Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Few Changes...


Hello! Thank you for your comments on my handmade card tutorial and also last week's Show and Tell! Speaking of Show and Tell, I have decided to pass along the hosting fun to someone else. The main reason is that after 3 1/2 years I have shared almost all of my special treasures!

I'm also taking a blogging break. I just need to recharge a bit. I will still be reading blogs though, and I'm only an email away.

I'm happy to announce that Cindy at My Romantic Home will be taking over Show and Tell Friday.  I know she will do a great job and I hope you will stop by and welcome her!

Until next time...


  1. It seems like a lot of the bloggers I read regularly are taking a break or slowing down a bit. I guess it can become more of a chore after you have been at it for so long. Thinking of you and your sweet family...hope you are recharged soon!!

  2. Kelli you are a busy lady and definitely need and deserve a break! I hope you'll still pop in from time to time with one of your wonderful recipes or photos from your gorgeous home.

    Take care!

  3. (((Kelli))) I will miss you while you are on break. Your blog always makes me smile. I don't comment as much I would like, but I do read your posts faithfully!!

    Enjoy your recharging time.


  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I am a regular reader fron Central Texas and will certainly miss your blog. I hope that all is OK with you and your family.

    May God bless you.

  5. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I'm glad you're still blogging and that I found you nearly three years ago. Enjoy your break and I hope to see you back when the time comes. :)

  6. Hi~
    You are one of the very first bloggers I ever linked to!
    I enjoy your designs so much but also understand the need for a break!
    All the best

  7. Enjoy your break. I am sorry to lose you for Show and Tell. I personally liked a smaller meme...when they have over 100 people, I just can't do that...anyways...have fun and talk to you soon I hope!

  8. Kelli, I have enjoyed your weekly Show and Tell and you will be missed. I have loved all your treasures! Stay in Touch, for I love seeing you around. Share some of your wonderful cooking on Foodie Friday. I love the breads you have made and so willing given the recipes. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Take care! I will be on a break too, for I go to surgery on Oct 21 and will be there for a couple of weeks. Stop by and leave me a comment sometimes. Every time I look at my Little Women Journal I think of you. I love it so much. Blessing Lady Katherine

  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Kelli, I have enjoyed reading your blog and trying your wonderful recipes. I will MISS you, but I understand the need for a break... I Homeschool my three children and wish I had the time to make cards like you do. You are so talented. Get some rest. We can't wait for you to come back to your "blog world"!!
    Brenda in Maine

  10. I haven't been diligent in posting on Show and Tell like I used to, but I always love coming to your blog. I totally understand in taking a are super busy and deserve it. :-)

  11. Kelli....this is a sad day in Bedrock!! I've always enjoyed your Show N Tell Friday...what you've shared.

    I hope the blogging break will do you good...and do stay in touch with us all!!!

    I'll go over and say hello to our new hostess!!

  12. Would just like to ask is Paper craft thurday/wednesday returning I am so missing it

  13. Thank you for your nice blog on things of the home! I have enjoyed your work and recipes. I understand you taking a break. Times to "Be Still" in other things are such worthy precious times...thank you again ..nancy

  14. Hi Kelli, I just announced it to my readers. Thank you again for passing this over to me. I was very honored that you asked me. Show and Tell lives on...

  15. Dear Kelli - I think you deserve a break! You've given so much to us over the past couple of years that I've been blogging and I'm sure it's been hard at times. Thank you for all you have done to let us share and show and learn and grow! You are leaving Show and Tell in very capable hands. Have a good break and don't forget to come back to check in once in awhile - we'll miss you while you're away.

  16. Kelli!
    You are the reason I started blogging! I did not even know what a blog was until I "googled" spring front porch and it brought me to you!! I have been a faithful reader and will miss your posts very much. Will you please pop in with a recipe or idea every onece in a while?

  17. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Have a wonderful break! I did that too for awhile and it was very worth it!! :)

  18. You deserve a break today,well for as long as you want. Enjoy your break.

  19. Speaking as a former "home school mom" you have definitely got a busy schedule and I hope your break is wonderful and relaxing.

  20. Hi Kelli,

    Thank you for being such a great hostess to Show and Tell Friday all this while.

  21. Hi Kelli,
    I've enjoyed in participating in your Show and Tell Fridays, and want to thank you for hosting it for so long.

    I hope that you enjoy your break. :o) Take care, and God bless.

  22. Hi Kelli :) Have a lovely break! I hope that it is a wonderful time of refreshing for you. Love, Q

  23. Will certainly miss your posts and wonderful pictures....always so encouraging! Enjoy your time away from the computer! :)

  24. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Hi Kelli! I had a feeling you were getting a little weary. I will miss you so much. Hope to see you back soon.

    Love, Debbi

  25. Thank you for hosting Show & Tell for so long. you have been very gracious. Totally understand about the break. Sometimes, that is a really needed part of life.

    Take care of yourself and I'll keep checking back.

  26. Nice, nice everything is nice in your blog!
    Your pics, your kitchen, your home, tree, brown leafs...
    I like!

  27. You will be deeply missed while on iatus. Come back soon.
    Take care.

  28. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Wow, I don't know what I am going to do without the papercrafting projects! I loved those and also your recipes.

