decorating ideas and tips and things for this fall. Would that be agreeable to you? :)

    Blessings in Christ!
    ~Miss Rachel~

  82. Kelli, how warm and cozy is your
    living room. You have decorated it so beautifully. I love Fall, it's my favorite time of the year, and I love your Fall decorations!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.