Monday, November 24, 2008

Dessert Party

Thank you for your well wishes for Daisy. She is feeling much better! This past Friday, we hosted a Thanksgiving dessert party at our house.

We visited, sang songs and of course, ate lots of sweet treats!

Gingerbread with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting. I used my Gingerbread Cupcake recipe.

M&M cookies.

Caramel Bars
Chocolate Caramel Candy that my sister, Amy introduced me to. These squares taste just like snicker bars, only better. I have an extra pan in the freezer for Christmas presents. If they last that long. ;0)

I also picked up brownie bites and a cheesecake at Costco.


My mother-in-law has been staying with us for a few weeks and helped me set everything up. We also served coffee, apple cider and hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I'm sure many of us are busy with Thanksgiving plans this week. I need to finalize my menu and brave the grocery store!


  1. Whoa, Nellie-- I mean Kelli:) I'm getting ready to go head for bed and those desserts look scrumptious! Makes me hungry:)

    Good luck at the grocery store.

    I got my turkey today (38 cents a lb.!) and some items at just a quick trip. Will complete it tomorrow- although we are expecting 1-2" of snow by morning... Ugh!Not ready for that yet;)
    Linda C

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    OH Kelli! Everything looks so lovely. I wish I lived closer.....maybe you would have invited me.

    How lucky your Mother-In-Law is having you for a Daughter-In-Law. Hope she is doing okay. :-)

    Glad to hear Daisy is getting better. She looked so pitiful in that picture. :-(

    Hope you and all of your family have the best week ever. Love, Debbi

  3. That looks like such a yummy party! I bet it was fun!

  4. You're table of desserts looks delicious! I copied both your recipes! Thanks!

  5. It all looks SO wonderful and tasty! Can I come next time?? lol.

    Have a wonderful ThanksGiving, Kelli.

    Hugs from Marian from the Netherlands

  6. Those all look delicious, and your table setting is perfect.

    A dessert party sounds like my kind of party :)

  7. Anonymous3:15 AM

    oh yummy yummy!!! I love cake and sweet things! sounds like it was fun! Now Kelli - we dont have things like this here so please tell me what is the dessert party and how and what do you do at it? I think I need a 101 on it please.

  8. Kelli, everything looks wonderful. You are such a wonderful hostess!

  9. I'm dribbling.


  10. Everything looks soooo good! I think I just gained 5 pounds.

  11. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I think I gained 5 lbs, just looking at the photos!


  12. Wow, that is my kind of party...I've always had a weakness for desserts! Everything looks so yummy!

  13. So pretty Kelli!! Those caramel goodies look sooo yummy!!! I might have to try them...except I fear I would eat them all by myself! :-o

  14. Hi Kelli,
    A dessert party sounds fun! All your desserts look soooooo good. I can't wait to try the carmel candy bars. My husbands favorite candy bar is Snickers so I'm sure they will be a hit. I'm off to brave the grocery store too:) I made your pumpkin butterscotch cookies Saturday and everyone loved them. I am going to do the bread next.
    Thanks for sharing
    Love Kerri

  15. Everything is so pretty. What a fun thing to do.

  16. Kelly,
    Everything look s so wonderful. I too need to go to the store and get all of my supplies for Thanksgiving.Have a blessed day!

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Your table looks beautiful! I'm going to have to try the chocolate carmel candy, it looks soooooo good.

    Good luck at the store today!

  18. You do realize, of course, that your scrumptilicious photography has us drooling on our keyboards? hmm?
    :) That layout is so pretty too, you really have a natural eye for presentation. Now I want cheesecake. and brownies...and caramel bars...
    We had Thanksgiving dinner last night since I have to work Thursday (being an American in Canada has its downsides!!)

  19. That is so very beautiful and what a neat idea for a dessert party!!

  20. I have been making that choc. caramel candy for years. It is a really old taste of home recipe. We love it. It is so good. I am making it again this year. Your desserts all look good.

  21. Oh boy Kelli, you have my mouth watering this morning. I just had to print out that Chocolate Caramel Candy recipe. What a neat idea for a party.

  22. yummy yummy yummy! everything looks amazing!

  23. Wow...everything looks so beautiful! Enjoy your week as you get ready for Thanksgiving. Will you be posting pictures of your table???

  24. I love dessert parties. Yum. Yours looks fantastic!

  25. Gorgeous as always, and so delicious, too!

  26. All those desserts looked so yummy I would have a hard time picking which one to eat! I'm sure I would eat a little of each one:)

  27. What a wonderful idea! I may have to try that! I'm sure everyone here would love a dessert party!!

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas....and recipes too.

  28. I think I was just in Heaven for 5 minutes. :)

  29. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Everything looks sooo scrumptious! But especially those bars!!

