Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tissue Paper Christmas Wreaths

Christmas wreath
The time is here for gift wrapping, baking and lots of Christmas crafts! Our first project was Tissue Paper Christmas Wreaths.

Christmas wreath
Grace and Emily made them with their Faith Keepers group last night and then they made more today, with Benjamin joining in.

You will need:
~Small paper plates
~Tissue Paper
~Glue (we used Mod Podge)

Tissue paper
Cut the green tissue paper into approx. 2" squares.

Paper plate
Cut out the center from paper plate.

Paper plate
I also removed the outer rim.

Tissue paper
Roll each square into a small ball.

Tissue paper
Dip in glue and attach to plate.

Repeat until your fingers hurt. ;0)

Tissue paper
Now you are ready for your ornaments.

Tissue paper
Different colors are always fun, too.

Glue to wreath.

The best part...adding the glitter!

Loop a length of ribbon around wreath and tie a knot at the top.

Wrap a bow around ribbon at the top of the wreath.

Thank you for taking a look and let me know if you make some of your own!


  1. We've made some similar before. How fun :) I've been in a very crafty mood the last few days and so have my kids. Must be the season...

  2. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Those are really beautiful and they seem easy to make, with great effect! You just gave me a very good idea.

  3. Kelli, I really believe that there is just no end to your creativity. I think I am going to use this idea with my 3-year-old this season. BTW, we just learned that we are expecting baby #4!

  4. What a wonderful idea!!

  5. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Used to make something similar when I was teaching. Kids used to love making christmas stuff!!I was looking thru the pics and thinking, yes, fingers do hurt.... and then I read the bit where you say the same lol!

  6. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Very pretty!


  7. Kelli a wonderful project for little hands!Very creative!

  8. These turned out so cute. We've done them before and it is a nice craft to do.

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Those are so beautiful for being tissue paper! What a cool craft! I'll have to add this to my list of Chistmas crafts to try - thanks!


  10. These are so adorable! I remember making things out of tissue papaer squares like this in school and it was one of my favorite crafts.

  11. I love this! I reminds me of pumpkins we did like this in elementary school. I think my children would love it.

    Congratulations Melinda! :-)

  12. To cute, Kelli!! We may make some of those!! Thanks for the idea...once again!!;)
    Blessings, Becky

  13. My girls would love to make those. I might also do them for an art project that I'm in charge of at school. thanks for the idea. Julie

  14. What a fun project for kids! Kaia might be able to do that, if Mo was down for his nap :)

    Thanks for sharing, they look great! Reminds me of some of the homemade ornaments my grandma always put up.

  15. Cute project. What a fun thing to do on a cold afternoon. Mimi

  16. wow, i can't even imagine how long that took you to make! it's very pretty!

  17. Oh my oldest made some of these when she was in school many years ago...that reminds me that me and Lexi could do this. Thanks for sharing this idea! Love your place Kellie!

  18. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Kelli, I think I will make one with my four and a half year old granddaughter next week...she gets to spend the night. I wonder if we would have enough time to do something like this in Sunday School??? I might give that a try too. Thanks for another great idea on how to have lots of fun. Love, Debbi

  19. It took about 45 minutes for me to make the wreath, but that included cutting out the paper.

    The class of 11 girls worked for about an hour, but some were done in 30 minutes because they didn't roll their tissue balls as small, which is a great option for younger children.

  20. Where in the world do you get all your ideas. You amaze me with your talents! I look forward everyday to reading your blog to see what in the world you are up to today! Wish I had as much talent or should I say as much energy! LOL

  21. I remember making tissue paper wreaths in the third grade. My kids love any craft that involves glue. ;)

  22. How cute! I remember making these as a girl. Have a great day!

  23. Great idea and such a cute wreath. I am copying it for future use. Very cute blog.

  24. Anonymous10:26 AM

    What a cute idea! Where do you get all your inspiration?

  25. This is one craft we haven't made, and I just love it...thank you so much, Kelli! We're going to try this!

  26. That is such a good idea. I've got to give it a stab. Thaks Kelli! Have a great day.

  27. Great craft for the kids. Thanks!

  28. Such a sweet and simple craft! Thanks for the idea.

  29. What wonderful memories you're making by spending time together w/ your kids. These are the items we treasure in years to come! :)

  30. They are adorable. My little ones (4&2) will have a great time crafting with the rest of us!

  31. I made one of these twenty years ago in first grade and my mom still hangs it every year. The poor wreath is falling apart...I think I might have to make a new one for her.

