Thursday, May 21, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Happy Friday! I have some help for this week's show and tell. The girls and Benjamin are sharing their favorite stuffed animals, and I have a couple to show you, too.

This is Emily's favorite stuffed friend, Christmas Mouse. We took a trip to Tennessee in 2002, and she was a gift from Aunt Janet.

Emily had just turned three. So cute!

Benjamin's favorite friend is a handsome toad named Todd.

Grace's stuffed golden retrievers: Daisy and Daisy Jr. Webkinz are popular at our house!

A special bunny from my childhood, named Buttercup.

A well worn cottontail.

And finally, a chubby Winnie-the-Pooh bear that my mom gave me when Grace was born. Thank you for looking our special stuffed animals!

This coming Monday is Memorial Day, so I will be back on Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend!

Door hanger
~Heroism, Dedication, Courage~
Remembering with you the beauty of a life past, but not forgotten.

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read). If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions. Have fun!

1. Wendy
2. Janet
3. Lisa Ann
4. Ceekay
5. Katherine
6. Jules
7. ldh
8. Gattina
9. Chari
10. Baba
11. Nancy
12. Mrs. Teapot
13. annefannie
14. Belinda Mae
15. Sally
16. Gina
17. Newlyweds
18. Leann
19. Jean
20. Schotzy
21. Linda
23. Patricia
24. Candy
25. Gracie
26. Iris
27. A Hint of Home
28. GapGirl
29. Linda C
30. Spencer/Bellamere Cottage
31. Lynn
32. Cindy
33. Mrs.T
34. sondra
35. Vanessa
36. Christina's Blog
37. Nutbrown Cottage
38. Briana
39. sondra
40. Nancy

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.

Links are now closed. Please join us next week!


  1. The grandkids love and have those webkinz. They are cute.
    Happy Memorial Day to you and your family.

  2. Anonymous10:25 PM

    So Cute. I love "Todd" the toad. :-) I like your front door too. Thanks for sharing,

    Have a wonderful, safe holiday week-end.
    Love, Debbi

  3. Those stuffed animals are all adorable and special! Love your Buttercup, so nice that you still have yours!


  4. Enjoyed your post tonight. I still have special stuffed animals from my childhood too. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for sharing the cute animals with us.. Emily is a cutie!!! My grands sleep with tons of animals on their beds at night..

    Have a good week-end. Hugs, Baba

  6. Love all the toys - especially your rabbit :)

    Have a lovely weekend. What sort of things happen over Memorial Day weekend?

  7. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Isn't it precious how a child's heart can turn a stuffed animal into a timeless treasure. Very heartwarming blog. Thanks.

  8. Stuffed animals are a part of everyone's childhood.

  9. I must admit I think little Emily is cuter than the stuffed animals! She looks like a very sweet girl.

  10. Hello to your sweet little animal friends. They are so hard to part with. My children now grown still have theirs. :)

    Thank you for sharing your treasures with us, Kelli.


  11. Kelli,

    I accidentally posted the wrong link in my first Mr. Linky thingy (#19). I posted the correct one on #20. I'm sorry but I can't seem to delete #19.


  12. All of them are so sweet - but that shot of little Emily is the cutest!!

  13. I just love stuffed animals, I passed on to my daughter so many from my childhood. Fortunately she likes them too, so she treats them just fine LOL
    My post is up to

  14. I love the picture of Emily. She was such a darling three year old! I also love your patriotic decor. Blessings!

  15. I love 'em.

    Mine is crystal again. Of the oriental style today. A Geisha Girl.

  16. Awww! We have some special stuffies around here too! I still have my "lambies" when I was a baby.

    Precious Precious!

    I can't find Mr. Linky though? Where did he go?

    Here is my link to my Show and Tell:

  17. oh how sweet, kids just love thier stuffies, my youngest is now 15 and still cant refuse a cute stuffie for display. Enjoy your Memorial weekend, we celebrated last weekend here in canada.

  18. Love all the stuffed animals but especially your buttercup and the Christmas mouse...They look like they would make a cute illustrated story..

    I enjoyed your gardens on your blog..I featured a small herb garden I created this past week in today's Show & Tell.

    Thanks for all you share with us!
    All the best, Pat

  19. I LOVE stuffed animals! What a lovely collection.
    Cindy D

  20. What sweet photos. I have taken pictures of my now 22 yr old son's favorite little bear-Boo.
    Have a great extended weekend!

  21. Good morning!

    Thanks again for hosting this party!

    I have a little grandson who loved all his little stuffed stuff! Your little gal is adorable!!!!

