Monday, November 03, 2008

Celebrate November!

Now the autumn days are gone
Frost is sparkling on the lawn,
Windows winking cheerful lights
Warm the cold November nights.

Welcome November!

November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.
~ Clyde Watson
Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are whirling fast.
- Sara Coleridge

I'm going to whip up a batch of these Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Squares soon!

Dark Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Squares

2 1/4 c. flour
2 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
4 beaten eggs
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. butter
2 c. canned pumpkin
1 - 2 c. (dark) chocolate chips

Spray a 9 x 13 inch pan with cooking spray, or butter. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Sift together dry ingredients. In another bowl cream butter and sugars. Add eggs, beating well; add pumpking filling and mix. Add flour mixture to sugar mixture and blend. Add 1 cup chocolate chips & mix together. Spread into prepared pan and bake for about 45 minutes.

The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go.
The harvest all is gathered in
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields, their yellow grain,
So open wide the doorway-
Thanksgiving comes again!

This is such an exciting month with lots of things to celebrate. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and as we spend time with family, we count our many blessings. What are you most looking forward, to?


  1. Isn't this time of year wonderful? I agree with you. So much to look forward to. This is about the time I start feeling Christmasy (is that a word?). But first, there's the turkey and the trimmings, family get togethers, and just getting ready for Winter. Wishing you the best, Kelli!!

  2. Pumpkin pie! My favorite. Thanks for the recipe...mixing my 2 favorite things! Dark Chocolate and Pumpkin! YUM!

  3. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Those cakes look wonderful, very yummy !! We don't have Thanksgiving here in The Netherlands, but we have the entry of Sinterklaas on Saturday the 15th. Little children are looking forward to that and the evening that they can put thwir shoes in front of the fireplace, to receive lots of nice things in it ; )
    We drink hot cocoa and eat Sinterklaas treats when he enter the country. He will be in our country until the 5th of December. He will leave on the 6th. December 5th is a celebration of his birthday and he gives presents to the children. Just like your Santa.
    My kids are big now, so we don't celebrate it anymore as we did when they were younger, but it is still a very nice time of year.

  4. I can't believe it's November already...the year has really flown by!

    I'm looking forward to time spent with family and the good food at Thanksgiving.

  5. The picture of the night sky is lovely , and I love the leaf colour changes it really is a pretty time of year.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Kelli ,
    Your pictures are so warm & inviting. Makes me just want to stay home on my couch with my old granny square afghan and eat!
    I am definitely going to make those dark chocolate chip pumpkin squares ....and then proceed to eat my share!
    :o) Sue

  7. Such beauty all over your post. And yammy beauty too!

  8. Beautiful post! I look forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, my college girl home for weeks at a time!

  9. This election being over.

    OK, seriously ... I look forward to seeing our families again. My husband and I ended up far away from our parents. We miss them a lot, and can't wait to see them this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  10. The time with family and the giving of thanks also. I love November as well. We spent the entire weekend outside our temps were awesome.....we may get a little of this this week too.....enjoy your weather as well.

  11. Hi Kelli
    I have enjoyed catching up with your blog. We have been away for a few days.
    I hope you are feeling better and are over your cold!
    I look forward to November 5th when we celebrate Bonfire Night here in England.

  12. Did you take that picture of the moon last night... it was so cool!

  13. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I do really love this time of year. I'm looking forward to Pumpkin pie and spending time with family who will be able to make it for Thanksgiving.
    Your recipe looks good. Thanks for sharing it.

  14. I'm most looking forward to spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in our new home. This will be our first year to spend the holidays in a home of our own (not a rental.) So for us this is an exciting time.

    Ok, I will admit I am looking forward to all the food too!


  15. wow, look at all your desserts! i wish i lived next door :)

  16. My BIRTHDAY on the 14th!!!



  17. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Mmm...I don't like to cook all that much, but I love to make a mean Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. I'll be doing it for my side of the family on Sunday this year.

  18. Anonymous8:22 AM

    November is my favorite month and it's not all because of my birthday. I love that it gets darker early and colder. I can't wait to build a fire.

  19. Your pictures are great. Thanks for sharing. I love this time of year. I love the family gatherings and my church family gatherings.

  20. This year has gone by so fast! I enjoy each and every season but find such comfort and peace during this time of the year.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. I just know it's going to be good...because it was shared by you.

  21. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Happy Monday, Kelli! I hope you are feeling better. Debbi

  22. It is a wonderful time of the year. I so look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday with all the warm company and yummy foods.

  23. What a beautiful homage to November. I love the beginning of the holidays, the crisp leaves, the warm sweaters, the smell of the fall air. It's my favorite time of the year!

  24. Yummm those squares will be on my agenda today. They sound wonderful!
    Today I look forward to catching up from a busy week-end and maybe starting a new quilt project
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  25. Kelli - I love your blog! It always feel like my mama's home. Not like mine, because I am not at all creative and decorative like you other ladies :(. Thanks for the recipes you post, too. I think I will make these chocolate chip-pumpkin bars for my mom. I know she will love them!

  26. Your home looks so inviting, already ready for Thanksgiving.

  27. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What a sweet post and pictures! I love the little quotes and poems about November. Those bars look good.

  28. It is all about family Kelli. We of course enjoy the festivities and gala decorations and food that go with the family getting together. I love the feel of the cold on my face but not my knees, I love cuddling in my pajamas and listening to beautiful music (Moonlight Sonata) and what I don't like is the people who have no place to go, that live in the streets, and are alone and desolate. That kills me. But Kelli we go on. Have a great week.

