Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Boxing Day!

Good afternoon! We had a wonderful Christmas with our family and now we are enjoying one of my favorite days of the year...Boxing Day. New toys, games, movies and leftovers! Speaking of leftovers, I cooked some really nice top sirloin steaks for Christmas dinner and they were so tough we could barely chew them. Luckily, Phillip's mom brought a ham! I cooked the steaks to 165-170F which was probably my first mistake.

Anyways, if you have any ideas on what I can do to make them edible, please share your "tough meat" leftover recipes! I'll be back soon with Christmas pictures.


  1. Boxing Day blessings to you and your Kelli! We are enjoying a quiet day at home - we've had rain and a bit thunderstorm, which makes it not so very Christmas-y! My Mum told me that Canada celebrated a white Christmas coast to coast for the first time in 49 years - so much for the global warming theory! I wish we could be enjoying their snow, but at least we don't have to shovel the rain!
    I'm sorry your steak was tough - I have no help for rescuing it! My sweet husband has amazing skills in the grilling area and never presents us with anything less than fantastic steak - but I have toughed a roast or two and beef stroganoff was a hit with my husband - the rest of us are anti-fungus non mushroom consumers!!! Have a restful and enjoyable day!

  2. Kelli,

    Cube it into chunks, put it in a crock pot with cream of mushroom soup (or beef gravy, or a white sauce). Throw in some mushrooms and green peppers. Cook until tender. Add some sour cream. Cook until heated through. Serve over noodles, rice or mashed potatoes.

    Love, Heather

  3. Hi Kelli! Sorry about your steaks! You can make anything with them that you would use stew beef to create. I would just simmer the cut up chunks in beef broth or water (not too much) to which can be added seasonings and (like heather said) make it into a gravy or vegetable soup or stroganoff, etc. You can always add boullion to help flavor it, assuming you didn't save the drippings?
    It will probably be the basis for a wonderful new family recipe! Many of my best ones are the result of some kind of 'accident'.
    God bless you and your family.

  4. Oooops. forgot to sign out as Captain ron again!

  5. Kelli,

    I suggest cutting them up and putting them in chili. I make Chili with Steak and while browning the meat, add chili powder to flavor it. You could marinate the already cooked steak chuncks in the chili powder for a few hours to help flavor them and then just add to a chili pot. I would think the tomato base would also help tenderize the toughened steak.

    Chili with steak is one of my favorites this time of year. Mmmm good.

  6. Hi Kelli - sound like a perfect way to spend your day - so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. The only thing I can add about the steak is a secret my Mum once told me which was to make up a basic gravy but make it very watery indeed - about 3 times the stock you would usually use - then add the juice of an orange and cook the meat very slowly on the top of the hob in a pot. Apparently the orange does something very handy to the beef - I am not sure what - but it has gotten me out of a hole on more than once occasion!

    Very best wishes


  7. Happy Boxing Day to you. Glad your Christmas was a joyful one. I would just cut up the meat in small pieces, saute some onion in a pot, add the meat and some beef broth. Let it stew a little while and then add cut up potatoes and string beans. That would be good. Have a great day.

  8. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hi Kelli! I am so sorry about your tough steak. Sounds like you have gotten a lot of good ideas. I vote for the stroganoff or the chili. The recipe using the orange juice might work.

    I had to serve dinner an hour later than planned. The little thing on my turkey wouldn't pop out. I kept opening and closing to see what was going on....I am sure that didn't help at all. Anyway, when I finally served dinner it was wonderful.

    Happy Boxing Day to I am going to look it up and see what it is all about. HE! HE!

    Can't wait to see your pics. Love, Debbi

  9. That steak calls for a good pot of soup to fall into!!

  10. Anonymous5:16 PM


    If you have a pressure cooker, why not put it in there with some liquid. Could tenderize it, add flavorings for chili, stew, beef tips over noodles, and other ideas. the pressure cooker can make tough meats tender in no time. Doesn't use much energy either.


  11. I was going to suggest the same thing Heather had...really it is yummy! Happy Boxing day to you too!

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Hi Kelli--

    I would make beef stroganoff with the steak. Should be delicious!

  13. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Or crock pot 'em to death in a small amount of beef broth, adding some BBQ sauce in the last hour or so before serving. Get some nice crusty buns, some cole slaw and have a nice BBQ sandwhich meal. ~Kelly in MN

  14. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Anything in the slow cooker!

    We like salsa poured over the meat and cooked till the meat falls apart. Then, mixed with rice and beans, topped with cheddar and sour cream, rolled in a tortilla, my beef leftovers take on a whole new identity!

  15. I was for the chili, but the sala one has won me over! lol

  16. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Hi Kelli!
    I'm up a little late with insomnia.
    This is how I have been cooking mine lately:
    I do a quick pan fry of rub-seasoned steaks in butter to get a crispy outside on them. Then I cover with foil and place in a moderate oven to get some of the red out the middle. They usually turn out good. Don't read my entry from yesterday about steak though-it wasn't my fault.

  17. The pressure cooker is the best way to make even a rubber tire tender. Merry Christmas Kelli.

  18. Ok - you have gotten great ideas for making it edible...lots of wisdom here. :)No need for another opinion.

  19. I would cut it up and make a stew and cook it in my pressure cooker. It can make meat really soft and tender.
    Roberta Anne

  20. Hi Kelli....I've done this before...I sliced them really thin cooked fried onions and peppers and seasoned it all together and made fajitas with it..they were delicious!!! mmm mmm mmm

  21. Anonymous10:10 PM

    If you have a meat grinder, you could make meat salad. My Mom used to do that with leftover roast all the time.

  22. You can use the steak in place of any 'red meat' recipe you would cook for a long time...Beef Stew, Chili, beef tips etc....Sorry about the steaks the best way I've found to cook them is in the oven on Broil but as with anything you are broiling you have to watch them! Blessings and luck with your left overs!
    Mrs M

  23. Hope you are enjoying the holidays still, even though Christmas Day has passed. Have a great Sabbath!

  24. Hi Kelli.

    Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate your Show n Tell.

    You have a special Friday Blog Meme for 2008 award on my Sunday [dec 28th] blog entry.

  25. Anonymous11:13 AM

    hope you had a lovely Christmas and I hope you can find a recipe to use the meat in. I must say I haven't got a clue, but will be watching the comments to see what can be done ; ) Have a wonderful day !!

  26. I agree with some of the others on the tough meat - anything you can cook that has a sauce or liquid - stew, chili, etc.

  27. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing day!

    I always chop my overdone meat into little pieces and use it along with beans and other fixings for burritos.

    Have a happy new year. :)


  28. I would suggest a crock pot and some barbeque sauce to make barbeque beef sandwiches.

    But I'm not the cook around here. That title goes to Sister St. Aloysius.

  29. Looks like you have lots of suggestions. Glad you had a great Christmas and Boxing Day. Mimi

  30. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I was going to suggest what a lot of the other ladies did -- something with low heat and liquid, like a gravy to put over rice or noodles or mashed potatoes or a stew or soup.

  31. Crock potting them is definitely the cure! Whether you turn it into chilli, soup, stew...

    Sorry about the tough meat. We've been having that same problem with the third of beef my parents gave us. not sure whether it was how the cow was fed, or what.

    Have a wonderful day!

  32. Happy Boxing day to you and yours (no tough meat help here I'm afraid:)!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.