  30. Hi Kelli,
    That looks like a wonderful party! I love how you displayed everything so nicely. :-) I will have to make the candy - snickers are my very favorite! Thank you so much for linking to that recipe. I'm glad that Daisy is doing better. Have fun doing your shopping. :-)

  31. I think I gained 5 lbs just reading your post! yum!

  32. Wow....I just gained two pounds just looking at the pictures. Every desert look better then the first and I would love to join you at the table.

  33. I love dessert parties. I've never thought of hosting a Thanksgiving one but why not? Any excuse for a party, right?

  34. That looks great, and what a great idea too! I've never hosted a dessert party, but may have to try.

    I too have to brave the grocery store. Have a few things we need to finish my menu, and just have around the house.

    Have a wonderful day!

  35. What a delightful spread of desserts! If I were one of the guests, I wouldn't want to leave! :)

    Have a lovely day,


  36. Such a beautiful table and yummy looking desserts! I'm definitely going to have to try the chocolate recipe that tastes like Snickers. These would be great for Christmas! Your Gingerbread Cake looks so good. Oh my.

    I hope you have an absolutely lovely Thanksgiving and are totally blessed with family and friends at your side!

    God bless you ~ Julie

  37. Yes the brave grocery shopping. I think ours is done. Until I realize I forgot something--oh no! I did.. the Martenelli's apple cider. Great!

  38. Did I just gain 5 lbs by reading this post?? YUMMY!

  39. how fun! Mom just left but we had soooo much fun making the corn dolls! Thanks for sharing that idea! Looks like youve been having too much fun without me! Too nad we live far away!

  40. Mmmm...that ALL looks so good! What a fun party!

  41. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Ok I gained 5 pounds just scrolling down this blog. I love those snickers bars, well worth the effort of not only making them but cutting them. Thanks for the lovely pictures and inspiration

  42. Oh yummy! What a great little party idea. I think I gained few pounds just looking at the pictures.

    Have a great week!

  43. I wouldn't mind a little of each please. Looks very good Kelli. I wish you live next door. Wow, delicious. Thx for sharing. Take care.

  44. How wonderful, everyting looked so good! A dessert party is a really neat idea! Have fun at Grocery, going to my Daddys, Told to bring nothing, how am I going to resist that? I finally said ok, but I am bring you a few roosters. I have seven, and some need a new home.

  45. Yum, everything looks wonderful!

  46. See, these are the kind of parties I want to be invited too....YUM.


  47. What a absolutely gorgeous table, Kelli!

    Hope you can join us for the Home School Open House on Tuesday!


  48. Groan...why do I live so far away from you???? lol How I'd love to have you as a neighbour and be able to get invited to taste all those goodies!! Everything looked perfect, from the desserts to the decorations! xoxo

  49. The food looks scrumptous!

    Just stopping by to let you know about the holiday giveaway on my nativity blog. Here’s the link:

    P.S. one of the items is blue and white!

  50. Anonymous7:03 PM

    yummy!!!! that ginger cake look amazing!

  51. Hi Kelli :) What a grand idea in every way! This would make a lovely "after church one evening" event.

    Looking forward to trying the Chocolate Caramel Candy. Please pass along a thanks to Amy for me. Love, Q

  52. OMG!! I just put on 5 pounds looking at those desserts! I'm going to have to make that cake.

  53. Kelli, wish I lived close to you so I could attend your wonderful parties. Happy Thanksgiving.

  54. Everything looks so great! I wish I had been there to enjoy it with you but Thank you for sharing your pictures!!!
    God Bless you!!

  55. I have done one of these before and I have to say they are very successful....yours looks wonderful I hope you had a great time...enjoy the holiday.

  56. Anonymous7:55 AM

    That looks so totally yummy !!!!! I wish I could have visited too, love to have tasted all the goodies ; )
    I'm so glad Daisy is feeling better. Have a wonderful day !!

  57. Anonymous7:58 AM

    That's one party I would have loved to have been invited to! I'm going to have to make that chocolate caramel candy!! Your table looks lovel as always!


    P.S. I'm sooo glad Daisy is better!

  58. Wow! Look at all those desserts. They look scrumptious. MMN!
    You really know how to through a party.

    I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgving!


  59. Wow! Look at all those desserts. They look scrumptious. MMN!
    You really know how to through a party.

    I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgving!


  60. Everything looks beautiful and yummy. I just love your blog. You're always an inspiration, Kelli. Thank you very much.

  61. Kelli, I can't imagine a more beautiful, inviting table. What a warm and gracious home you always maintain.

  62. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    Everything looks so yummy, too.


