Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Good morning! I hope you had a nice weekend. Phillip and Benjamin went camping, so the girls and I had a fun movie night and they camped in the livingroom using blankets and sheets. Today, I thought I would share some simple pleasures that I enjoyed last week...

My lemon balm loves all the rain we've had, and has grown up over my birdbath.

So, I moved it down by the oregano and vincas.

I discovered a new Yankee candle tart scent: Lime Vanilla. Normally, I would have never thought to try it, but it is heavy on the vanilla, with just a touch of fresh citrus. My new favorite!

Crisp clean pillowcases.

And new throw pillows for my bed.

I hope you have enjoyed taking a look at a few simple things from my week. Did you notice they were all green? I didn't until I downloaded the pictures off the camera!

Today is Phillip's birthday and he is celebrating with a well deserved day off. Benjamin even brought him breakfast in bed. Later we are going to the Boy Scouts end-of-the-year ice cream social. Summer is right around the corner! Have a wonderful start to your week.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Peaceful and lovely!

  2. You are so amazing. I have visited your etsy shop a lot of times and I've been subscribed to you for a long time as well. And you never cease to amaze me with your craftiness. I am NOT a crafty person and I admire you so much for having that inclination! Your home seems so peaceful and like a place I would love to be. I'm so glad you share your talents with us!

  3. I love your birdbath!

  4. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The photos are so full of eye candy. Have a great day.

  5. Beautiful photos! Green seems to be my new favorite color. Thanks for the moment of peace in your post ....

  6. Summer does seem to be right upon us! Almost time to break out the ice cream maker and lemonade.

  7. I enjoyed your simple pictures! So
    pretty. I enjoy ironed pillowcases too!

  8. So pretty and since green is my favorite color it's perfect. I love fresh sheets on my bed and I am going to change them now.

  9. Sounds like a fun girl night!

    Your pictures were lovely!

  10. Love the plant in that first picture! And I'd love to find a little birdbath like that.

    Happy birthday to Phillip!

  11. I love the pictures, Kelli. What is the plant at the top? It's beautiful!

    By the way, I received the kit in the mail. Thank you so much!

  12. I love your birdbath, Kelli:) All of your photos today are so homey and welcoming.

    Just love to come visit you:)

    Have a great week!

    Linda C

  13. Happy Birthday to Phillip! I loved all of your peaceful and beautiful green things. I especially loved the plant in the first photo - what is it and is it a groundcover? It is so beautiful.

  14. Happy Birthday Phillip!

    I loved all your photos, and I didn't catch on to all the green, until you pointed it out. But it is so beautiful and calming!

  15. Simple pleasures are really the best!! Your little birdbath is adorable!

  16. Pretty little birdbath. Yhanks for sharing - great photos.

  17. Happy Birthday, Phillip!

  18. So beautiful! Green is such a warm and inviting colour.

  19. Perfectly simple, or is it simply perfect?

  20. All your pictures are so pretty, Kelli. I love the little bird bath. Happy Birthday to Phillip!

  21. Vanilla Lime is one of my current favorite tarts too! It smells sooo good. I love your posts on simple things, they are always such a great reminder for me.

  22. Happy Birthday little Phillip!

    I think I enjoyed your little pleasures as much as you did...thank you for sharing them with us!

    everything vintage

  23. simple pleasures, those are the best to get you through the day, aren't they? :)

  24. Ah crispy sheets and pillow cases. I LOVE that. I have noticed in recent years with the new high thread count in sheets I have a hard time finding crisp sheets.
    I miss them. ALl I can find are super soft ones. I like the ones like hotels have.

  25. Hi Kelli

    Simple pleasures are always the most "beauty full".

    As our temperatures are getting a little cooler, I too am finding myself looking at different scented candles. Vanilla and lime sounds like a sweet refreshing mix.


  26. Yum! I'm going to look for the vanilla /lime tart. It sounds fresh and crisp.

    Loved all your greens.


  27. I enjoyed your simple pleasures. And thanks for the tip about the tart scent. I'll have to try that one.
    Mama Bear

  28. A happy belated birthday to your Phillip. I hope he had a wonderful birthday!

    I'd love to sit in your lovely garden and share a cup of tea. Your birdbath is precious!

    You are cordially invited to enter my May Country Heart Giveaway drawing.


  29. Loved your photos and Happy Birthday to your husband!

  30. Beautiful! I love the vanilla lime scent too! Simple pleasures make life so sweet.

  31. Love these simple things....the lemon balm, did you know the botanical name for it is Melissa officinalis? I like that because that's my name, LOL. I love, love, love your products and posted my order from you on my blog today!!!

  32. That 1st plant is so pretty. You have a lot of simple pleasures that I love. Everything is pretty.

  33. All your photos are lovely! I love the litte birdbath, how cute!

  34. I've been following your blog for just a few months now, and I love it!! I've already made a couple of your recipes, and I love seeing the pics of your lovely home! and I can only imagine how good your house must smell.
    Thanks for sharing!

  35. I love clean crip pillow cases and sheets too. Have fun at the social...hugs, Linda

  36. Oh, the simple pleasures in life. They are not to be taken for granted. There are so many for us to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder.

  37. Happy Birthday Phillip!

  38. Hola desde México. Admiro mucho tu trabajo, ya que en él reflejas Amor y paciencia. He buscado lograr un oasis de paz y belleza en mi propio jardín y tus fotos son inspiradoras, ojala algún día pueda lograr un jardín como el tuyo. Muchas gracias por compartir tu hogar.

  39. Very tranquil and pretty pictures.


  40. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Happy belated birthday to your husband. I hope he had a wonderful day !!!

  41. I enjoyed seeing you simple pleasures! That candle sounds like a very interesting combination. I might like it - usually vanilla is to sweet for me but the lime might take it down a notch.


  42. Hi Kelli

    Your pictures are all so tranquil and make me want to quietly roam through your garden. It looks so lush and green. Lovely.

    Cheers - Joolz


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.