Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a busy and fun day in the kitchen. We made as much Thanksgiving dinner ahead of time as possible:
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Deviled Eggs
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Pecan Pie

I think we ran the dishwasher 4 times!


My constant companion.

We dusted the china.

And set the table.


My feet hurt, so I'm off to bed. Good night!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; His love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.


  1. So cute! My Dog's name is Daisy and she sits at my feet while I cook too!

  2. At least you have a dishwasher...LOL Definitely something to be grateful for :) My house doesn't have one :(

    Sorry I had to delete the last comment. I was in the wrong account.

  3. It sounds like your day and mine were pretty much the same. I totally's bedtime! I was in our kitchen prepping for tomorrow's feast since 7am, so it is definitely time to relax.

    A great blessing I received tonight was that hubby said he wants to cook the turkey and will be happy to get up early to put it in the oven (as long as he can go back to bed after he does *grin*) Hey one less thing for me to do ~ so I will gladly step aside and let him.

    Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!


  4. Hi Kelli, sounds like my day. Did as much as I could, now only have the turkey, potatoes and rolls to make in the morning. Have a fun, fun day!
    God bless,
    Brenda :)

  5. Loved your post, Kelli ~
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  6. Loved the pictures of your kitchen.
    Your china is so pretty! Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  7. A dishwasher? Lucky you! I think thats on my santa wish list for this year... I cant stand the thought of all that post christmas washing up by hand!!

    I hope you all had a very special day there.

  8. I wouldn`t mind being a guest at your Thanksgiving dinner, hi, hi....!!!! Have a blessed day! By the way: I have a pray circle going on. My daughters little friend, Olai, has got at brain tumor and goes through heavy treatment. He might not recover, so we have started a circle of pray. Feel free to join the circle and include Olai, almost 6 years old, in your prayer. You are more than welcome to pass this message on. The more people pray, the better his chances are...

    Hugs from Tove, Norway

  9. Oh, happy Thanksgiving, by the way!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Kelli -
    You have photos to prove how hard you worked. Smart idea! I hope you have a wonderful day together as you give praise for the good things God has done. When I count my blessings you are on the list! ~Adrienne~

  11. Looks like Christmas. Here, we have all that work and fun only at Christmas Time.


  12. A nice post. Happy Thanksgiving. May our country always remember who to give thanks to.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving Kelli.
    We don't celebrate it here in Portugal but it's a good opportunity to be thankful for so many things.
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Oh I love your pictures! That is such a great scene on what really happens on Thanksgiving. Of course we all sit down at a pretty table and such...but the real work (and a lot of the fun and love) goes on behind the scenes.

  15. We were busy here with similar prep. Yesterday my beloved four footed child was scarce, but this morning, once the wrapper came off that turkey, he showed up and hasn't been too far from me since!

    Many blessings to you and yours from me and mine!

  16. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Everything looks absolutely gorgeous, including Daisy. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  17. Happpy Thanksgiving Kelli! I hope you have a wonderful day and plenty of time to rest your feet after all your hard work! :-)

  18. Wow you are a busy bee.

  19. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and hope you're day makes for warm and fond memories. God bless,


  20. Happy Thanksgiving Kelli. May you and your family have a wonderful day. Thank you for always inspiring us.

  21. Kelli,

    A blessed Thanksgiving to you and your dear family.


  22. Happy Thanksgiving Kelli!

  23. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Blessings of the season! Happy Thanksgiving!


  24. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving today!

  25. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Kelli! I am thankful you are blogging!

  26. I love the pictures. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family Kelli.

  27. It looks like you all got alot done and had fun too...I love cooking in the kitchen with others...Have a great weekend friend...enjoy the day.

  28. Anonymous8:41 AM

    God's blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving!

  29. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  30. Just stopping by to wish you and yours a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving! hugs, Linda

  31. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving. What a special time with the kids. It all sounds yummy.

  32. Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family!

  33. Beautiful, Kelli, have a great day!

  34. Thank you for letting us into your warm and loving house. Be blessed always.

  35. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! Hope you have a great n blessed day. Holly R.

