Thursday, May 28, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Happy Friday! For show and tell, I am sharing some summer touches that I have added to my kitchen. One of my favorite color combinations is blue and white, so I love my new tea towels.


I also decorated my kitchen piesafe with special red things, including the cherry dishes that I found last year.


An old fashioned water dipper.

Another tea towel.

Thank you for looking at my show and tell! Next, I will have to get out my seashells. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.

Mr Linky's usual linkies are not working, so we have to use Image Linkies. Click on the GREEN "Mr Linky" and it will open up the list for you to add your link, along with your first name only (this makes the list easier to read.
If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
1. Lisa Ann
2. Ceekay
3. Lady Katherine
4. Katherine
5. The American Homemaker
6. Karen
7. Hollace
8. Elena
9. Chari
10. Whatsoever Things are Lovely
11. Linda Q
12. Carrie
13. Janet
14. Jenna
15. Queen Of Her Castle
16. Cindy
17. Jean
18. Sally
20. Mama Bear
21. Danielle
22. Fresh Poppy Design
23. KBeau (Kathy)
24. Carla
25. French
26. Susan - Penless
27. Vanessa
28. Nancy
29. Mrs.T
30. Belinda Mae
31. Carrie
32. Gail
33. lady m
34. Briana
35. Iris
36. Teresa
37. Lisa
38. Mrs. Teapot
39. Dianne
40. Jules

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. I just love your new tea towels!!! The Cherry dishes look so wonderful in your pie safe. Love the birds too. Is that lace on the shelves are crochet edging? It looks wonderful.

  2. Everything looks so pretty and welcoming! I just want to stay and have a cup of tea!


  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Hi Kelli! Everything looks so fresh and summery. I love all of it. I wish you lived closer so you could come help me out around here. I would love to turn you loose in my house. Love, Debbi

  4. I love the cherry dishes! Gosh they are cute! A pie safe. I had one that my Mom had in her old garage for years and years, but my HUBBY made me Goodwill it about . .. 15 years ago. WOnder where it is now . . .
    Great post!!
    HAGD Karen

  5. Hi Kelli!
    I love the strawberry tea towel and those sweet little birds at the end of the post. Your pie safe looks so pretty too!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. I love, love, love red accents, too. I saw a darling cherry apron in a store window a few days ago, but it was $35.00. Sigh.

  7. I love your tea towels and cherry plates. Thanks for sharing and for hosting Show and Tell. Blessings, Elena

  8. Hi Kelli :) Happy Weekend to you, too! Your strawberry edged tea towel is so sweet - Love & hugs, Q

  9. Hi Kelli...

    My friend, you have some of the prettiest tea towels!!! Love your pretty blue & white summery towels! I always enjoy looking at your pie always have it decorated a bit differently each time I see it! Last time I seen it, you had your pretty blue canisters on the shelf! Ohhh...I love your red cherry dishes...simply gorgeous!!!

    Thank you so much for hosting Show & Tell Friday...I always enjoy participating!!!

    Happy Friday...

  10. Your new kitchen dishes, linens and accessories look fresh and appealing. I love blue and white, but the red and white is quite fabulous!

  11. Oh how pretty! I do so love that you can change your theme!

  12. I love the blue and white towels...I am doing my new kitchen in blue and white and I am having a hard time finding accessories.

  13. Hi, Kelli...Those cherry dishes are SO pretty, and I like the red water dipper too.

    Thank you for hosting, and have a great weekend!


  14. Looks lovely. I love the reds. I never heard the term "piesafe" before.

  15. I've never seen a red dipper before. Now, I want one. LOL

    Love the magic touches you've created in your kitchen Kelli.

    Happy Show n Tell day....happy weekend.

  16. Your tea towels look crisp; I love blue and white too.

    BJ will love your cherry dishes.

  17. I love the red dishes! I dont remember you getting them last cute!

  18. Very Pretty. Thanks for hosting Show & Tell.
    Mama Bear

  19. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I can't seem to get the show and tell pic to show up

  20. lovely tour as always. I love the summer touchs. I think I am beginning to love red!
    BTW I have a little surprise for you over at my blog.
    Come over see what I did!
    Have a great weekend.

