Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Handmade Card, Paper Crafting and a *GIVEAWAY!*

Greeting card
I am sharing how to give old cards a new look for this week's project. It's very quick and simple.

Craft making supplies
You will need:
-5 1/2" x 4" blank notecard
-The front of an old greeting card or old picture
-Scrapbook paper
-15" length or ribbon

Card tutorial
Cut a 5 1/2" x 4" rectangle of scrapbook paper. Trim edges with decorative scissors.

Card tutorial
Glue to front of card.

Card tutorial
Trim the front of your old greeting card and glue to front of card.

Greeting Card
Thread ribbon through inside of card, then around to the front, and tie knot. Trim ends.

Greeting Card
Send to a friend!

Greeting card
Fairy version.

~More Handmade Cards and Instructions~

I've been also making vintage inspired seaside items:
Gift tags.

Corner bookmarks.

Stamped ribbon.

Items can be found in my Etsy Shop!

Weekly Giveaway: Leave a comment between now and next Tuesday (8:00pm EST) and I will use random.org to pick a winner, who can choose *any* item from my Etsy Shop! You don't have to have a blog to join in, just leave an email address. International participants are welcome. Good luck and thank you for stopping by for a visit!

Paper Crafting Fun: Post any kind of paper project on your blog within the upcoming week, then add your link to Mr. Linky. Feel free to use one of the buttons on your blog. Next Wednesday, I will draw *two* names and they will receive a card making kit: blank card, envelope, paper, stickers (or stamped image), and ribbon. Link back here in your post, so that others will know where to join in the fun, too!

1. Barbara Jean
2. Clare
3. Marge
4. Terri
5. Katie
6. Carmen
7. Leann
8. Margie

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. i love the book corner tags - great idea!

    please include me in your giveaway - thanks :O) my email is: kenoly2000@hotmail.com

    thanks, kelli!

  2. I love the cards using old pictures. I will have to try this sometime:)

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    What a great idea! I have tons of old cards that I can put to use now. I could do that with my Christmas cards too!


  4. Anonymous12:31 AM

    I love your vintage look items - especially those tags and the corner bookmarks! Please enter me in your giveaway.
    Thanks, Deb (debyeo@hotmail.com)

  5. Kelli,
    Thanks for hosting girl!!

    Great idea and so easy for re purposing cards.

    I put a partially done project on here and hope to finish it Thursday and add to it.
    Just wanted to do something in the worst way but had company at the last minute and did not get it done.

    Barbara Jean

  6. Just lovely. Thankyou for sharing/

  7. I love your card making posts.
    I actually tried the corner bookmark thing last weekend and gave a couple to friends. Hope to try the cards soon using your directions! Thanks!

  8. What a great idea for reusing the cards. I think I'll have to try it...what a wonderful way to use all those Christmas cards I have been saving! :)
    I really enjoy your blog...Have a great day!

  9. Oooooooo...I loooove this idea for spiffing up cards - I have tons and don't send out many at all (shame on me!). Maybe a fun paper crafting project like this one will inspire me to get on the ball with my snail mail correspondence! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  10. Kelli,

    The corner book marks are a great idea. I love all of your cards. They are just beautiful!


  11. Really like how you reused greeting cards. I am always looking for ways to give them a new life and avoid sending them to the trash.

  12. Kelli,
    I love the cards! I might actually be able to do that! Jesse Wilcox Smith is among my favorites- and I do have some of her old cards.
    Please enter me!
    For everyone else reading, I praise Kelli on my blog for her beautiful Etsy shop goods! As pretty in person as they are pictured!

  13. Thank you for the tutorial! I have a quite a few cards with beautiful pictures, but the sayings inside are quite outdated and/or cheesy, so re- purposing them would be just the thing.

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Love your Seaside Themed pieces. These would go great in my display of Seaside Themed Altered Art Mini Dolls that I just purchased. Thanks for the delightful giveaway. Please sign me up.



  15. Be a lover of the sea, I love the sea-themed items, too. Please enter me in the giveaway. :)

  16. I love the "by the sea" ribbon, I'm just trying to think what I need it for...

  17. How beautiful, you do such a nice job~I'd like to enter, too, if I'm not too late.

  18. This seems like an easy handmade card that even I can do. Thanks for sharing. Please include me in your giveaway.

  19. Great idea! Your cards always look so professional. I need to brush up on my bows before attempting this one!

  20. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Nice cards...I especially like the book corner tags....cool idea as I'm a big reader...I love a good book and a lot of time, don't have a darn bookmark. I have so many old cards, I can't wait to try and make new ones. Thanks for the idea and directions.

  21. Anonymous11:54 AM

    i love your seaside tags and ribbon..my email is sarahcresswell_522@yahoo.ca

  22. I love the old fashion girl card, so loveley! Count me in on the giveaway. angiespencer72@yahoo.com

  23. I truly enjoy your blog because it gives me so many ideas for scrapbooking and decorating. Can't wait to see more!
    Julianne :)

  24. I never have anything to share here, but I do so like looking at all of the pretty things y'all make. Though not a scrapbooker, I've developed an addiction to the paper. So maybe one day I will have something to share.

  25. Gorgeous cards! I love simple and effective!
    Cheers , Helen

  26. Hi Kelli ~ love the idea for giving old cards a new look. I have so many that I saved because of the beautiful illustrations. Now I can share them with others. Thanks for the tip!

    Oh yes ~ I'd love a chance to choose something from your Etsy shop!!

  27. Hi Kelli

    Would you be willing to give directions next week for the corner bookmark?

    Enjoy your day!


  28. PLease add my name to the drawing. The stuff you make is gorgeous!

  29. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I love the card makeovers. It would be an easy way to make handcrafted Christmas cards. How did your corner bookmarks do in the Etsy teacher gift contest? I absolutely voted for you.

    Love, Debbi

  30. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I love all your ideas. Please enter me in your give-away.

  31. Kelli,

    Your vintage seaside items are wonderful. I love the sea and the combo of that theme with the vintage look is lovely.

  32. Hi Kelli

    I love the way you transformed those old cards into something so beautiful - a perfect way to recycle cards as it so quick and easy, the best part of all is that the final product looks fantastic.

    Vintage inspired gift cards - ooohh they sre lovely.

    I would love the opportunity to be included in your generous giveaway.


  33. Oh, please enter me! Thank you. :)

    Alli J.


  34. Nice work! I love the stamped ribbon and the bookmarks!

  35. So Gorgeous Kelli!
    And you make it look so easy!

  36. Love the seaside stamps they are adorable!!

    Have a great day!

  37. I like the seaside items.

  38. I want to be in the give-away, please. I like these cards and how you re-cycled out of old cards...a very good idea. Thanks, Cindy

  39. You make such beautiful cards!

  40. I love the use of the old cards! You do the most beautiful work.

  41. I seem to say the same things every week: "Beautiful! Lovely! Great work!" But it's true every week!

  42. Hi Kelli,
    PRETTY cards and tags! I have enjoyed peeking around at your blog.
    I don't think I have ever been here before??
    Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend..

  43. oh my gosh what a fantastic way to reinvent old cards, i also love your tags, absolutely beautiful. Im now off to check out your shop.

  44. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Include me! :) Love your stuff!

  45. This is only my second visit to your blog, but I love it and have it bookmarked. You will surely inspire me to get started doing some paper crafting. I'd love to be included in the give away.
    sewlady003 At YAHoo dot com

  46. Thanks for the inspiration--maybe when school is out I'll get busy. Please include me in the give away.

  47. This is a great idea. I seem to always be "saving" tons of things to use for this very purpose but never get around to it. Yours are beautiful.
