Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Fun!

Thank you so much for all your help tips and recipes for my Christmas steaks! I hope you are enjoying the last week of the year. We are getting new toys put away and preparing for a New Year's Eve get-together with friends.

Speaking of the new year, this is the perfect time for a peek through the past year of blogging. Just like last year, there is a Mr. Linky for you to join in, too!

Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month. Here are mine:

Thank you to everyone who joined in the New Year blogging fun!
Hot Chocolate

Happy February to you all!
All for Love

Springtime is the land awakening.
Bleeding hearts

Hello everyone!

The merriest month of the year arrives bringing with it sunshine, birdsong, apple blossoms, budding lilacs, and longer days to enjoy life as spring's promise is finally fulfilled.
Water Lily

"I Remember Laura"~My Special Quilts
Quilt rack

Hot July brings cooling showers,
Apricots and gillyflowers.

We've had a very busy three days.

Happy September!
Gingerbread cupcakes

Listen! the wind is rising,
and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!

Now the autumn days are gone
Frost is sparkling on the lawn,
Windows winking cheerful lights
Warm the cold November nights.
Corn husk doll

Happy December!
Christmas tree

If you would like to participate feel free to add your blog to Mr. Linky! Link back here, so others can join in the fun, too. I'll leave Mr. Linky up through the week. Don't forget to come back for Show and Tell Friday!


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    What a lovely year!
    Miriam :)

  2. Whew! Finding all of those pictures is a lot of work...I try to do this later. As for now, wanted to let you know that your photograhy is LOVELY! Excellent!!

    When you have a free moment, come over and read the beautiful miracle the Lord gave me last night. He is so Good.


  3. I enjoyed this so much last year! I will definitely get to work on it, and get mine signed up!

  4. Thank you for the inspiration Kelli. As soon as I saw the meme in my reader I got to work. I had so much fun putting this post together.

    It helped to finalize my blog for the year. Thanks again. I hope that you stop by to take a stroll down memory lane with me.

    Many of the pictures that I used were from the Show and Tell posts that I submitted.

    Have a great New Year.

  5. Wonderful Photos!

    I have no idea how Mr Linky works... do I just add my name? Please explain! thanks! and Happy New Year!

  6. Kelli, it was lovely to see your past year in pictures. Hope to see many more.

    God bless.

  7. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Beautiful pictures, Kelli! Happy New Year. Debbi

  8. Kelli, I just started blogging in Sept. now I see how much I have missed. I loved looking at your years post! How wonderful. I can't wait for '09 and follow your blog!!! Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

  9. Forgot to tell you I am going to work on mine tonight.. wont be long only 4 months but still great fun.

  10. What a beautiful post - hopefully a reflection of a beautiful year for you and your family! Looking forward to 2009...........

  11. Kelli,
    Oh how I enjoy your blog. Next year I will join in...I've only been blogging for several months now. But I must say, I am always inspired when I come to yours!! Thank you!!!!!!
    Oh, and by the way, I'm a Canuck too...where in Canada did you live? I am in Toronto, ON.
    Have a happy new year...and I look forward to visiting you again...tomorrow!! lol!

  12. I enjoyed recapping the year on your blog. It was fun to go through my own and see what the year brought. Seems like just yesterday when I read some of the earlier posts of the year.


  13. What a great idea! I've only been blogging a few weeks..but I will joi in next year (and enjoy reading everyone else's this year!)

  14. Kelli - what a lovely year - your pictures are so beautiful and your heartfelt words are terrifically encouraging! I loved this idea last year but I didn't feel able to participate, but this is year I did! Yeah! Thank you for sharing your creative inspirations!

  15. That is very nice, reflecting on the past year. You can now download your blog, so that is a good thing. I have a back-up hard drive that I am going to download it to. It's an everyday journal of sorts. I would join but I'll pass on this one. Next year for sure. Take care. If I don't pass by your blog, Happy New Years ahead of time. Take care.

  16. Hi Kelli, this is a great idea! I posted what I had. Hopefully my Mr. Linky connection works this time - lol. Thanks again, Alice

  17. Dear Kelli, I was googling napkin art and ran across a link for napkin notecards. This looked intriguing so I click and found myself at your lovely blog. Your post today sounds like so much fun. I just finished my post to add to Mr. Linky. What a good idea for reviewing ones year. Happy New Year, Annie

    p.s. My sister lives in Texas too. Bryan next to College Station.

  18. Thanks this was so FUN!

  19. Thank you for hosting this. You have such lovely pictures!

  20. Done. Such a good idea.


  21. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Such a wonderful post! Love your creativity. Happy New Year, Kelli, to you and your family.

  22. What fun looking back over the year with you Kelli. I love reading your blog and keeping up with you and your sweet family. You inspire me in so many ways. Happy New Year.

  23. This was a good idea and yours would make a great calendar.
    Mama Bear

  24. What a beautiful year Kelli!!! I will try and play--

    The picture of spring made me want it to be spring again...LOL.

    I just adore every season that comes by. I miss the season that is going as mush as I am happy to see the new one.

    Am I the only one that is sad about taking down all the pretty Christmas lights and decoartaions? When do you take yours down Kelli?


  25. Fun! But I didn't quite follow the rules. Will I be expelled??

  26. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I did this a few days ago -- I had forgotten you had done it with a Mr. Linky last year. :-) I didn't think to add pictures, though.

    I enjoyed looking back through your year!

