Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Easter and Spring Decorations

Easter decorations
Today, I am sharing my Easter and spring decorations. I kept things pretty simple this year, take a peek...


Tea set

Tea pot



My favorite way to decorate for spring is to tuck little eggs in various places...

Tea shelf

Tea shelf


Thank you for taking a look at my Easter and spring decorations. Easter is just around the corner, less than 3 weeks away. Let me know if you have shared your decorations yet, so I can come see!


  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    HI Kelli! Your decorations are so precious. I haven't had time to get mine out yet...maybe I won't have time to do any decorating this year???? I did make my daughters some of the Easter Eggs you posted about last year. It was so much fun and I think they turned out really cute! Thanks for sharing all of your sweet ideas. Love, Debbi

  2. Kelli..this is so sweet. You always do such a nice job putting everything together! I love it!

  3. * This is ALL so warm & charming, Kelli! Thanks soooo much!!! Happy Spring!!! Linda

  4. Anonymous2:58 AM

    So pretty. I am going to try to decorate more for all the holidays. I think it will be fun for the kids to see the different holiday decorations. Thanks for sharing. I will post when I get mine up!

  5. Lovely Kelli! Your bunnies are very sweet. What a lovely time of year. It's beginning autumn here.

  6. What great Easter decorations -- the are all so sweet -- of course, I love bunnies! who doesn't love a bunny?

  7. Kelli, your decorations are beautiful. I just put out mine yesterday. It really does brighten the house!

  8. Love your decorations as usual Kelli. You encourage me to make my home a cheerful place. With moving, all my Easter decorations are packed away and I am not sure that I will be able to even put them out this yr so I enjoyed seeing yours.

  9. How beautiful....I love all the little eggs tucked away here and the
    there. I really like all the old china....;)!!!

  10. I love your spring/Easter decorations, very pretty!

  11. You have some beautiful Spring decorations! I love how you have them displayed!

  12. Lovely decorations, Kelli. Most of mine are out, but I haven't posted about them yet. Hopefully I can get to that soon;-)

    Have a great day.


    Mary Anne @ Marigold Manor

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I love all the sweet spring touched throughout your home!

  14. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Hi Kelli,

    I love all your sweet spring touches. Especially those pretty little eggs in the transferware cup!


  15. I love your "pear honey" LOL!

    But your eggs are darling! What a cute idea.

    I hardly decorate for "Spring" Hmmm....maybe it's time to start!

  16. Your decorations are gorgeous. I like the way you place the eggs.

  17. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Hello, your décorations are so wonderfull. I love the teapot ant the cup.
    I dream for such décorations.
    Kisses from France

  18. I love all your little birdies and eggs.Don't you just love Spring?

  19. Kelli your displays are so sweet! I especially love the last one with the little robin. It's just perfect,.
    Have a wondrful day!

  20. Lovely. I thought of you the other day when getting ready for a rummage sale. I found some old keys. Didn't part with them I kept them out to display! Thanks for the sweet tour.
    Have a Blessed week.

  21. It's crazy how fast Easter is coming! Time seems to just be flying by. Everything looks adorable :)

  22. Very pretty Kelli. I love the last picture especially!

  23. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I love all your Spring decorations! They are so pretty!

  24. Kelli~
    Because I love birds so, I especially love your little birds eating the spilled seed (in first photo).
    And I am off to go buy birdseed for my hungry ones!
    Thanks for sharing your Easter and Spring Decorations.

  25. You have some beautiful decorations! I was extremly tempted to buy the small eggs, birds, and bunnies I saw at CrackerBarrel a couple weeks ago. But I didn't. I love the eggs in the nest and decided I may be able to make one myself to cut back on the cost. maybe. :o)

    Thanks for sharing! i love looking at all your decor.

  26. I'm loving all your little bunnies*! _Ashley*

  27. very pretty! you have the cutest little decorations.

  28. I have yet to get out any spring decorations, and realize that Easter is closer than I realize! I guess I had better get to work.

    Your decorations are lovely! We found a few robins egg shells last year in the garden, I wonder if we could be so lucky this year?

  29. Oh how sweet Kelli!!! I have hidden my Easter decorations from myself...remember I moved in December soooo hopefully they are in a box packed away safely. I should find them after Easter with any luck LOL
    Everything looks beautiful at your house!!
    Have a Blessed day!
    Love Lilly

  30. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Kelli, I really enjoy seeing how you make your house such a warm and inviting place to be. I also love how you celebrate the seasons. I absolutely LOVE the different seasons and enjoy celebrating them too! Each season displays God's glory and we have the priviledge to witness it! God Bless, Hillary

  31. Anonymous5:13 PM

    lovely decorations! I like the last picture of the bird, he looks just a little cranky ;)

  32. Thanks so much for sharing your decorations and your beautiful home. I've really been enjoying your blog.

  33. Hello dear Kelli:-)

    Finally catching up on your last few posts I missed while I was away! I so loved seeing all your Easter/Spring decorations, the bunnies are so adorable. Love how you put coloured eggs here and there, as well as little nests. I need to get my Easter stuff out, most probably this coming weekend:-) xoxo

  34. Kelli,
    Your Easter and spring decorations are very lovely. I still need to get mine from the attic, sickness has delayed my decorating!


  35. Kelli..love the little nests.

  36. Beautiful! :0) I've always been such a fan of the robin's eggs in nest! Such classic pieces.

  37. So cute! I love the bunnies. Where do you find all the realistic looking eggs?

  38. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I think the simple looks great. I love the older look you added.

  39. Simply lovely each one!

  40. I love those bunnies. Where did you get those and the Hydrangas?
    Mama Bear

  41. Oh I remember that bunny tea set!!! so cute!!

  42. Anonymous8:40 PM


    Love the birdie decorations - they are so sweet!

  43. I love your decorations! I have not had a chance to look for my few things, I guess I need to do that soon!

  44. Kelli,
    Thank you so much for getting back to be so quickly after I emailed you last week! I did find a cute bird at Home Goods, but will try Michaels! I love all of your Easter decorations and am newly inspired!

  45. I love the tea but most of all I love the felted bunnies! Do you remember where you got them from?

  46. Love the decor Kelli!! I have nothing out! You know I haven't really thought about it. I should get busy huh!

  47. I haven't put away my winter decorations yet. Thanks for the reminder.

  48. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Fantastic Easter decorating ideas.I enjoy reading through your blog post!! Such a great idea.

  49. Your site to contains wonderful stuff on Easter Decoration. Thanks for sharing.


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