  29. Besides the pumpkin pie???
    One of our military sons is bringing his bride here for the very first time.
    All but one of our children will be here for Thanksgiving day...but all the grands will be running underfoot!

    I have the same calendar...
    Loved your photos today.

  30. First off, those dark chocolate pumpkin squares are going to get tested in this kitchen, and soon! They look yummy.
    I so enjoy Thanksgiving.
    Have a great week.
    Brenda :)

  31. We share the same moon!

  32. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Such a great blog!! I am actually forward to my mother in laws dressing! Although my mother is a terrific cook, my mom in laws dressing is amazing!! Of course spending time with the whole family is the best! Sue

  33. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Welcome November! It's the month of my babies birth! Anywho I love your Dark chocolate pumpkin squares, I am going to mention them in my Pumpkin's Galore post.

  34. I am looking forward to our tradition o putting up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving as is our tradition.

  35. Kelli you and I think alike, I too posted about November being here today. Unfortunately my plans for lovely photos didn't work out. Your's are gorgeous.

    I love Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday, and the fall leaves and the smell of woodsmoke. I am so excited to enjoy this month!

  36. I love Thanksgiving! Ours will be very different this year without Grandma but I know she would want us to continue to get together and celebrate her life, not her death.

    I LOVE pumpkin pie. With real whipped cream and a cup of coffee by the fireplace. Ahhhhh.



  37. I love your November look , and the deserts look so yummy. I like the picture of the sky and it does look like a November sky. I like the idea for of celebrating not just the season but the month also.....

  38. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I am looking forward to actually being able to spend and celebrate THanksgiving day on the actual day and with my hubby! The past 2 he has had to work.

  39. I love this time of year! Your cake looks yummy and I am going to try it! I love anything with pumpkin in it. I made Pumpkin Corn bread Friday to go along with our chili and it was so good! What happen to October?

  40. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Love the poem! I'm looking forward to having my daughter home for a whole week! We have lots of fun stuff planned.


  41. What a wonderful post about November! And oh heavens, dark chocolate and pumpkin - I'll have to try that for sure! :)

  42. holy beans...i am loving your blog! I love all the recipies and decor tips! What a treat it was or IS i should say to find your blog today!!


  43. Lovely pictures and thanks for the recipe. Love bar cookies. Put them in a pan and in the oven and you're done. Mimi

  44. I love this time of year also! I love them yummy smelling scents. Thanks for the receipe, I gotta try it!

  45. FAMILY! I love spending time with my family and my hubby's family. Big blankets, reading books and I love the rain. I can't wait.

  46. The squares sound so good, I went and bought all the ingredients today and plan to make them this week!

  47. Yes, this is truly my favorite month. The pictures are really pretty! Hope you had a great day! Lois

  48. Hmmm...I am most looking forward to family time and making some memories! And the food...hehe!

    Thanks for the new recipe, Kelli!

  49. I love the holidays but I really like Nonember for all the yummies !!!

  50. Oh I love Autumn too! Once I get moved I will be striving to make my new place very cozy and very warm for fall and winter. Man, those chocolate and pumpkin squares look like the perfect topping for a great environment too!

    Hope you're feeling better. :)


  51. The snow we got at Thanksgiving up here vanished as quickly as it came. November weather seems more like October right now. Not complaining as anything that does not involve snow until Christmas is great in my books.

    God bless.

  52. The pumpkin chocolate chip bars look devine! Can't wait to make a batch myself. Right now I guess I would say I'm looking forward to being in the kitchen...I love to bake (usually have to share with friends and nieghbors) but it seems so much more fun - somehow - this time of year.

  53. Yum - such fun. I love this time of the year, and I have the same little glass pumpkin. :)

  54. Oh Kelli those pies look so delicious!! I am looking forward to warm sunny skies tomorrow with temps of frost here yet!

  55. Hi Kelli, I came across your blog about a year ago, and I find myself spending hours at a time looking through everything! I just started a blog a few weeks ago. Come by and visit:)

  56. Kelli,
    I love the month of November too. My husband and boys hunt, we have a fire in the fireplace everyday, and the weather makes me feel like settling in for a long winter. Those Pumpkin Bars look like they would go good with a cup of coffee :) I'm looking forward to trying them.
    Love Kerri

  57. Ok, dark chocolate pumpkin squares are now on my list of things to make. =)

    Lovely posts as always.

  58. The pumpkin cc bars look good!

  59. What a fabulous post and a terrific idea!

    I'm coming to YOUR HOUSE!

    I made a pie today - shredded Pink Lady apples with a lattice top, and will serve it with hot caramel and whip cream (Mr. Miles tried to go buy 'fake' cream but I said NO! Only real will do!)

    Perhaps I'll share that on S & T Friday!

    I'll save a piece for you...

    Thanks for sharing!


  60. I made the pumpkin cake last night and it is delicious!

    Plans for November: we plan to spend plenty of thankful moments with family at Thanksgiving. It will be the first year in 10 that we have been home!

  61. Gosh - that baking looks REALLY good. I will copy the choc chip pumpkin squares recipe and try that one out.

  62. At this very second I am looking forward to taking those pumpkin bars out of the oven! I have family coming over for a lunch and I cannot wait to serve these!!! thank you thank you once again!!!!


  63. I thorougly enjoyed this post, and I am trying to think . . . What do I like most about November? Probably the food! Lol! My mother makes the most delicious homemade apple, pumpkin, and huckleberry pies!!! And it is the only time we have homemade turkey in the oven, mother's mashed yams with tons of butter and salt . . . Mmmmmmm!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.