Monday, December 01, 2008

Celebrate December!

Happy December! Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes. We've had a whirlwind long weekend and I haven't had a chance to visit everyone, but will be stopping by soon!

We had Phillip's family over for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time together. We've been finding creative ways to use up the leftovers and a big pot of turkey soup is next on our list.

I thought I would share some pictures of what we've been up to. I've also included pictures and poems from a couple of Ideals magazines I found at the thrift store.

Gingerbread house
A gingerbread house made with Nana.

Deep in the forest where all dreams come true
Is a gingerbread house just waiting for you.
Its roof is a mixture of sugar and spice
And the chimney is made of everything nice.
~Patricia Mongeau
Gingerbread house
The stained glass windows are flattened gumdrops!

Mr. Squirrel wasn't the only getting a Christmas tree...

Christmas tree

A tray of goodies to munch on while putting on the lights and ornaments.

Nana dipped gingerbread cookies in melted dark chocolate.


Where the rarest joy held reign,
And the chimney roared amain,
With the firelight like a beacon
Through the frosty windowpane.

~James Whitcomb Riley

Christmas tree

Hitch up the horses, climb in the sleigh;
Cover up warm for we're off today
For a Christmas at Grandma's house...
For an old-fashioned Christmas
like those long ago.

Ernest Jack Sharpe

I hope you all have a wonderful start to this new month!


  1. Can it really already be December tomorrow? Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Your tree is so pretty, I can't wait to get ours up and decorated.

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Hi Kelli! I am glad that you are back. I have been going through "Kelli withdrawal". HE! HE! It was worth the wait. Your post is beautiful. (Which girl got to put the star on the tree this year?)

    I bet your Thanksgiving was wonderful. You have a way of making all things special for your family...and your blogging friends.

    Hope everyone at the Winn house, including Nana, has a blessed week. Love, Debbi

  3. Hi Kelli,
    You must have had a wonderful weekend. I'm happy for you. Beautiful post.
    Have a blessed day, the first of a wonderful month.

  4. oh my gosh.. look at the pies and cookies.. now you make me hungry for one.. I want the same like yours.. any leftovers? hehehehehe..

  5. Everything so nice and yammy.


  6. It's hard to believe December is already here. Your tree looks beautiful!

  7. It's always fun to see what's going on at your house!

  8. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Everything looks so delicious! We haven't gone to pick out our tree yet! I guess we'll have to do it sometime this week. I can't believe it's December already and Christmas will be here in a few weeks!


  9. What a neat post Kelli. Everything looks beautiful and delicious. :)

  10. Anonymous6:37 AM

    What great tmes and fun memories. I just love coming here.

  11. I love looking at old photos of Christmas gone reading about them too....

  12. Hi Kelli,
    I'm so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Enjoyed your pictures today. The pictures from the Ideals magazine are so sweet!

    Have a wonderful day.
    Love, Kim

  13. You have been very busy! All the photos look beautiful!

  14. LOVE the gingerbread house! Those are always fun to have out for the holidays.

    Sounds like you are off to a busy season. Happy December.

  15. Happy December to you, too!! I love all that this season holds, and so enjoy checking in to see things from your perspective!! All the storybook pictures and verse are simply charming!!
    Have a blessed week!!

  16. great pictures. i love your snacks you had while decorating! why didn't i think of that when we decorated yesterday? LOL. Hope you are having a great day today. Happy December & Monday!

  17. Glad you had a great Thankgiving.
    Great post and so much yummy food to enjoy.

  18. Looks like you had a wonderful time at Thanksgiving and putting up your tree.
    December is a busy, but fun time.
    Can't wait to see all the decorations go up.

  19. I am so glad that yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I havent gotten to visit either this weekend...we are still busy. Your food looks delicious and the tree is lovely.

    Blessings and Happy Holiday wishes...

  20. Anonymous9:29 AM

    wow!!! i am on a diet.... what a temptation......hikzzz...