  21. Kelli, Love your trinkets. The tea towells are super cute. You did a great job. Cute!

  22. Red, white and blue--perfect for summer. Thanks for hosting.

  23. Oh, Kelli, it is beautiful. I especially love the white bowls with the red rims. The red and white and the blue and white really complement each other.

  24. Once again, I enjoy your little cupboard filled with "sunshine".
    I love the cherry red things and your blue and white tea towels as well. Take care and have a blessed

  25. I love blue and white too, Kelli. Up here, I am still thinking "spring", not summer. But your summer things are lovely.

  26. Your home is lovely Kelli - i too enjoy the blue and white and red and white combination - they are fresh and exciting for summer and somehow get me thinking about the Fourth of July and Canada Day ... just around the corner!!!

  27. Kelli, I love these colors! Perfect for summer:) Thank you for sharing, and hosting us today:)

  28. Your home always looks so wonderful Kelli!! Mine is a mess right now. Haven't recovered from the garage sale :o)

  29. Love the crisp clean colours of the blue and white, and also the red and white. I used to have a pine dresser full of blue and white china in our first house - now it is all packed in our attic!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  30. Love, Love, Love your show and tell this week!!!

    Happy Friday.


  31. Very nice Kelli. I always enjoy what you have to show. I love the color and the pear honey jam looks delish.

  32. Oh, I forgot Kelli...Have a great weekend.

  33. Hi Kelli!

    Thanks for being a super hostess for Show and Tell Friday!

    I especially loved your pie safe. It looks so cheerful and sunny!


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. love those new towels. and all the red just pops in your kitchen! very pretty!

  36. Kelli, your new tea towels are very sweet and I love your pie safe. Your dishes are so pretty and the red and white towel is another cutie...hugs, Linda

  37. Oh kelli, everything looks absolutely lovely :)

    I do so enjoy sharing a bit of our houses and our treasures with everyone!

    Thank you for hosting it and sharing with all of us...

    lady m

  38. Beautiful pictures. I always feel like I am right there when I look at your photos. The red theme looks so pretty!

  39. Wow! Your pictures make me catch my breath. Ilooooove red-and-white in the kitchen. And I love the quaint old-fashioned look of the lacy shelf edging. Can you tell me who makes the gingham and cherry dishes or is it a secret?
    Thanks for sharing.

  40. Tea towels are darling Kelli.
    And I always love red, red dishes or red anything. So cheery in your kitchen.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Linda Q

  41. I love your display! It looks so inviting. . .

  42. I love the strawberry tea-towel!

  43. LOVE the hand towel, tea towel, and birds! Did you make the towels?

  44. I love the red tea towel with the strawberries! I love summery things . . . just not the heat! LOL

  45. Hi Kelli,
    I also LOVE your new Tea towels...the blue and white ones and the very pretty red one. Did you make the red one?? I have different kitchen towels to go with the seasons. May I ask where you purchased the cheery red one?
    Deb :)

    I also love the cards that you make:)

  46. I love the red/strawberry tea towel and your cherry dishes. Everything looks so cheerful.

    I just skipped forward to summertime. I didn't even put out much spring stuff after Easter and went ahead and decorated with my shells! I am a little lazy this year.

  47. What a lovely post, I enjoyed your pictures so much, the red dishes are just darling! I love to have all sorts of dishes for what ever mood I am in.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Donna Lynn

  48. Your decorations are very nice. Blue is my favorite for the kitchen also.

  49. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hi kelli,
    I have enjoyed getting caught up with you. Everything is so pretty.

  50. You have such pretty things Kelli!

  51. I love the cherry dishes and the white bowls with red trim. Looks great! Could you tell me how you got Mr Linky posted? Jean

  52. Dear Kelli,

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share some of our favorite things. I simply love the cherry dishes and the tea towel is very lovely. Everything looks so very pretty.

    -Mrs. Teapot

  53. I love your summer touches. We have the same red cherry dishes! They are so sweet, aren't they!

    I sent you some emails to your hotmail address with the rubber stamp pictures.

    God bless,


  54. Loved the new tea towels--darling!

    Your pie safe looks wonderful-looks like you had fun!

  55. Hello
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I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.