Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Celebrate October!

Listen! the wind is rising,

and the air is wild with leaves,

We have had our summer evenings,

now for October eves!

-Humbert Wolfe

My favorite month of the year is here!

O suns and skies and clouds of June,
And flowers of June together,
Ye cannot rival for one hour
October's bright blue weather.

It's time for pumpkins, apple cider, falling leaves, freshly baked pies, hayrides, and cozy sweaters.

Today I'm going to celebrate with a cup of hot tea. Constant Comment is a favorite flavor and Cinnamon Stick is delicious, too.

I have my old October issues of Victoria to look through.

There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots
may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on
the feelings, as now in October.
Nathaniel Hawthorne


October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
George Cooper, October's Party

Apple fritters
And I will bake a special treat.

~Apple Fritters~

2 cups self rising flour
3 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs well beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups tart apples, chopped

Sift together dry ingredients. Gradually add beaten eggs and milk combined. Refrigerate batter for about 2 hours. Stir in the apples. Drop by tablespoon into hot oil and fry until golden brown. Roll in powdered sugar or a sugar/cinnamon combination.

Benjamin brought me three acorns on Sunday.

Which reminded me of fabric scraps that have been buried in a box for many years. The girls and I have been having fun with an oak leaf and acorn fabric craft. I'll be sure to show you when we are finished.

What are some of your favorite things about October?


  1. What a marvelous post to ring in your favorite month! It is definitely cause to celebrate!

  2. Anonymous3:39 AM

    After December, October is my favourite month of the year!


  3. I can't believe it is October already! Except for the shorter days....I just love it! :) I love fall and all the things that go with it!!!! I hope you have a wonderful start of the month Kelli!!! xoxo

  4. My very favorite, is the first pot of homemade chili on a cool night! Ahhhhh! Plus, I love pumpkins, football, mums, pansies and hot Dr. Pepper with a slice of lemon.

  5. This is my favorite month of all, too! Thank you for the recipe.

  6. I cannot wait to see what you girls create! I love the post and your inspire to get out my magazines too. Lovely photo's.
    BTW come by today I left you a little present. Please take it with hugs.

  7. Anonymous5:46 AM

    What a cozy post! October is a great month here in Georgia - it finally starts feeling fallish all day.


  8. Woah. We put up the same poem today. How funny is that? Constant comment is my favorite.

  9. I love the smell of Autumn in the air, the crispness the air seems to take on in October, the emergence of colorful leaves, and the bounty of pumpkins!

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I love this post Kelli. I think the colorful leaves are probably my most favorite thing I love about October. That's when the colors are out in our area.

  11. Anonymous7:27 AM

    What a beautiful post, Kelli!!! Thank God it's October 1!! This is by far my favorite time of year.
    My favorite things about this month-
    The first cool fronts of the year.
    Having to dress up in costumes for two whole weeks at work.

  12. I love October! My favorite month as well. :D

  13. Happy October! :)

    My favorite thing about October is the changing weather. Here in the hot south, it is nice for a bit of a change.

    And of course all the wonderful smells and sites of fall.

    Pumpkins, cinnimon, apples, candles burning, etc.

  14. October is my favorite too! Wonderful to be back visiting your home again! Those apple fritters look wonderful!

  15. I love Halloween and the nice cool weather. I love cooking my autumntime dishes and starting to look towards Christmas. October is a fabulous month :)

  16. Beautiful post, Kelli! October is such a beautiful month. I love tradition of our kids shaking the apple tree out back and baking apple pies. Maybe some apple fritters too this year:)

    Linda C

  17. Happy first day of October. Your blog is filled with beauty.

  18. Yay! October is here! This is my favorite month too, our wedding anniversary is the 9th, my sweet husband's birthday is the 21st and of course Halloween.

    PS: Hubby has asked for some banana bread, I think I will try your cream cheese banana bread this week. :)(((Hugs)))


  19. I like October so much because I have a lot of good memories and good reasons for liking it - as I say on my blog.
    But even if I had not sweet memories about it, I would like October because, as I can't stand summer, I see this month as a liberation time. I feel so relieved. I like the fresh hair, the return to cardigans, the falling leaves, apple pies, the cosiness of home, staying in the sofa with a blanked when I see a movie, hot chocolate...
    So many good things.


  20. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Isn't this the best time of year!?! It is my favourite too! I love making pumpkin bread, going to the mountains to see the fall colors, raking up leaves, and baking & more baking!! Enjoy a beautiful fall day today!

  21. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I've enjoyed looking at all your october moments and autumns and those of some of your commenters...oh so different to ours! I enjoyed the memories it evoked though.