  27. Anonymous10:03 AM


    I've been reading your blog for about six months now and I have to tell you ... I love it! You give me so many ideas and so much inspiration.

    For Christmas this year I decided to make all my gifts and all family members received a jar of homemade grape jam, from grapes I picked at my dads house, seven scrapbook pages for books I made them last year (very economical since I always have the supplies on hand) and a fabulous jar of your PEAR HONEY!

    Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us.


  28. HAPPY NEW YEAR Kelli. and thank you for being such an inspiration.

  29. Hi Kelli
    I have really enjoyed visiting your blog during 2008 and look forward to your posts in 2009. I love your idea for the sentences and favorite pictures. Your pictures are all beautiful and would have made a wonderful calendar.
    Happy New Year from England.

  30. That is a great idea. I had to change mine just a little though. If I used only the first sentence of the post, it would have made no sense at all. Yours is great!

  31. Loved your post. Have a Happy and safe New Year. Mimi

  32. Happy New Year to you! (Love your review:)

  33. What a great idea, Kelli! I just love all your pictures. So comforting. :) Happy, happy New Year to you and your family!

  34. What a Blessed year you have had my sweet friend!!! The best is yet to come!!

  35. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Happy New Year to you Kelli! Hope you have a fabulous party! It looks like you are going to! :)

  36. What beautiful photos. You should do a calendar of these!

    And a great idea to have other bloggers join in. I did something similar but it was just pics mostly of my boys, one from each month.

    Happy New Year! : )

  37. What a great year you had. I love all your photos. I look forward to visiting in 2009.

  38. A great idea. I played along, but altered it slightly by not always picking the first post each month, hope that is ok.

    Thanks for sharing you year with us, and enabling me to find so many lovely blogs (yours included) through your weekly Show and Tell.

  39. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Have a great new years eve and a fantastic beginning of 2009. See you next year !!!!

  40. How CUTE... I love looking at your month pictures!

  41. Kelli, this was a really fun post to do. It was fun to look back over my whole bloggy year.

  42. I love this idea!

  43. I love reading your blog. This is the first time I have ever commented. I look forward to meeting new people with this "New Year Fun!"

  44. This was fun. Of course, my pictures don't even compare to yours.

  45. What a lovely year you have shared with us! I love your pictures! :)

  46. I loved this idea so much last year that I had to join in again this year. Thank you. Happy New Year!

  47. That was a neat idea....taking a trip through the months.
    Happy New Year to you!

  48. Kelli, I enjoyed going through the months of 2008 and reflecting on each month with one of your lovely pictures. May your family receive all of God's wonderful blessings in the year 2009

  49. This is a great idea. It is amazing what happens in a year!

  50. Thank you for the wonderful delights everytime I visit. It has been great knowing you the past couple years. Blessings to you and your this New Year ahead ! Hugs, Mica

  51. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Looking forward to a new year with family, old friends, new friends and a blessed home and heart...Vi

  52. What a fun idea! Saw it over at Sandra's (Diary of a SAHM). You take really lovely pictures.

  53. That is neat, Kelli. Wishing you and your sweet family a Blessed and Happy New Year ~

  54. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Your Blog is beautiful! I’d like to participate in Show and Tell Friday’s but I am already participating in The Simple Woman’s Daybook and set up w/ Mr. Linky. How can I get set up w/ Show and Tell?

  55. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Great idea! Your photos and comments were in sync-mine weren't. It took a while, but it was fun!
    Happy New Year!

  56. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Happy New Year to you and your family! You have one of the most beautiful blogs around.


  57. What a lovely year you posted! I miss out on this it was great. Have a Happy New Year!

  58. Thank you for all the wonderful idea's. I always know something sweet will be waiting for me when I click on Kelli!
    Happy New Year, Mary

  59. Happy New Year to you and yours Kelli. What a beautiful year it was...hugs, Linda

  60. Love the pictures and can't wait to browse your recipes.

    Thank you for this idea. It was fun looking back on old postings and remembering 2008

  61. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Blog in retrospect. What a cool idea! All the best in 2009 chicka!

    Ali @ A Cosy Life

  62. Happy New Year, dear Kelli:-)

    I'm finally back to blogging after my break and have so enjoyed reading your last few posts I had missed. You always have such interesting posts and always a joy to read!!

    Wishing you and yours all the very best that 2009 has to offer, dear Kelli. xoxo

  63. I enjoyed looking over your year with you.
    Hope you have a blessed new year!

    ~ Christina

  64. Great idea, thanks - and Happy New Year!

  65. Dear Kelli,
    I enjoyed your lovely pictures from throughout the year. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy and blessed New Year!
    Claudia O.

  66. Kelli,
    Just wanted you to know I stopped by. What a wonderful site you have and what a fun New Years idea. I've only been blogging a few months so I'll have to join in next year.
    New Years Blessings,

  67. I did this, but my blog is private so there'd be no point in posting a link. Thanks for the idea, though!

  68. Happy New Year Kelli! I enjoy participating at your blog and look forward to continuing! Next year I'll have blogged an entire I'll be able to participate.

  69. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Great idea! That was so fun looking back at all my pictures!! Thanks!!

  70. Loved all of your photos!
    I enjoyed doing this, again!

    ~ Christina

  71. This was lots of fun. Made me realise a few things about my blog too, like I need to take more photos.

  72. Thanks for the great idea!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.