  36. Your menu sounds wonderful Kellie.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hope you have a lovely day with your family.
    Best Wishes

  37. You did get a lot accomplished...I'd be tired too.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Kelli! May your day be filled with many happy moments...hugs, Linda

  38. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving kelli! I live in Canada and thanksgiving is already past for me, but I can still be thakfull now.

  39. This will probably be the silliest comment you have ever received. But thank you for showing a dirty kitchen. As I scurried around yesterday I lamented at my ability to keep my kitchen clean and that it just looked like a big ole mess! But you kitchen was an encouragement to me as I know your home is your heart and also hope desire order & beauty. Thank you for so much inspiration!

  40. What a lovely feast your family will enjoy! A labor of love for sure! Enjoy your day - blessed Thanksgiving!
    P.s. My feet are sore too! It's all worth it though!

  41. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving!!! I love reading your blog!


  42. Happy Thanksgiving! Our dog/s are at our feet all the time also.

    We had a wonderful dinner, I personally, ate so much, I fell asleep in my cozy chair, tipping my coffee in my lap.


  43. You dinnerware is GORGEOUS! What pattern is it?

  44. Hi Kelli,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! Looks like you had a wonderful day of prep and I hope this is your most special celebration of all!

    I don't know if Show and Tell will go ahead today - and I have to be away to day, leaving in about an hour. If it DOES happen, are you able to add me to your Mr. Linky, oh puh-leease? (with cream and sugar ontop)

    Barb (Mrs. Miles)

    You've got me looking forward to it each week! LOL

  45. I am beat myself! Glad you had a wonderful day, looking forward to your Christams ideas!!!!
    Think I am going to go rest too, hee hee!


  46. Look like you were cooking up a storm! Your china is very pretty. Have a safe and wonderful weekend and get some much needed rest from the looks of all you had to do. I just got to enjoy, no cooking or cleaning.

  47. You have a beautiful and inspiring blog! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  48. Lot of work, but worth the effort. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend.

  49. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Kelli, I hope your Thanksgiving was full of great memories!
    We have much to be thankful for, salvation through our Lord Jesus, family, friends, food, and shelter.
    Miriam :)

  50. Happy Thanksgiving!! With all the prep work, I'll bet it went as smooth as butter!!

  51. You had a beautiful Thanksgiving Day table! Daisy looks like she's ready to have a little turkey! Hope you and your family had a wonderful day!

  52. i know you all had a nice thanksgviing..
    poor baby, she is so cute..Glad she is feeling much better..

  53. I bet everything tasted DELICIOUS! I get to have another Thanksgiving with friends next Saturday. Yay!! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)

  54. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving! We'll be making food tomorrow and Sunday for dinner with my side of the family. I'm ready for turkey!

  55. Anonymous2:47 AM

    wow such a lot of cooking but looks like so much fun! we dont have thanksgiving in the uk but now i feel like i'm missing out!

  56. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Your menu sounds so good and that pie crust is picture-perfect!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  57. A wonderful tradition with your girls. The last 5 years I've been visiting daughter and we did our cooking together in her kitchen. This year, I did mine here in the new house. I told her I missed it. She said Wonder Boy helped quite a bit and Princess too. I know they are building their own tradition.
    Son called from Texas for a recipe and we discussed "stuff". I'm so happy that he loves to cook and does so for his family. I like the picture of you in the kitchen with you girls which I could see in my head as I read your post.
    Mama Bear

  58. Kelli...I love the china you used for your Thanksgiving china! What is the pattern? (If you don't mind sharing!!)

  59. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a dog named Daisy. A cocker spaniel mix. We had to put her down last Dec. and I miss her so much. Give your Daisy a hug for me. Mimi

  60. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too.
    Sounds like your meal included lots of the same things we ate too.

  61. I am visiting all the Thanksgiving blogs a little late but just wanted to tell you your table was lovely and your dog is so cute.

    Roberta Anne

  62. It was the perfect Thanksgiving I see
    Kelli! So much prep before and it's all over so fast! Wonderful seeing your daughter helping ..Thanksgiving tradition passed on.
    Blessings from NG

  63. My feet hurt at the end of that day too! Our dishwasher got a real work out on Thanksgivng as well.

  64. Anonymous11:01 AM

    You guys had a ton of yummy stuff to eat, didn't you? :) Looks like it was a blast!

  65. Everything looked wonderful! Pat Daisy for me!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.