  63. Your desserts look scrumptious! I've been busy lately, but wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  64. Oh Kelli!
    I think I gained 10 lbs just looking at that! :)

    Yummy! Now, that's my kind of party!

  65. My girls said...Mom, what a great idea! Why haven't we ever done that?!?

    We have gotten so many great ideas from last week...I'm going to post everything that we have done on my blog sometime tonight. It has also provided a sweet time of fellowship with my oldest daughter as she caught the creative bug as well! ;o)

    Thanks Again!

  66. Wow everything looks amazing!

  67. Oh my gosh you had a wonderful spread! I gained 5 pounds just reading the post LOL Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  68. Ahem, Kelli!! I hate to tell you this but my invitation must have got lost in the mail. Surely you remembered to invite me to this fantastic spread? No? How rude!

    Just kidding! :)

    What a wonderful entertainer you are. People must marvel at your table when invited for such a treat. The gentle art of entertaining is not lost of you, thank goodness.

    You must have so much fun at this time of year.

    Cheers - Joolz

  69. It looks to die for. It's dinner time and I'm on the hungry side -- wish I could dive into the screen!

    I love visiting your blog. It's a bit of joy and beauty!

  70. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Thank you for sharing the recipe, Kelli! :-)

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  71. Wow, does that chocolate caramel candy ever look good! Not to mention decadent. What a neat idea, to do a Thanksgiving dessert buffet. Thanks for sharing :) And your table setting -- beautiful. Sigh.

  72. Kelli, I don't have long on the net. I am at my daughters. What happened to Daisy? Please email me at I can check email on my phone. Hopefully I'll be blogging again soon.
    Many Blessings for your Thanksgiving.

  73. Kelli, your table looks so pretty and what wonderful desserts. I'm having a hard time choosing my favorite....I think I'd better take a little taste of each:)...yummy. hugs, Linda

  74. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Lovely desserts - and the whole atmosphere looks so cozy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  75. Oh, Kelli, it's gorgeous... and positively sinful!! lol! :)

    I'm sure it's a GOOD thing I don't live too close by!

  76. YIppppeeee Kelli, this looks amazing, delicious, fattening, incredible....I'm on my way over!!! With coffee and specialty creamer of course!
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  77. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Wow...would I have loved to have been there! Delicious and beautiful!

  78. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I think I gained 5 lbs. just reading your post. Lol. So beautiful and yummy!

  79. What a FUN party!!! Now you've got me thinking who I want to invite to MY dessert party! LOVE IT!!

    And thank you for sharing the link to Chocolate Caramel Candy! OH BOY do those look good!! Ssshhhh!! Don't tell Mr. U about them- I'm going to surprise him with these!!

    Mrs. U

  80. Kelli you have outdone yourself with all these yummy desserts! How lucky were your guests to taste all this yummy decatance!...give Daisy a few nice chin rubs for me..hoping she has a speedy recovery and I have no doubt that she is being pampered by all of you! hugs NG

  81. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Thank you for sharing that yummy looking homemade snicker recipe. Every year the weekend after Thanksgiving my sisters, sis in laws, and nieces all get together at my mom's for a huge Christmas bake off. We always try to bring new fun recipes to the event, I now have mine. I enjoy reading your blog, Happy THanksgiving~ mammawags62, RMS, Sue

  82. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family, Kelli!

  83. Yummy!!!! Oh wow!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious family!

  84. Good gosh! my Thanksgiving table never looks that good.

  85. The fun of decorating is having guests in to enjoy it. This looks like a fun time and it is a beautfiul table. Should be in a magazine.
    Mama Bear

  86. These desserts all look delicious! I really like the idea of a dessert party.

    Your table was also very pretty, thanks for sharing all the pictures.

    Many sweet blessings!

  87. Sending many Thanksgiving Blessings to you and yours.

    Lady Farmer

    PS I'll be making that candy for Christmas!

  88. It looks like a fun and tasty party to come to. Everything was decorated so pretty. I'm sure the food was wonderful.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  89. I think I have to work out on my treadmill for awhile just from looking at all the goodies.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    God bless.

  90. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Hi Kelli! Oh, everything looks wonderful! The table is so beautiful and the food looks scrumptios! Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  91. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hi Kelli! I don't know which looked yummier..the cheesecake or the chocolate caramel candy...Yum!! Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  92. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I love turkey and all the trimmings but I cold skip it all for this.

  93. Mmmmm! Looks delicious!!

  94. Your table looks gorgeous, Kelli!
    Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

  95. The desserts look absolutely amazing! I adore the gingerbread cake! Blessings!

  96. look at those desserts.. i want all.. hehehehehe.. so yummylicious.. anytime you wanna kitchen helper.. I can volunteer.. hehehehehe provided I got to taste all the desserts.. hehehehe

    have a great week!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.