  22. I can't wait to see what y'all are making with that gorgeous fabric!

  23. I love October too! You did a good job of capturing all my favorite things. Another element that I love about this time of year is all of the church harvest festivals and craft shows. There are a few around here this weekend and I'm looking forward to it! As a child I loved October because it had three celebrations for me. My birthday, my younger sister was born, and then Halloween. This also starts "birthday season" for us. We have a birthday to celebrate every month from now thru April...let us eat cake! Thanks for such a beautiful start to the day! Blessings!

  24. I love the colors of October.
    I love watching the local kids collecting acorns and conkers which have fallen from the trees right outside our door.
    I love the excitement in the run up to Halloween.
    I love the warm sunny days which will not return until Spring.
    I enjoyed your post. The apple fritters look delicious.

  25. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The Wind!!!!

  26. Again, you captured it beautifully!

  27. My most favorite thing is that my daughter's birthday is at the end of October. I waited all my life for her and she is a wonderful gift and blessing from the Lord. She has brought so much happiness to my husband and I!

  28. Thanks for that lovely post, Kelli. Tell your son the acorns are so pretty!

  29. Hey, Girl!
    Lovely post!
    Happy October!
    Mmmm! Apple fritters!
    I can smell them all the way over here!
    Hope this finds you doing very well.

    My computer has had a few glitches.
    I hope to participate in Friday's event this week.


  30. Hi Kelli, I love Fall too. It is so colorful and the air smells clean & fresh. And Fall baking is just what we need to make the house smell delicious & cozy. Have a great day

  31. This is my favorite month of the year too. I love the cooler, crisp days that both invigorate, and make me want to curl up on the sofa with a good book. It is the month that finds me making the transition more to indoor activities like crafting, cooking things that require a bit more time in the oven or atop the stove, and....... I love pumpkins!

  32. Happy October!, Kelli!
    a favorite month of mine too!
    All is beautiful here!
    Blessings to You!
    Claudia O.

  33. Beautiful post! I am finding many people consider October their favorite month ~ including me!

  34. My new passion (for this month, at least!) is acorns! We don't have any around us. :~{ A friend of a friend is suppose to send me some acorns from New York. I want to try Martha's Acorn Pincushion. I can hardly wait to see what you and your girls come up with!

  35. its so hot here right now..Waiting for cool breazes to visit...
    have a great day..

  36. I absolultely LOVE Fall, and like you I'm excited. I think November is my favorite month though, because of Thanksgiving.

    I believe that I need to send you some Market Spice Tea (from Pike PLace Market in Seattle) that just screams Fall to me.

    My most favorite thing is the smell in the air. That crisp leaves, woodsmoke, and apples that all blend together. The apples are probably due to living in apple country, but we also have a lot of vineyards, and grapes just don't smell like fall to me :)

  37. I really enjoy visiting your blog and the feelings for the seasons that you convey. Thanks!

    My favorite thing about October is that it's soup weather. Soup is my favorite, and now I can make it as much as I want--every day this week, in fact!

  38. Yum, Kel! Your posts always make me starving. ;o)

    I think I'll brew up a cup of hot tea right now since Grace is asleep(FINALLY!) and you've given me the wonderful idea!

    Have a blessed start to October, Kelli and family!

  39. P.S. My favorite things about October are football and chili! Actually, watching it with my hubby, daughter...and, yes, homemade chili.

  40. Kelli, what a lovely post. October is my month too. Those apple fritters look inviting and delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. You're such a kind soul.

  41. Hi Kelli -

    What a lovely way to say "hello!" to October! Thanks for the quotes, poems and photos.

    And thank you, too, for the apple fritter recipe. I just bought a deep fat fryer this past weekend, and fritters are on my list of things to try. Your recipe sounds perfect!

    I hope you'll visit my blog and enter to win a book I think you'll enjoy. Happy October!

  42. I am so hungry for an apple fritter now! lol Thanks! =O)

  43. Very nice post Kelli. October is my favorite month as well. There are a lot of people who visit your blog that love the same month. Happy October and thank you for sharing. I'll have an apple fritter. I made the cupcakes and they came out delish, but didn't look half as good as yours. Thank you for sharing.

  44. My favorite things about fall..all of them. I love fall. I love the cool crisp air..the smell of cold days to come, I love the colors, the sounds.

    Very pretty pictures and the apple fritters look delicious!


  45. I love all of your fall decorations. October is a great month around here too. It is a jump start on all of the busy, wonderful months ahead.

  46. Anonymous3:35 PM

    One of my favorite things this year is seeing your beautiful blog posts and photos. I'm so blessed to have found your blog.