  21. Everything looks so YUMMY!!!! Can you share your turkey soup, I need help w/leftstovers. Thanks!!
    Glad that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Grace & Peace,
    Simply me-Vanessa

  22. What a beautiful tree! With those food pictures, you've just reminded me that I need to eat breakfast! :)

  23. The tree is beautiful! We are going to get ours this weekend. We always do finger foods for dinner the night we decorate our tree. My son loves it! Take care and have a great week!

  24. It looks like y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Enjoy your December. :o)

  25. Yikes! you have your tree up already ~ and I haven't finished up Thanksgiving yet! :~P
    Things will really kick off for me on Friday. Our little town has "First Friday"; town tree lighting, bon fires down main street, street carolers, extended shopping hours and treats along the way. And one church has "Soup and Sound" (homemade soup and bread and then musical entertainment ~ their Christmas gift to the community) each Friday in December before Christmas. Then I will be ready!

  26. Your deserts, look so wonderful, I love to have a snack! Love the gingerbread house, My grandchildren and daughter Suzette, made one before Thanksgiving, mostly to help the 5 year old after surgery. Love the Christmas photo.We got to get busy if we are going to get the Chrismas Spirit.

  27. Such a beautiful post and so much fun. I think I want to come to your house for Christmas dinner this year :O). I really enjoyed the poems and photos from the books, also. Thanks for starting my day off great!

  28. What a sweet post and I love the cute book illustrations! :)

  29. Yep, we're down to the turkey soup too.
    What fun memories you've established for your family.
    Have a blessed week.
    Brenda :)

  30. Glad to see your post today. Everything looks good. My travel up the moutain on Saturday provided me with the sight of dozens of cars on their way back down with a tree on top.

  31. Hi Kelli. I love the gingerbread house and your tree is looking great. I wanted to wish you a happy month of December and I just love your ideas. Take care.

  32. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I love the gingerbread house! Your Christmas tree looks so pretty, too!
    I have two questions~ what gingerbread recipe did you use to make the little house? Where do you get your stamping accessories to make your cards?
    I love coming to your blog and see all the beautiful items you make!
    Miriam :)

  33. Happy December 1st to you too Kelli! It looks like your Thanksgiving dinner was delicious!
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us ~ lovely tree too!!

  34. Looks like you had a wonderful time! We didn't get our tree up yet, but yours looks absolutely gorgeous!

  35. Just beautiful. I look forward to many creative ideas in the next few weeks. I love having our tree up and the glow of the lights to fill the house.

  36. Wonderful post, Kelli. Thanks for the holiday greetings. Can't wait to see what you're coming up with for Christmas!

  37. Oh my your food looks delish! Can you believe I'm still wanting food after Thanksgiving. I'm a sicko!! HA! HA!

    Your tree looks beautiful!

    Come by today before 6pm CST and sign up for my giveaway!!

  38. I loved your post and I love reading and looking at your pictures. I have an award waiting for you over on my blog.

  39. Beautiful. What a legacy you are making for your family. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Many Blessings,

  40. Sounds like a busy weekend for you. Your tree is really pretty! We will put our trees up hopefully next weekend. I put one in the downstairs family room by the fireplace and one upstairs in the living room. With our new snow today it's beginning to feel like the season now:)
    Linda C

  41. Hi Kelli...

    You've been busy!!!

    When you stop by, would you bring some of that yummy pecan and pumpkin pie...and a few of those chocolate-dipped cookies? They look scrumptious.


  42. I got my tree up, too! :)

    Those little squirrel pics are so cute. :)

  43. Absolutely beautiful, as usual!

    Miss your blog. I'm slowly getting back to reading blogs again. HUGS

  44. I'm wondering where you found those Gingerbread people cookies that are on your tray.I found them at Target last year, they were Pepperidge Farm, I believe. I was wishing they were available all year long. I loved them with hot tea.
    Mama Bear

  45. Beautiful post Kellie. You have made me feel all Christmassy. The gingerbread house is adorable.
    Best Wishes

  46. I have tagged you! See my blog for


  47. Kelli,

    Your house is so lovely and festive. I've just begun decorating mine. It will take me a few days at least. Happy December 1st!