    Warm blessings,

  22. Kelli, Such sweet little animals:) All treasures to your kids, I'm sure:)

    Reminds me of a big stuffed turtle with a floppy neck that came from a garage sale- big enough to sit on for a toddler. Our oldest son, Nathan named him "Nathan Turtle". A loving memory for us. Sorry I got rid of that old friend...:)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Linda C

  23. Such cute stuffed animals. It is so sweet when a little child has a special attachment to a stuffed animal. Your door decor is beautiful.


  24. Hi Kelli...

    Ahhh...simply adorable!!! It just doesn't seem that a childhood is a childhood without having a stuffed friend!!! Thanks for sharing your kiddo's friends with us! Your little bunny is just darling...and well loved!!!

    Loved seeing the photo of your beautiful Emily! What a pretty girl!!!

    Thanks so much for hosting "Show & Tell" Friday once again, my friend! Sending you my very best wishes for a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!!!


  25. So cute! There is nothing so precious as a well-loved stuffed animal!

  26. Hi Kelli

    I just finished visiting everyone and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy these days.


  27. Those are cute. I especially love Pooh!

  28. We love stuffies too - though we are not supposed to have too many of them on beds ... somehow they creep up anyways! Webkins are a lot of fun - even grown ups like the games from time to time when their kids are all out of $$$ and need to feed a friend !!!! Don't ask me how I know this!!!

  29. Emily is just darling!! I am a sucker for stuffed animals so I really enjoyed this post!

  30. That is a very cute Pooh bear.

  31. Thanks , so much for your visit to my blog and sweet comment!
    What a cute idea to show the children's favorite stuffed animals! They must be very proud to have their loved one up in lights!!
    The mouse is so cute!!
    Cheers , Helen

  32. Oh I loved your Show and Tell. You have such wonderful ideas. Or was it the kids. Anyway great Show and Tell. I loved the rabbit of course. Thanks for stoppting in. I have been sending my friends over to see you. Sorry I haven't posted. No time for photo's. I do have some ideas ready as soon as I get back to taking pictures.
    Many Blessings.

  33. Oh, that Christmas mouse is my favorite! The red ears make it so special. And what a sweet picture of your little girl! Such a cutie pie. :)

  34. I love your little "animals". Yours is so sweet! I still have my own bear and can't part with so many of my children's!

  35. I see heirlooms in the making! Your bunny has survived well, thank you for sharing, and Have a Great Weekend:)

  36. I have a classic Pooh, also.
    I wasn't able to participate in Show&tell this week. As you know, moving. Thanks for your well wishes. The truck is unloaded, not the car. Lots of boxes to unpack but I am taking my time.
    I loved seeing the children's favorites. Tell them thanks for sharing.
    Mama Bear

  37. Have a wonderful long weekend! Love the stuffed animals and the stories, amazing how we carry that with us.

  38. Precious animals and picture of your little Emily ~ Love your Memorial Day decoration too.

  39. Hi Kelli, Happy Memorial /day. Thanks for coming by. I loved your sweet comment.
    The children's stuffed animals are darling. Sweet photo of Emily! My girls have boxes of them upstairs. I keep saying the grandchildren need these. I guess they just want them to stay safe in the attic. I love that Benjamin friend is a toad. He can come here and have all he wants! But real ones. lol They catch the frogs all the time. I am not a fan of holding a frog. lol I love Buttercup! Have a great weekend.

  40. Hi Kelli!
    What a wonderful Show & Tell this is! The thought of having the little ones "help" is too cute!
    Love your childhood bunny...if only it could talk right?
    I really need to hop onto this Show & Tell is so fun. Who knows, one day I just might jump in! I so enjoy reading everyone else's blogs...there is SO much beauty out there!
    Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day Weekend too!!!!
    everything vintage

  41. Kelli, these are precious. Some of my children still have their very special babies and have taken them to live in their 'grown up' homes. I was not a real 'teddy bear' type when I was little, so I don't recall having a favorite fuzzy pal. Mostly I had dolls that I dressed and undressed endlessly!
    I like your door deco for Memorial Day. That's a really good idea.
    Sorry my entry got in so late. Had trouble getting into it.

  42. Hi Kelli
    I enjoyed seeing and hearing about all your family's special toys. I loved the cute picture of Emily.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good weekend.

  43. I love the Pooh!!! Happy Memorial Day!

  44. Happy Memorial Day!! Happy Summer! Hope you and your family are doing well, are you guys almost done with school??? we still have some ways to go!


  45. I LOVE your pooh-bear, he is especially sweet!! =D

    Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.