  47. October has always been one of my favorite months of the year. My wedding anniversary, birthday and my baby's birthday all are in October.
    I had some tea this morning in a pretty china cup, too.

  48. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Hi Kelli! You are truly inspiring me into enjoying the simple, beautiful things in life. I thank-you. Debbi :-)

    P.S. What month is your birthday in?

  49. I like the cooler weather, the donuts, the beautiful leaves and all the smells of October. Julie

  50. Anonymous5:28 PM

    What a lovely post! The pictures are wonderful and enough to make anyone who doesn't care for Fall rethink! I can't wait to try your apple fritters...I think I'll do that this weekend..yummmmy!
    Your post makes me smile.
    Have a lovely evening.

  51. Pooh said it best of Autumn when he described it as "The time of hot chocolaty mornings and toasty marshmellow evenings". (The Search For Christopher Robin)

  52. What a beautiful post! The apple fritter photo made my mouth water. :)
    I love October's weather without humidity, bright blue skies, fall leaves, hayrides. I love it all!

  53. Beautiful photographs, as usual! Do you take all your own pictures? They look like they should be in a wonder you started your e-magazine! :D

    Although spring is actually my most favorite time of year, I do like autumn...the coziness of it all! But I can't believe it's here...especially with our warm weather here in Oregon we've been having. I still almost feel in summer mode!

  54. Anonymous6:59 PM

    A wonderful post with many lovely photos! This is my favorite time of year too.

  55. Happy October to you my friend:-) I had a huge smile on my face when I turned my calendar page this morning because like you, I so love this time of year. I've copied the Apple Fritters recipe and will be making them this weekend, they sound and look sooooo good! xoxo

  56. Love all the things you listed and the beautiful photos. Funny, I just had Apple Fritters this weekend LOL

    Have a great day,

  57. What a visual feast for the eyes! Kelli, all your pictures are gorgeous! Wish I could decorate like you.

  58. I have got to make those apple fritters, they look so GOOD....

    love your blog

  59. Thanks for the recipe Kelli. Sounds yummy! Fall is definitely my favorite time of year too.
    I'm having a 100th post giveaway over on my blog - come join the fun!
    I really LOVE your blog, by the way! You've done a great job with it!

  60. Lovely tribute to October! Autumn is absolutely my favorite season, although December is my favorite month. I love your photos!!!

  61. Anonymous10:19 PM

    My FAVORITE things about October are my little man's (now 7 YRS. OLD) birthday, which is today the 1st and my birthday on the 29th. All sweaters and all things warm and cozy.

  62. I LOVE almost everything about October. Even the name is cool!! LOL

  63. I'm so excited. I am going to add my Halloween things to my Fall decorations now...It will be so fun.

    The mountains are alive with color. I'm loving it.


  64. Mmmm after seeing your apple fritters, I think I must make some for us next week! They remind me of what Mom used to make for breakfast sometimes when I was a child. I know my husband will love them.

  65. Kelli, I've just read your previous post, too and - talk about "eye candy"! Your home is breathtakinly beautiful. It just gets better and better! I just love the white ceramic pumpkins. There is something so elegant about them.
    Benjamin sure found some great acorns! And your morning glories are truly glorious. All of your photos are genius!

  66. love it all, but that white table runner is my most favorite. Its hard for me to get in the fall, I am going to therapy twice a week in a heated pool that stays 92 degrees. But do love all the fall pictures and food.

  67. Autumn is my very favorite season and October seems to embrace Autumn more than any other month. I love waking up to the crisp fall air, seeing the leaves change and fall, watching the squirrels scurrying near and far preparing for the long winter months. I adore the colors of fall and in October everywhere you look you are blessed with those yummy colors. In October I begin to dig out those warm comfort food recipes and I am able to sit and savor my favorite flavors of coffee and tea. If you add some wonderful classical music to that mix, I am one happy mama. Heck, I even enjoy cleaning in October!
    LOVE your decorations!!! I am so inspired to really take the time to transform my home as I see so many of you all do. Yours is especially lovely.

  68. Hayrides and apple games here locally...the leaves and all their beautiful colors...long cool walks with Scott...pumpkin pies and scarecrows....caramel apples and chili parties....those are my favorites for October.

  69. Hi Kelli,
    I only come over about once a week to visit, nowadays. But when I do, my mind is blown by the gorgeous and creative things you are presenting. You are such an inspiration and so very clever. I just "oooh" and "ahhh" my way through the posts. Thank you for being here to encourage homemakers and lend our humble profession the beauty and respect it so richly deserves.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.