  48. But your china! What about your china! *grin, wink* Seriously, I adored it. WHat is the pattern?

    There's nothing better than nibblies and carrols, and stories while decorating the tree. It's my favourite time of the year.

  49. Anonymous7:08 PM

    You've put me in the Christmas spirit with the goodies and the lovely tree.

  50. Yes, it seems everyone took a little break! We did little gingerbread houses at our house after the main meal on Thanksgiving...a first for us. What fun the kids had and even the grownups! We always do a big one closer to Christmas with just the four of us...glad you're back!

  51. I am new to blogging but I love yours and plan to read back and check out all those recipes.
    Roberta Anne

  52. Hi Kelli :) Happy December to you, too! Love, Q

  53. Happy December, Kelli! It looks like you and your family are off to a great start! I can't wait to do a gingerbread house with Miss Bonnie,too:)

  54. Happy December, Kelli. It looks like you've had a few fun filled days with your family. How nice..that's not just what holidays should be about but everday. ;)

  55. Your gingerbread house is so cute~ I love the *stained glass* window! Those cookies sure do look yummy, too:)

    Kelli, I was looking for a recipe that I thought I saw on your blog a long time ago, but I didn't see it on your sidebar. It was for some delicious-looking oven baked ribs. Does that ring a bell? If so, I'd love to make those this week!

  56. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Lovely post. A great start for December. The pies and cookies look delicious. I love the story book. I've always been intrigued with gingerbread houses and each year I think I should make one, but I never have.

  57. Your pictures are great. Come see the giveaways on my blog.

  58. That is a lovely post, Kelli. Your Christmas tree is beautiful,and that gingerbread house is adorable.

  59. Those are some yummy eats!

    I'm glad you are back.

    I passed a short Meme along to you on my blog, if you have the time!

    God bless,

  60. Beautiful tree, bet it smells great. You are making me so hungry with your food photos, stop it, LOL!
    Glad you had a blessed Thanksgiving!

  61. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Those pumpkin pies look delicious!


  62. What wonderful memories of home you're making with your family!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas with us!

  63. What a wonderful post, I really liked the poems and the pictures that went with them. I guess I had better get out my decorations and decorate, have a nice week.

  64. Hi Kelli,

    It sounds like things have been busy in all good ways around your home. I'm glad you enjoyed such a nice Thanksgiving.

    This post was delightful. Thank you. I loved all the sweet old fashioned illustrations.

  65. Your tree is so pretty Kelli! I love the gingerbread house! We made one a few years ago and gave it to one of our neighbors.

  66. What a beautiful post! I really like your Christmas decor. I LOVE the little pictures of the squirrel and the old antique house.

  67. I came across your blog by chance...and I am so glad! Lovely to read your thoughts and see your pictures. Though I am new to "blogging", I have been journaling and crafting for many, many years. You are an inspiration!

  68. Beautiful post of your family making wonderful memories.Everything looks so good.Have a wonderful week and God Bless.

  69. Hi Kelli,
    Your tree looks lovely and I bet it smells so good, too! The stained glass windows on the gingerbread house was such a creative idea - I just loved that! :-) Happy December! :-)

  70. Very nice! We'll be making a gingerbread house next week! I'm going to have to try that tissue paper wreath too. I bet the children would really enjoy doing that!

  71. We did a gingerbread house last year, and it was so much work, I think we'll need to wait a few more before we try again! Lol!

  72. Anonymous12:05 PM

    This ooks so great. The treats look really yummy, you must have had a lovely time. Nana has been very busy too, those cookies and gingerbread house look delicious !!
    Have a great weekend.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.