Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year Fun!

With the New Year right around the corner, this is the perfect time for a peek through the past year of blogging. I would love for you to join in with me!

Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month. Here are mine:

Did everyone have a nice time welcoming in the New Year?

Last year's New Year's Eve party.

Today is Grace's 9th birthday!

Birthday cupcakes.

Happy March 1st!

A view through our blooming Bradford Pear tree.

Hello everyone! Did you have a nice weekend?

Peanut Butter Marbled Brownies. I'm going to make a batch for this New Year's Eve party.

The merriest month of the year arrives bringing with it sunshine, birdsong, apple blossoms, budding lilacs, and longer days to enjoy life as spring's promise is finally fulfilled.

May Day tussie mussies.

June is bursting out all over as summer finally arrives.
The view through my bedroom window.

Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian friends!!!
A watermelon and lemonade picnic.

Welcome to Homeschool Open House 2007!
Todd, the toad. He came to live in our fairy garden this past summer.

Summer's behind us.
Rocking chair
Time for pumpkins, apples and Indian corn!

There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots
may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on
the feelings, as now in October.
Hot apple fritters.

We had a couple and their daughter over last night and enjoyed a dinner and fun evening together.
Vintage Thanksgiving postcards.

Phillip and I are excited to announce that the winter edition of Seasonal Delights is here!
Grace, Emily and Benjamin
Our Christmas Elves

If you would like to participate feel free to add your blog to Mr. Linky! Link back here so others can join in the fun too. I'll leave Mr. Linky up through Monday. Happy New Years everyone!!


Jen said...

How long will you leave this up? I would like to participate on New Years Eve Monday.....I already have tomorrows post finished a tag....I loved this and really look forward to this new year of posts with you.

Karen H. said...

Good Afternoon Kelli,
Wow, this sounds fun. I only started blogging in September. So, I don't have a year's worth. I always start my morining's out saying "Good Mornin' Yall". I think I may have some pictures already on my computer to use. Do we post this on our blog and what day do we do it? I have already posted today, so I will post about it tomorrow if that's okay. "THANKS" for letting us know about this. It sounds fun. Take care my friend and have a great Saturday. May God Bless You and Yours. By the way, did you get to check out my Show & Tell Friday? I hope it was right this time.

Karen H.

Sandra said...

I love this Kelli, I already did my post for today so can I do it tomorrow??? Will you leave it up for a while???

Happy New New :)


Anonymous said...

I posted something similar -- it was the first line of each post, but then I added highlights of my favorite posts from each month. I didn't think about pictures!! I will go ahead and link that post here, if it's ok. I'm going to go check out those marbled peanut butter brownies!!!

Just Mom said...

Loved the recap. What a fantastic idea, too. I'll have to consider joining in on the fun.

Tracy said...

Neat idea, Kelli! It was fun looking back with you!

Cherish the Home said...

What a neat and interesting idea! (o:

Anonymous said...

This is so neat. I am looking forward to seeing everyones posts.

You take beautiful pictures for your blog.

Karen H. said...

Good Evening Kelli,
I'm back again. LOL. I just added my name to Mr. Linky and I have mine posted already. I went ahead and done it tonight. I loved looking back at your past year. All the pictures are beautiful. "THANK YOU" for sharing them with us and for having this New Year's Fun. I really enjoyed it. When you have time, stop by and check mine out. I hope it's done right. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.

Gena said...

I loved seeing those pictures. The year has flown by! I'm so looking forward to 2008 and more blogging fun.

the said...

Im very new to this, so I cant participate .... but I enjoy looking at others!
Thanks for sharing, Happy New Years !

Julie said...

Dear Kelli,

I hope you and yours have a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. I rec'd your Christmas card and tea. Thank you so much! I didn't get my Christmas cards sent due to my flareup of carpal tunnel syndrome but know that I am so appreciative of your blog and your friendship, especially since you are such a popular blogger.



HsKubes said...

What fun!
I enjoyed looking at your year. I posted mine, too. ;o)

~ Christina

Naturegirl said...

Kerri this was a lovely walk down memory 2007 lane with you and your children!
Wishing YOU a bright Happy New Year
filled with peace love inspiration and many blessings. Hugs NG

Anita said...

Dear Kelli!

That was a very nice tour through your blogging year 2007! I was so pleased to meet your toad again (I wonder where our toad went to)!

Since I already posted my favouite gardening pics of each month on S&T Friday, I will not add my name to Mr. Linky today.

Have a great Sunday!

Hugs, Anita

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. I hope it's a blessed year for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

This was a splendid idea! I call it my year in review.

Musings of a Housewife said...

Love this! I'm totally gonna play. :-)

Jen said...

I finally made it...come see me.

Jennifer Hoots said...

Oh Kelli, you are just inspirational! This is a fantastic idea. I can't wait to get some time to do mine.

Anonymous said...

Very cute idea and a great way to catch up. not been a year for me yet,but I'll make it next year.

nannykim said...

nice--but I don't have the energy!!! Blessings upon you in the New Year!

Julieann said...

Kelli---I enjoyed this post--and I remember those posts when you posted them too:) It makes me kind of want spring to get here, your wagen with lemonade and watermelon, made me want to sit in the hot sun and get a tan:)


Anonymous said...

