Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Handmade Card, Paper Crafting and a *GIVEAWAY!*

The winners of the paper crafting are Christina and Tami. The winner of the weekly giveaway is Angel. Congratulations! Please email me within two weeks at kwinn@hotmail.com for prize information. Scroll down for a new giveaway!

Welcome to this week's card making project!

Gather your supplies. You will need:
-5 1/2" x 4" blank notecard
-Scrapbook paper
-Rubber stamp or stickers

Cut a 5 1/4" x 3 3/4" rectangle of scrapbook paper and glue to front of blank notecard.

Cut a 2 1/2" x 3 1/4" cardstock rectangle and a slightly smaller rectangle from coordinating cardstock. Glue to front of larger rectangle. Add rubber stamp image or stickers. I also shaded the edges with a foam ink pad.

Glue to front of card, as shown.

Cut a 2" circle from scrapbook paper. Trim edges with decorative scissors or you can also use a paper punch. Add stamp image or stickers.

Glue to front of card, as shown.

Tie a ribbon bow or knot along left side of card.

Send to a friend!

Another version.

~More Handmade Cards and Instructions~

A few more things I've made this week:

Fun summer picnic gift tags.

4th of July tags.

Items can be found in my Etsy Shop!

Weekly Giveaway: Leave a comment between now and next Tuesday (8:00pm EST) and I will use random.org to pick a winner, who can choose *any* item from my Etsy Shop! If you don't have a blog, leave an email address.  International participants are welcome.

Paper Crafting Fun: Blog about any kind of paper crafting project you've been working on and add your link to Mr. Linky. Link back here in your post or use one of the buttons, so others will know where to join in. Next week I will draw *two* names and the winners will receive a card making kit. Mr. Linky is only for those sharing pictures of their paper crafting projects on their blog.


  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    I love the paper with the lavender flowers. I wonder if you got that at Hobby Lobby? I will be able to go there very soon (YEA!) so I will look and see if I can find the same paper.

    Thanks for sharing. Love, Debbi

  2. How cute they all are....loving the ant tags...adorable!


  3. very very inspiring Kelly - love those ant tags! You also inpsired me to mop my wooden floor, only it was raining hard so will do it tomorrow! too many ideas here...not enough hours in the day!lol!

  4. You are truly gifted! I hope that just by knowing you, some of that will rub off on me too! lol

    Be Blessed!

  5. Very cute stuff as always. I love the last fourth of july card and the "just a note" tag on the first card.

  6. Love the ant picnic tags!!! Too cute.

  7. THANK YOU, I love your blog so much, it's very plaisant to visit you.
    Kisses from France.

  8. Wonderful! I absolutely love your work!

  9. I love your cards and especially love the tags for the fourth of July! So cute!
    Thanks for sharing!


  10. Those note cards are so cute!!! Great job on those.

  11. I especially like the first card, Kelli. They all look great, as usual!

  12. My goodness I would love to be entered into your draw. As for choosing something from your fabulous Etsy shop I like to let you choose one of your favuorite items for me, its just too hard to decide! Lisa

  13. The 4th of July cards are beautiful. Definitely a keeper.

  14. As usual, you have made a thing of beauty! One of these days I will try! In the meantime, I have your Etsy tags to keep me happy!

  15. I love the ant tags and the 4th of July tags. Thank you for sharing instructions on the cards!

  16. Love them all Kelli. I always have to check every week on your talent and artistry.

  17. Just love the ants!

  18. I think the ones with the ants are just adorable!

  19. I entered info in the linky thing but I don't see my information? Is it my computer?

    OH and I love the paper crafts, so sweet!

  20. Love the ant tags and the purple paper is beautiful!

    Thanks for always sharing such wonderful ideas!

  21. Great cards! I used to make greeting cards regularly but I fell out of the habit; you're inspiring me to pick it up again.

  22. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I love that card with the Anna Griffin paper. It is just gorgeous!

  23. What pretty cards you've made. I need to just plan some time to do a little paper crafting myself.


  24. Hi Kelli
    Your cards are gorgeous and the tags too. Everything you make is so stylish. Thanks for sharing.
    Best Wishes

  25. These are GORGEOUS!! :-) L~

  26. Kelli,

    Thanks for letting me know about the stamps! They are truly so sweet! Have a lovely week:o)


  27. Beautiful work as usual Kelli. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Several friends and some cousins read my blog but they never comment. Dont they know that comments are important to bloggers??? Looking forward to show and tell on Friday.

  28. I really love your vintage seaside items, they are so lovely! I also really like the little ants.

  29. I have that paper with the lavender flowers, too. I just love it. In fact, I sent some overseas to a friend in the UK.
    Beautiful cards, Kelli. I LOVE the ants!!!

  30. What is the trick to trimming them so beautifully with scissors? I finally gave up and bought a scalloped punch! Beautiful as always Kelli, I'm sorry I've been too busy to make anything for this week. But I do love this weekly meme a lot and enjoy coming by for your lovely tutes and for getting inspiration. Have a great week and I'll try to join next Wednesday.

  31. Everything is so pretty Kelli. I wish I could come over and play someday. I love it when my one and only paper craft girlfriend come over. We get so much done and have such a good time. I like the papers you have. I love that purple.

  32. Your cards and tags are just so creative. How are they selling at the tea room?? I still need to go there to visit. I LOVE the picnic ones!

  33. Anonymous10:37 AM

    You are so talented, I love your paper crafts, they are great.
    Pick me, pick me......

  34. Anonymous10:39 AM

    OH, I forgot to leave my e-mail address: dwarrington@towson.edu

    Thanks again.

  35. Kelli,

    I love the ant tags! They are too cute! Thank you for entering me in your giveaway :)

    Have a wonderful day!


  36. Hi Kelli

    Butterflies get me every time. I just love that gorgeous notecard you have created with the girl catching butterflies - so sweet.

    You are very talented.


  37. Oh my goodness Kelli!!

    I just came from my first visit at your ETSY store, and i had no idea of all the things you have, and all so beautiful!!

    I needed to leave because of time, but I'll be back to see more.

    love it all!!

    Barbara Jean

  38. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The ants are adorable

  39. Hi Kelli,
    I so look forward to seeing your card ideas...and now read that you'll be taking a break..so I thought I'd better enter your giveaway and hope for the best!!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas with us/me!!
    Love the ants...
    Deb :)

  40. Love your ideas for crafting with paper. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  41. Your cards are a delight!I will be marking you as a favorite on etsy for sure!God bless!
