Thursday, October 02, 2008

Homemade Card

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my Morning Glory pictures and for sharing your favorite things about October with me. Also, thank you to everyone who joined in last week's paper craft meme. I decided to draw *two* names and the winners are Jennifer and Melyssa! Email me your addresses and I will get your prizes in the mail.

Homemade card
I had a lot of fun making this Autumn themed card.

Blank notecard
You will need a 5" x 5" notecard.

Homemade card
Cut a 4 3/4" x 3 1/2" rectangle of scrapbook paper and glue to front of card, as shown.

Homemade card
Cut a 4 3/4" x 1 1/4" strip of coordinating scrapbook paper and glue to front of card, as shown.

Homemade card
Add stickers, stamps, or other embellishments.

Homemade card
Glue lace along paper seam. I used hot glue.

Homemade card
Tie a ribbon knot or bow, overlapping the lace.

Homemade card
Send to a friend!

~More Homemade Cards~

New Weekly Feature: Post any kind of paper craft (card, bookmark, tag, banner, journal, etc.) on your blog between now and next week and come sign Mr. Linky. Next Thursday, I will draw two of the names and the winners will receive supplies for a homemade card: blank notecard, envelope, and an assortment of scrapbook paper, stickers (or stamped images), and ribbon.

I hope you will join in the fun and thank you for stopping by!

Links are now closed. Please join us next week!


  1. Oh look. I was the first to link up. I hope you like the projects that I worked on this week.
    I am planning on working on some cards from some of your tutorials next. I still have some place cards to finish but the greeting cards are coming soon.
    I can't wait to see everyones posts.
    Have a Blesed Day.

  2. Hi!
    I am new to your place. Would love to show off some of my cards I have made. You can see them here:

    Just click on Sherrie's Stuff and it will take you right there. Take Care!!


  3. Good morning, Kelli! Some way or the other, I bumped into your blog the other day - and I am sure it was meant to be! I just love your blog! The wonderful pictures, your lovely homemade cards, your recepies and much, much more.... I`m a Norwegian teacher-mom and blogging is a way for me to relax and get my energy back. The reason I love to browse US blogs, is that I`m planning to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. I`m therefore hoping to find some ideas on what to cook and so on. I will be following your blog, and you are of course welcome to mine! It`s in Norwegian, but you can look at the pictures! I can asure you, it`s different from Texas...

    Wishing you a blessed day!

  4. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Hi Kelli,

    I'm not sure if the budget art I just did qualifies? I may make a banner so I'll probably link that.


  5. Hi Kelli,
    I love the cards you have been making. I enjoy seeing all the different ones that are made by others you have inspired too. Thanks for all the creative ideas:)
    Love Kerri

  6. How very cute! I love this new weekly feature! Blessings!

  7. That lace is adorable, Kelli!

    Okay, you should totally Etsy these. ;o)

  8. Hi! What a lovely card! I'd like to make something like it to send to a friend. I'm a homeschooling mom of six that just happened to stumble upon your blog this morning. I have spent a lovely hour enjoying myself here. Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    How cute! I love that your doing this.

  10. Hey Kellie....I am new to your place but have you on my favorites. I love this place and you share so many different things which I love.
    So I am going to try and make some cards this weekend and share with you. I can't wait to come back and see others stuff also. Thanks for sharing your wonderful tutorials on cardmaking.

  11. I think I would like to make a card like this for my mom. Thanks a lot.

  12. Oh I just love these posts! They are always such a mini craft class!!!


  13. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I just love seeing your cards that you make! This one is just beautiful!! It's so fallish and the pumpkins on it are so pretty!

  14. Anonymous10:20 AM

    How adorable! I actually just started to make my cards to sell at a craft show so I'll scan one and put in on my blog tomorrow. :) I won't be home tonight so I can't get to it. Have a wonderful day, Kelli!

  15. Kelli,
    Your projects are so very pretty. I know this doesn't relate to this post, but, I made the pumpkin butterscotch bread that you posted a year ago. I just wanted to let you know my family thought it was fantastic! Your posts, whether it is a craft, recipe, or just what's going on in your home is so inspiring! Keep up the good work. Blessings!

  16. A really beautiful card Kelli. I love the pumpkin paper. I see so many lovely things on your blog and I so wish I had more time to try them.

  17. Very cute card! I made a couple the other day... I am learning more and more all the time!

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    i love the use of the lace and the ribbon- very pretty!

  19. I have a watercolor posted on my blog. Hope that "counts".
    My daughter just asked me to design her Christmas card by doing a watercolor of her home for this year...I'd better get busy!

  20. What a sweet card. Thanks for sharing this.
    I'm actually working on my Christmas cards right now.
    Thanks for the inspiration

  21. Pretty fall card Kelli. I plan to join you next week!

  22. Kelli,

    I love your card!! I especially like the pumpkin paper.

    Love, Heather

  23. I just wrote about a little card set yesterday that I made for my Etsy shop. I love it, and hope it's ok to include it, since I wrote it earlier!

    I love reading your blog - it's always a blessing!

  24. Kelli, this card is just lovely. You make it look so easy.

    God bless.

  25. You are so talented, and creative!
    I really like the cards. It is so good of you to share how they are spoil us...TEE-HEE
    question? Do you recall a chocolate treat that was made in a mug or cup. I wanted to share it with my daughter, I was sure it was you???????????? If it was you could you guide me to it.
    Hugs, mary

  26. Such a great idea and wonderful directions! I could even make this!! Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  27. Hi Kelli!
    As always, your cards are beautiful! I really like the look of putting ribbon and lace on the cards. I'm lucky enough to be off this weekend and I hope to get in plenty of crafting/card making. Maybe I'll have something new to share next week. Have a great weekend!

  28. What a beautiful card!

  29. Thank you Kelli, for the opportunity to participate:) My sister encouraged me and you inspired me! Not only that, you've inspired my 9 year old daughter to join in on the fun! Thanks for bringing us together for another great project:) You can see our mother/daughter cards at

    Thank you so much!

  30. Love your site.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.