Great idea--I enjoyed going back through my year!!

Nora Lee said...

I love your blog, and the idea for recapping 2007. I just started my blog this month so I will have to wait until next year, but I will be particiapting in your Friday Show & Tells! I also have you linked on my site. Please stop by and visit.


nancy said...

Kelli, a fun idea. I haven't much to reflect upon, blogwise, but I did it anyway. Here's to a bloggin' New Year. But where is Mr. Linky?

weavermom said...

What a great idea - this was so fun!! And I was really surprised how many highlights of our year it hit. Thanks for hosting! :)

Anonymous said...

Great year in review. I always love your pictures.


Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

I love this post, Kelli!! Your May Day tussie mussies are so chic and elegant...I can't wait to go back and take a look at that post. :o) I'll be putting this fun "thang" (meme?) up, too...very cool!

Have a wonderful start to the new year!

Terri said...

Just stopping by to wish you and yours a very happy and blessed New Year!
P.S. I love the year in review and will probably steal your idea!!! I'm shameless that way, sorry! LOL

Anonymous said...

I love this post, but I have only just started blogging in late April. I'll have to do it next year. I love the May Day Tussie Mussies.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessd New Year.

Jodi said...

Love this idea!! So I ran with it!! Have a great New Years!

Heather said...


I hope you and your family have a blessed New Year!

Love, Heather

Anonymous said...

This was fun to do! It was interesting to look back over the past year!

Have a blessed day!

~ Kim

Hootin Anni said...

I won't do this, but it was a fun read!!!! I'm here to......

.....wish you the happiest of happy in the year, 2008 Kelli!!!!

Julie said...

Dear Kelli,

I had really wanted to send you a certain cool ecard for New Year's, but my computer wiped out your email address before I could copy it down. I know it is not safe for you to leave your email address in a comment on my blog, so I will just say, "I hope you have a blessed and peaceful 2008, filled with family, friends and the love of God. Happy New Year!"



P. S. Thanks for the kind comments regarding my CTS.

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Neat neat neat! What a great idea! Love it, Kelli.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

what a fun idea! i might join in too. :)
happy new year!

MrsMomma said...

I played as well as I could. I've just been blogging since July. This was fun!


Christine said...

How fun, Kelli! I always enjoy your lovely blog. Thank you for taking the time to share so much with us. Have a blessed New Year!

Lindsey said...

Fantabulous idea, Kelli!

I only started blogging in Sept., so I don't have too much...

Happy New Year!!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

i did my year in review post a little bit differently, but thanks for the inspiration and letting me participate here. :)

TJ said...

I love this idea! It really showed me how much my blogging has changed (and how often my first sentence makes very little sense).
I can't wait to look at everyone's blogs.
Thanks Kelli and I wish you a very happy New Year!

Ms. Kathleen said...

Wonderful! Love the photos as well. Mine is finally up! Happy New Year and God Bless!

ohAmanda said...

How fun! I just posted mine...but it didn't turn out quite as sweet as yours. I'm going to have to work on my first sentences! ;)

60 toes said...

thanks for the fun idea, I just posted mine.

Lori Stilger said...

I SO wish I'd seen this before now!!!! What a beautiful site - and I love your site banner. God bless you!!!

Lori said...

Thanks for giving up the recap of your last year. Looks like you've had a wonderful and very blessed year.

Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family in 2008.

homespun living said...

Kelli, wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!


Karen H. said...

Good Evening Kelli,
I'm just dropping by to wish you and yours a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" from our Family. May 2008 be a great and wonderful year for you and yours. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

Karen H.

Karen said...

Just wanted to come by and say Happy New Year! See you next year, and I hope your holidays are wonderful!

Linda said...

Happy New Year Kelli! I enjoyed your first sentences through the year and all your wonderful and inspiring posts. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2008. Linda

Lena said...

Happy New Year dear Kelli! I hope that the coming days will hold much that is happy for you and yours.

All my best to you!

Julie said...

Hi, Kelli,

Thanks for the survey of your 2007. I hope your 2008 is filled with as much joy as your blog has given me over the year.


Jennifer said...

What a great idea this was! I know I am a day late, but my little girl (4+months) wouldn't let me put her down long enough yesterday to get my post done.

It is done now and I am on Mr. Linky's list. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

Jennifer S

Anonymous said...

I'm a newbie. I only had 3 months of blogging and a couple photos but it was nice to look back and see the last 3 months.

Blessings, Sandy

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

I enjoyed reading your blog! Have just found it through surfing; I will be back to read more of it in the future. It is so wonderful to see how many homeschooling folks there are. My children are 24,26 and 28 and I homeschooled them at a time when it was really frowned upon. My oldest now teaches college! Who says Moms can't teach! God bless you!!

Coach Paulette said...

Happy New Year, Kelli!

I made your chocolate peanut butter brownies and gingersnap cookies during Christmas and they were a big hit with my family!

Hope you have had a joyouse New Year so far. I look forward to staying in touch with you this year!

Sharon said...

I so enjoyed going through the year with you and your family. It was a wonderful post.

Anonymous said...

I just thought that I'd pop over and wish you and yours a wonderful 2008!