Monday, March 02, 2009

A Visit to a Tea Shop

Grace, Emily and I went to our first tea this past weekend. We put on our fancy dresses and pearls for the occasion.

Grace and Emily
We went with several other moms and girls from our Faith Keeper's group and had a nice time visiting with everyone.

Gift Shop
The front of the shop is a little boutique.

And the tea room is in the back.

Pink lemonade
Grace had pink lemonade.

Emily and I had hot tea.

The menu was cucumber sandwiches, scones, fruit and lemon bars.

We also did a little shopping at a nearby antique mall. I will show you what we got for show and tell on Friday. Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I hope you have a great start to your week!


  1. Hi Kelli. Yay, I'm first it seems. That was some classy dresses and the teacups looked great and I love cucumber sandwiches. Yummo, thanks for sharing your first tea with us and have a great week kelli. Take care.

  2. What a fun thing to do!!! It sounds as though it was a fabulous day for everyone.

  3. That sounds like lots of fun :) I'd be having the pink lemonade... yum.

  4. Oh Kelli...looks like so much fun!! And the girls are adorable as always!! Can't wait to see what you got!!

    Have a joyful week!! Thanks for sharing so much with all of us!!

  5. Oh isn't tea fun? I go at least once a month! Your daughters look so cute in their dresses. :)

  6. Anonymous1:55 AM

    That floral teapot is a real gem. I want it! And I can't wait to see your new finds.....

  7. What a neat thing to do! I don't even think there is a tea shop near us but that would be a wonderful event to do with my daughter.

  8. I do love a cup of tea and cake in a tearoom. We have some lovely ones here in England (as I'm sure you can imagine!). Looks like you had a splendid time.

  9. I wish I could go too.
    The china is amazing.


  10. what a lovely thing to do with your daughters! Lovely tearoom reminds me of the ones in the UK...and those cakes... oh how tempting!!

  11. ps what is pink lemonade?

  12. What a special day it must have been! It looks like you all had a great time!!!

  13. Ohhhhhhh, how fun! Adorable gals. And such a wonderful surroundings for the young girls!!!!

  14. Anonymous5:22 AM

    A tea with your daughters sounds so lovely. They are so pretty and look wonderful all dressed up for the tea with mom. Our town had a lovely tea room which served fabulous lunches and I miss it since it went out of business.

  15. Oh how lovely to get all dressed up and have a girls day, and tea with your daughters is the perfect girls day. Hugs, Marty

  16. What a fun time for you and the girls.

  17. I love the girls dresses. How fun you all must have had. I'm planning our MOPS Tea Party...they are so much fun.

  18. Oh how fun...I love the tea pots and tea cup.

  19. So beautiful! I look forward to when Elle is a little older to do that with her!

    I'm so jealous of your sunny weather ... we are getting hit by yet another snow storm this week - I am hoping it is the LAST! :-D

  20. Anonymous7:22 AM

    That is such a lovely store!!!

  21. What fun, I love going to tea! There was this really nice tea room in Savannah, Ga, that my Mom and sisters went to it was wonderful!

  22. I love tea shops. We have one nearby but I only go on special occasions.
    I am so glad you and your girls had a wonderful time.

  23. What a special time with your girls! How fun!

  24. Oh..afternoon tea..what fun. Your girls look so pretty. What a treat.

  25. looks like a lot of fun! that is my kind of place!

  26. Looks Like a lot of fun!

  27. What a lovely outing for you and your two daughters.
    I was so sad when the local tea house closed because the owner decided to undertake another venture. But I'll always remember taking my mother there for tea and scones.

  28. Hi Kelli~ This sounds like such a fun day! Can't wait to see what you have to show us:)

    Linda C

  29. Hi Kelli~ This sounds like such a fun day! Can't wait to see what you have to show us:)

    Linda C

  30. Anonymous9:33 AM

    HI Kelli! The girls look like such little ladies. I bet Mom was all dolled up too. I was wondering what did the "boys" do when the girls were out together?

    Love, Debbi

  31. Hello Kelli,
    I so loved this post. The girls are so pretty in their dresses, and they look so prim and proper. There is just something special about tea rooms,.The memories that you are creating are priceless!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  32. Wow, that looks like so much fun. Can't wait until my daughter is old enough to do something like that. I loved the first picture so much, just beatiful.

  33. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What a fun time!! The girls look so lovely. Funny, I don't like tea, but I like tea shops and tea things. :-)

  34. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Ooooh, I so love tea parties! What a great time to share with your daughters. :)

  35. Oh that looks like so much fun! Glad you all had a great time.


  36. Hi Kelli, looks like a great outing! Definitely something my daughter and I should try, as we have a very nice tea room locally. Thanks - maybe your post will help motivate Kali for me :O).

  37. How fun! It looks like you had a good time. Your daughters look so prety in their dresses. I've never been to a tea shop. Hopefully someday! Have a lovely week!

  38. What a cute place. Love that green and pink teapot! Looks like everyone had a great time. Love their dresses too.

  39. What a wonderful idea! Loved the dresses and pearls! Your Little Ladies are just adorable!
    Tea time! What a great way to spend the afternoon!

