Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Good afternoon! The weather has finally turned cold and we have pulled out our slippers and quilts.

Poor Daisy has infections in both ears and a UTI, so she is enjoying some extra snuggle time, too.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our ~Giving Thanks~ week. Thank you for opening your homes to us here in blog land, and for sharing such wonderful Thanksgiving blessings.
I used for the giveaway and Gapgirl from If Only Everyone Thought This Way is the lucky winner. Congratulations! Please email your address and I'll get your prizes in the mail.

We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and I am especially thankful for all of you and your friendship. Thank you again, for joining in and I'm looking forward to another ~Giving Thanks~ celebration next year!

Please note: Paper Crafting Thursday and Show and Tell Friday will take a one week break due to Thanksgiving.


  1. Congratulations to Gapgirl!!! I had so much fun this week, and can't wait to see what's in store for next week. Thanks, Kelli!

  2. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Poor Daisy! If you are like me, you treat you dog just like one of your kids. Hope she gets better soon.

    Love, Debbi (and dog)

  3. We have our slippers and heavy blankets out too...we even turned the heated mattress pads on last night...brrrrrr.

  4. Congratulations, Gapgirl! Thanks for all of the fun and fab ideas! have a great week-end.

  5. Hi Kelli -

    I hope Daisy gets feeling better. Poor baby, to be stuck with infections on both ends! Give her a hug from all of us, will you?

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the photos on your blog. You really do an outstanding job of making everything look so lovely. Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us.

    If I don’t make it back here before, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Congratulations to Gapgirl. On poor Daisy. I hope she feels better soon. We always treat our dogs as queens. My Chocolatte gets the full treatment. They are family. Have a great rest of the weekend Kelli. Take care.

  7. Congratulations Gapgirs! This week was so fun, Kelli:) Thanks for hosting it and inspiring us to prepare for Thanksgiving.

    Blessings to you and your family,
    Linda C

  8. congrats Gapgirl! this was a fun week in blog land!

  9. Thanks for the fun. I hope your dog gets better. My other daugther has decided to blog with us. She is the dog lover of the family. She and my husband are sick today. I hope they get better for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Thanks so much Kelli!! I enjoyed participating this year and look forward to many more. I emailed you my info, let me know if there is a problem...thanks!!!

  11. We got a little snow here in S.D. this morning. Thought you'd like to know that. :-D

    Sorry Daisy isn't feeling that great. I hope she feels better soon.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. And thanks again to you, Kelli, for hosting. I had so much fun!
    Congratulations, Gapgirl!
    God bless,
    Brenda :)

  13. Kelli, hope you and the family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  14. Kelli,

    I am trying to get caught up with all of my blog friends. I have a new computer and I don't have all of you bookmarked yet.

    Your sweet puppy looks so much like ours! Tacey sleeps just like that sometimes. I hope your golden baby feels better soon.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  15. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Looking forward to more of your cosy wintery posts kelli! Hope doggie gets better quickly!

    ps I was going to nominate you for oneof those uber awards, but I thought you had one already?

  16. I hope Daisy feels better soon! I'm sure she'll be getting some extra love! :)

  17. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. My first show and tell was so much fun!

  18. Kelli~
    I had so much fun doing "Giving Thanks" that I forgot you were doing a give away! Congratulations Gapgirl! What a lovely prize!

    Sorry your puppy is unwell. Don't you wish they could tell us what would make them feel better?

    Hugs (and one for Daisy),

  19. Awww I hope Daisy feels better soon.

    Kelli, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family :)


  20. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Poor sweet Daisy! I hope she feels better soon - I'm sure she's gettin lots of extra lovin! When Maxie had an infection in both ears he had to wear a scarf on his head to keep his ears tied down!! He would shake his head so much that his ears would swell up and to keep him from doing that he had to wear a scarf - he looked so cute (and pitiful)!


  21. Congrats to Gapgirl,
    Kelli,to you and yours, a Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog, I sure enjoy reading yours too. Thanks....Liz

  23. Hi Kelli
    Sorry to hear Daisy is not well. Hope she is soon feeling better.
    I am sending you and your family my best wishes for Thanksgiving. I am lookning forward to hearing all about it. I wish we celebrated it in England.

  24. That is a lovely gift set. You are so generous to share so kindly with your readers.

  25. Hoping for a quick recovery for dear Daisy! Poor little doggie.

    Congrats GapGirl!


  26. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  27. Such a warm home feeling everytime I come here! Love it over here kelli! I have something for you on my blog, so when you get a chance come by and pick it up! hugs and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  28. Poor Daisy. I hope she feels better soon. Did they have to postpone her spaying surgery?


  29. Oh our poor Daisy!! I pray she is feeling better~
    She looks so cozy on the couch ...I bet all of you took good care of her, she is a lucky pup!

    Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to you and your fmaily~


  30. Oh, your poor puppy. I hope she's feeling better soon. :) I love that photo of your candle. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  31. Congrats to Gapgirl!!! I didn't get a chance to fully participate like I wanted to last week, because we went out of town for our son's adoption. Glad Daisy's feeling better!

  32. I love your recipes!
    Love your blog!

    We have a Golden that looks so much like Daisy. Just wanted to let you know that we were talking to our neighbor about our golden's ear infections and she told us to get a female yeast infection cream for him because they are usually just yeast infections in their ears. I immediately went to Walmart and bought the cheapest one, I used it on his ears and the infection cleared up in about 24 hours and.... he has not had one since. He used to get them often.

    Just wanted to let you to know......It works!
    Thanks, Mary!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.