Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oak Tree

Oak Tree
Our new Red Oak tree was planted yesterday. We are very happy with it.

Oak Tree
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Kelli, That is a very pretty tree. I looks so nice in front of your beautiful home. It will be fun to watch it grow. Thanks for sharing. Love, Debbi

  2. Oh what a beautiful tree for a beautiful home. You'll enjoy the shade I am sure. Is it as hot there as here? LOL.
    Have a cool day playin in the shade.

  3. Kelli it looks natural there!

  4. Hi Kelli!!

    Don't you just love "sprucing up" your yard!! We cleared away 1000 pounds of overgrowth from two wooded areas in the back, and I can't wait to give them a bit more manicured look!! First we have to rake away the little bits that were left behind, and then...LOOK OUT!! :o)

    We want to plant a magnolia in the front and a couple of fruit trees in the back!!

    Your oak will grow to be strong and lovely!!


  5. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That is a nice size tree.
    Susan in Wooster Ohio

  6. How nice that you got an oak tree! It looks so pretty in your yard! You and I both have a thing for acorns! ;~}

  7. Our neighborhood has "Oaks" in its name- so you can imagine the beautiful big trees around us:) Love them! Yours looks very nice in your front yard!

    Several years ago our huge willow tree landed on our house (from straight line winds) and destroyed our old deck, so insurance paid for a new one---but we sure miss that old tree's shade.

    And just wait til you get your favorite acorns!:)

    Linda C

  8. The tree looks great. Before you know it there will be a canopy of shade ~ your home will look more inviting than it already does!

    We have a red oak and a white oak in our yard. They're huge and full of acorns. The squirrels love that!

    By the way - Happy Birthday to Emily!

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Hi Kelli! Good luck with your new tree - she's a beauty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. What a beautiful tree! No stay away little squirrels!


  11. Hi Kelli :) Sooo beautiful! May it grow and grow...

    I have a serious love affair with oak trees. We are surrounded by them here, and oh they have stolen my heart.

    My Mr S catches me looking at them all of the time and asks again again, "Mommy, do you just love those trees?" Love you, Q

  12. Kelli,
    I do love your red oak!!! Would you mind e-mailing me and letting me know who you had put in the tree for you. We are in the area and we lost quite a few trees in the storm, in fact, we had roof damage, fence damage as well as tree loss...we love our big trees and now need to replace some. TIA!!!

  13. Wow! That is a nice tree, but do you know that Oak trees take forever to grow. I mean you will be using your cane before it has reaced it's maturity. hehehehe. Good luck with it and I send it good vibes so that it will grow healthy and strong. Take care.

  14. Kelli,

    When the tree fills up, it will give you the most wonderful shade!

    lady m

  15. My, that is a big tree you planted, Kelli. It looks very pretty.

  16. Anonymous1:17 AM

    It will be so pretty in the fall, too.And your children will be bringing acorns to you....
    Blessings, Sarita

  17. A very pretty little tree! I am longing for some trees in this heat. Our new year has none! We definitely need to plant some.

  18. oops...I meant *new YARD* :)

  19. Oak tree's are pretty and it will offer you alot of shade in a few years.

  20. Oh, you got a nice size tree. It should grow into a much bigger tree before the children are grown. Here at the new house, we are fortunate to have some really nice trees, mostly pine but a Maple and two large pears. This Spring the Maple was loosing its new growth which was swiveling up and turning brown before falling off. It shades the back of the house and is right beside the deck. We were talking about how we would hate to lose it. Well, whatever was wrong appears to be over for now.
    I love trees and hate to see any cut down.
    Mama Bear


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