Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend Chit-Chat

Thank you to all who joined in for Show and Tell and also for your comments on my entryway picture and decorations.

We had friends over for dinner last night and had a fun time together. I made oven baked ribs, baked potatoes, Caesar salad, pita chips with spinach dip and pico de gallo.

Acorn squash
We also had one of my favorite fall dishes: acorn squash with butter and maple syrup.

Choco hoto pots
I made choco hoto pots for dessert, but forgot to add the eggs, so it was more like chocolate concrete!

I had to pour boiling water in the bowls and scrap them out with a spoon, which gave me a blister. So, if you try the recipe, be sure not to forget the eggs!

I am happy to see some of you have joined in the weekly paper crafting meme. I put together an example of the weekly prize: A blank notecard, envelope, scrapbook paper, stickers and ribbon. You have all week to participate, so be sure to take a look!

And finally, I'm adding labels to old posts, so if you see them popping up in your bloglines, that's why. I hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. That looks like a great way to prepare acorn squash. I'm going to try it. Take care.

  2. I love acorn squash and right now I have a lot of butternut squash ready to pick and save for winter. Hope your dinner was fun.

  3. Yummy...this looks very delicious. I bet your guests did enjoy the meal!

    Have a great day, hugs Britta

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    The recipe for the baked ribs looks good. I'm printing that one.
    Your table looks beautiful. I love the fall look.

  5. Hi Kelli -

    Your dinner menu sounds wonderful! I'm glad you had such a good time with your friends.

    Mmmm... Baked squash - love it!

  6. Your dinner menu looks delicious and full of wonderful fall touches!
    Your poor finger! ouch!
    As always thanks for sharing so much of what you do Kelli!

  7. So sorry about your blister, but I'm sure the choco pots tasted good regardless of not having eggs.

    That acorn squash look SOO good! I'll have to give it a try now that they're in season. Thanks for the idea! BTW, your table spread looks lovely!

  8. Yum! Looks delish Kelli. I can smell that acorn squash.

  9. Kelli,

    I so enjoy your blog...all of your recipes are always so enticing. Wanted to share that I made the pear honey this week for a brunch we were having - sent it home with all the ladies! What a hit - and SO yummy!! My jars were not as cute as yours but I'm working on it - thanks for all your ideas. I always like to stop by.


  10. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I'm interested to know how you serve the acorn squash?

    Thanks in anticipation.

  11. Kelli,
    Your dinner looks lovely. I will try some of this. I always pick up some nice ideas from your place.
    Thank you for always sharing.

  12. Sorry about the blister, but the food should sounds good. I love acorn squash...usually make it with brown sugar and butter.

  13. OUCH! Be careful....Hugs, Mary

  14. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I just bought an acorn squash on Friday - I've never made one before. So sorry about your blister! I once forgot to add sugar when making pumpkin cookies and thought I'd be able to sprinkle some on top - it doesn't work the same!


  15. kelli,
    Hello I am new to the blogging scene. I have came by your way thru Debbie @ ribbonwood cottage(Love her site!)I am so glad that she recommended me to come see you. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I baked your Cream Cheese Bannana nut bread recipe for my family and it was delicious!!I will be recommending your site and this recipe to all my friends. Thanks again. And I will be back.

  16. Your squash looks nummy, it's my favorite way to cook it :). I have one from the farmers I need to bake it up that it's cooler here. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Kathi :)

  17. With the exception of your blister everything looks wonderful. Acorn squash in the fall is always the best. I hope your finger heals quickly.

  18. Thanks for keeping it real and showing that everything doesn't always turn out picture perfect! :)

  19. Ouch your poor finger Kelli. Hope the burn did not hurt too much.

    God bless.

  20. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Looks yummy to me,but I have never seen you do anything that wasn't. My two HUGE blisters finally popped and hurt so bad.

  21. Looks like a great meal, Kelli! Sorry about your finger. :(
    Thanks for sharing with all of us!

  22. I've never had acorn squash, but anything covered in maple syrup and butter has to be good! Certainly looks delicious in your pics! Your entryway below is beautiful! The wreath is so pretty! I have a set of those little birds. Aren't they just precious? Hope you had a great weekend! ~Rhonda :)

  23. Your acorn squash looks delicious.

  24. Anonymous11:11 PM

    HI Kelly, I agree with Lura....thanks for showing us that things aren't always picture perfect. That was my thought exactly....but your picture of your dessert was perfect.

    Have a blessed week. Debbi :-)

  25. I'm glad I'm not the only one to occasionally omit ingredients :-o I'm sure the chocolate concrete tasted great all the same!

  26. Kelli, I had to laugh at you forgetting the eggs! I wonder if Martha Stewart ever forgets.

  27. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Beautiful! But, honestly, I'm just here to say that I'm excited to see another Kelli-with-an-i in the world. :)

    (Kelli from

  28. Poor thing! I hope your finger is better. I bet you won't forget the eggs next time. :-)

    I will have to try making the acorn squash that way. Yum!


  29. I love acorn squash! It is my favorite fall food. And reminds me that I have sweetmeat squash that I need to use before I lose it!

    Take care of that finger! I'm always burning or cutting myself, so I can understand.

  30. Your dinner sounds delicious, Kelli, dessert and all! :) I wonder if you could have served ice cream with the dessert. That might have softened things up a bit.


  31. Hi Kelli,
    Could you tell us how you make the acorn squash? How long to bake, do you add the butter and syrup after baking, etc. Thank you - I'd love to try those soon. So sorry about your poor finger!

  32. Mmm, that acorn squash looks delicious! It's my favorite squash.

  33. Aw, poor, Kelli, and I can't believe you forgot the eggs. Everything looks delicious, especially that squash.

  34. I LOVED baked acron squash served the way you serve it. Unfortunatly, I am the only one in the family that likes it. :(

  35. Your journal is so lovely and everything in it.
    Love Jeanne ^j^



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.