  40. Oh, what fun! :)

  41. What adorable dresses! Sounds like y'all had a great time.



  42. Grace & Emily are beauitful girls. How fun to have a tea with them, and at such a cute place. I love "Tea,tang,& twist", a recipe that my mama made. Looks sunny where you are, but it's cold cold cold here in Kentucky.
    Have a great day,
    Linda from Kindlelight Blessings

  43. Kelli:

    Now I feel so deprived that I live in the sticks. I am going to look in the phone book of a not so far big city and see if there is a tea room. My mom and grandma used to take me to The Robin Hood Inn when I was little where we had tea and girly food. Your girls look so sweet.

    Have a Wonderful Day
    from Roberta Anne

  44. What a lovely outing for you and your girls. They look beauiful in all their finery.

    My niece's HighSchool Advanced Placement Teacher took her student's to an authentic HIGH TEA upon her retirement. She said every girl should experience a tea at least once in her life. And she was right!

  45. Sounds and looks like fun!

    I was 20 something when I went to my first real tea. Great experience for the girls!

  46. You just described my perfect day...a new found tea room (with a little boutique) and a nearby antique shop..shared with my daughter and friend!! What a fun day!

  47. Oh I am so jealous! I have been thinking about going to one in Savannah around St. Patty's day. I have been working with an English doc that loves TEA & CRUMPETS WITH CLOTTED CREAM! I am dying to try some. If I go around St. Patty's day..the fountains in old Savannah will be green! Cool huh!

  48. Oh that looks so fun, I hope you all had a blast.

  49. How fun! It looks like a great time.


  50. It's so much fun to do that with your girls. They looked so pretty all dressed. Looks like a fun place to go.

  51. Oh what a lovely idea. I talked about taking my granddaughter to a tea room when I lived far away. I think I'll try to do that during one of the school breaks. We'll put on our finery and go to Emma's. I can't wait.
    Mama Bear

  52. Oh how pretty they look! What a wonderful Mom, daughter event! Can't wait to see your finds.

  53. Hi Kelli

    I look forward to that with my daughter,Your daughters look like they had a lovely time with Mum!

  54. Love a good tea shop! It's where a woman can feel like a lady!

  55. Oh how lovely. Your girls look so cute. You have inspired me. I may have to go visit there with my little girl. She may be a little young but it would be a good reason to get dressed up. Thank you for the idea!!!!

  56. I love your tea with the girls! I want a lemon bar! I am sure you know how to make them, do they taste like a lemon pie? I want a recipe! No one in my family likes lemon pastry, but they eat lemons! I don't eat lemons, but love the pies! The lemon bar looks so yummy!

  57. Your girls are charming in pink, and what a special treat to enjoy tea and cakes with other moms and daughters. I would have loved that when I was a girl too.

  58. Wow, I love the girls' dresses - everyone looked beautiful. I bet you had lots of fun dressing up!

  59. Your sweet girls look so pretty. I know you all had a wonderful time.

  60. The girls looked just beautiful and oh how I wish I could have gone with all of you to that darling tea shop! I would have been oohing and aahing over everything! lol xoxo

  61. How lovely and sweet! :)

  62. How sweet. Makes me wish my girls were still young! (for a minute anyway!) ha ha..

  63. Hi Kelli
    Looks like you all had a great time at the tea shop. The tea pots are so cute. Look forward to seeing what you got at the antique mall.
    Best Wishes

  64. How fun!!! I need to find something like that near here for my daughters and I. Need a picture of you with the girls though, Kelli. lol

  65. What FUN!!! Your young ladies look so very pretty and so grown up!!!! And now you all have such wonderful memories!! I'm sure you'll be doing this again!

    Mrs. U

  66. Anonymous3:32 PM

    What fun, Kel! I haven't been to a tea shoppe in a long time! I think that my last time was my best friend's baby shower that we threw...and her Elijah will be five this year. I've long overdue for a visit. ;o) Maybe Grace and I will try a local one out in the next few weeks - great way to get past the winter doldrums! (I'd much rather be in TX right now, LOL!)

  67. It's so much fun to get dressed up and go to a tea shop. I'm sure you all enjoyed it.


  68. Ohhh, Kelli--what a lovely day you ladies must have had:) Your girls looked so pretty!


  69. Anonymous5:50 PM

    What beautiful pictures! I especially liked the first and the last. Those muffins and lemon bars look delicious!

  70. What a lovely tea room! I wanna go!!! The girls look so pretty all dressed up! The menu sounds wonderful, all my favorites!


  71. I love to go out for lunch. Then walk around looking with my friends. I know you were having a good day. Hugs, Mary

  72. Anonymous1:34 AM

    That looks scrumptious and don't you all look lovely !!! I can see you had a lovely day !!

  73. My goodness, your girls are getting so big! How nice to have this "Girls' Day Out!"

  74. How fun! I LOVE tea shops!! :-)

  75. I love Tea shops. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. :)Have a blessed week!

  76. What a sweet thing to do with your daughters - so glad you all had a good time! :)

  77. How neat! I've never even seen a tea room...LOL Looks like a nice day for mom and girls.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.