  32. PERFECT!!! I wish we had a group like that to join ....Brianna will be able to join what they call GEMS at our church next year, I am sooooo excited! This is a fabulous project, so very very cute!!!
    Oh and I JUST now found the corn husks to make the dolls, would you believe my walmart didn't have it!! Anyway I bought them and we will do some in January when it is cold and dreary out then we will be all set for next year!


  33. Wow, the ideas are endless, they look so pretty!

  34. I remember making these when I was little. A favorite. I will add these to my homeschooling craft project. Thanks for the reminder. Simple, fun and perfect.
    (Mommy to six & 1 more on the way)

  35. Anonymous12:57 PM

    These paper wreaths are so cute!
    Definitely sounds like a craft project for little fingers, but I still might try it!
    Miriam :)

  36. Hi Kelli,
    These are so lovely! I think my Grace would like to make one. She is my crafty one.
    Jenn :-)

  37. Anonymous1:30 PM

    What an awesome idea!! They are adorable. I love your blog!!


  38. These are so darling!

  39. We made these in class when I was a teacher. I had forgotten about them. Now I am tucking these ideas away for when my grandchildren are old enough to do crafts with Grammy:) Thanks for the post- a great idea!
    PS- We are getting 4 more inches of snow today--it's really looking Christmasy around here:)
    Linda C

  40. We use to make these in school and it brings back so many good and fun memories. Very sweet!

  41. We made those when my kids were younger. They turn out great.

  42. Oh how cute. I just love your virtual open houses! BTW thanks for emailling. I still don't have inter net but I am at the office today using it so not much time. I did get your email on my phone about Daisy. I am glad she is on the mend. Our Daisy gave us a scare the last two days but she is find today. She had an allergic reaction to something we aren't sure what. We think she was drinking stagnant water from flower pots outside. That is all we can attribute it too. It was weird. But she is happy and wagging her tail today! I am happy both girls are o.k! Have a great week. I hope to see you again soon.

  43. So very cute and so creative! :)

  44. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Oooh, what a fun project for my 6 year old! He loves craft projects and happens to have a half-day of school tomorrow. Hopefully I have some green tissue paper!

  45. Kelli, what a wonderful idea. We decided to do the same and you can see the result here:

  46. Oh What fun you all had! I have to show this to my daughter, the kids will love it! Thanks for sharing this wreath!

  47. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I love these! So easy and so effective! :)

  48. Very cute, we may have to try these!

    Thanks for the link to the rib recipe, too! I've got it ready to go & can't wait to try it:)

  49. They are really cute and look good hanging up. They would also be cute on the front of a package. Thank you for showing us how to do it
    Roberta Anne

  50. Looks like a good craft for Children to do.
    Mama Bear

  51. I have a few wreaths that my kids have made me. I love the photos from you last post.

  52. Kelli, these are so cute. I'm going to show this post to Micha and Lizi. I just bought a huge supply of tissue paper at the Dollar Tree the other day!
    Thanks a lot.

  53. Very creative. Thank you for sharing it.


  54. What a cute idea! Who would think such simple items could produce something so cute? Thanks for sharing this! I've just got to make some, too!

    God bless you ~ Julie

  55. Love these ~ they're very similar to one my daughter made some twenty years ago in grade school.
    I'll have to tuck this idea away as something to do with my grandbabies when they're a little older.

    Thanks for sharing!

  56. It's beautiful and yet, it looks like something I could actually make! Thanks for posting the how-to's. :)

  57. How cool was that!!!Thank you so much for showing how to do the cards...once this move is settled I might try doing that! Thanks again!!!

  58. Hey girl,

    Now that is cool! My girls would love that!
    Just roll, dip & stick, huh?
    Thanks for this one!

    I Haven't stopped in for while...
    Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, btw.

  59. I love these! I think I will make some for my work, I work in a hospital and I always feel bad when my pts. are stuck in the hospital during the holidays! Maybe these would bring them a lil smile.

  60. What a nice craft for the season!

  61. Oh Kelli--this is something I think I can actuallty do---I was also thinking of the possibilities for other holidays, like a heart for Valentines or an Easter egg---ohhh thank you for sharing this.


  62. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Great ideaw they look wonderful !!
    We used to make hyacinth flowers with that technique. I love it !!!
    Have a great day !!

  63. FUN! I want to try making these with some of those junk mail catalogs waiting in my recycling bin. Thanks for sharing! : )

  64. I made one of these when I was a little girl for my mom and she still has it :). This is such a fun festive craft!

  65. Oh my! This brings back memories for me! Tissue paper crafts, when i was a child scool used to do such projects with us, I always used to love it at christmas for the crafts! Thanks for making me smile...

    Priscilla x


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