    I was always so inspired to craft something after going through your tutorials.

    You will be missed very much. Please take the time you need to recharge.

    Thank you for sharing all the wonderful stuff you do for all these years.

  29. You will definantly be missed, but I totally understand the "needing a break to recharge" bit!! Will miss seeing your different posts full of fun ideas, wonderful tips, great recipes, and so forth. Take your time recharging. Heaven knows we could use a break now and again. :o)

  30. Anonymous8:21 AM


    Your blog is the first thing I read each day when I log on to my computer at work. Your Christ-like spirit is an inspiration to me. You truly model what a Christian wife and mother should be like. I hope you recharge and come back soon. You will truly be missed.

  31. Can you see me in the corner with my arms folded & my lip stuck out! Kelli I wouldn't have started a blog if it wasn't for you and Revee! I miss you both! I miss our chats at OFT! Why do things have to change!

  32. First of all I want to thank you, Kelli, for doing such a wonderful job of hosting S & T for so long. I think you deserve a break. Cindy will do a great job of hosting also.

  33. Kelli,

    I will miss you so much... Enjoy your time off and I hope you will return with some wonderful new recipes!

    God bless you and your family


  34. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Just don't ever delete this blog- there's so many nice things on here I want to refer back to. Good luck Kelli

  35. I just wanted to let you know that I thought of you today when I put out my autumn tablecloth and made some beautiful lace curtains to go with it. I know you would love them.
    Your blog is very inspiring, and you are, too. I hope that you get the much deserved rest you need. Please come back soon!

  36. I wish you a good break and resource yourself !
    I am sure you will come back soon, blogging is like a drug !

  37. Kelli, I will miss you because I love your blog but I do understand your need for a break. But I hope you will come back one of these days.

  38. I am sad to see you "go". I hope you will still blog a bit now and then, as I really enjoy your blog. I understand about needing a break. I have made many new friends through your blog.
    Take care.

  39. Enjoy that much needed r n r with blogging and may you come back refreshed with new ideas and suggestions...

  40. Dear Kelli,
    I have just returned to the blogging world myself after a long break.
    Just want to say I have always enjoyed your show & tell and have been inspired by your decorating, recipes, and creativity. I know that all these things take a lot of time and thought and I want you to know how much I've appreciated it. You have been a bright ray of sunshine for us ladies in a trying world.
    May our Lord bless you and refresh you, and give you many days of enjoyment with your family!
    Blessings to you!
    Claudia O.

  41. I'll look forward to "seeing" you on the rss feed again.

    Have a wonderful time. :)

  42. I hope you are enjoying a lovely blogging break! :o)

  43. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Dear Kelli,
    I want to thank you for your inspirational blog - and to say that I hope you will return to it when the time is right. I live in Northern Ireland, and wanted to post this to let you know that you have inspired people in so many parts of the world. I have been so delighted by your blog - it has encouraged me to make more cards and other gifts - and to celebrate the beauty of each new season more than ever before. Here is a poem I found the other day which I am using with my classes this coming week (I am an English teacher and Thursday will be National Poetry Day with us). It points out the beauty in each new season of life:

    Ten thousand flowers in spring,
    the moon in autumn,
    a cool breeze in summer,
    snow in winter.

    If your mind isn't clouded
    by unnecessary things,
    this is the best season of your life.

    I hope that this new season is a wonderful one for you.
    God bless and thank you,

  44. Kelli, hope your blogging break is what you need to recharge. Hope to see you back full of energy once again.

    God bless.

  45. Enjoy your break.

    I think I'm finally ready to start blogging regularly again. Then again ... I enjoyed my break.

  46. ((Kelli)) ~ Enjoy your break; a change of focus is refreshing. I find I break (unintentionally) more than I blog nowadays ... The abundance of life just has a way of spilling over. :o)

    I wanted to let you know how much my Bridget loves your card making posts. She received oodles of her own card making supplies for her tenth birthday (back in July) and spent quite some time on your blog soaking up your techniques. :o)

    May you and your precious family be greatly blessed. Hugs to you!

  47. Anonymous1:44 PM

    "Blogland" is just not the same without you. You will naver know how many people you blessed. COme back SOOOON!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Enjoy your break! I know how busy this time of the year can be. I don't know how you've kept it up for this long.

    Have a wonderful Fall.

  49. Hi Kelli!
    Yes, you deserve a break!
    Your blog has been such a blessing to me.
    I have met many people through your blog and S&T Friday's.
    I hope you keep posting a new recipe or treasure you find once in a while.
    God bless you and your family.

  50. Enjoy your time away and recharge. I'm glad you didn't decide to totally close up shop as I've always enjoyed your blog!


  51. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Enjoy your break, Kelli! I pray that it's rejuvenating and refreshing. :o) I'm in the same blogging "season". Your blog is so inspiring and such a lovely corner of blogworld.

    Happy autumn, friend!

  52. Anonymous1:08 AM

    I can totally understand the need for a break. But I hope you aren't going to completely stop blogging.--It seems that several of my favorite bloggers have left the blog world and I just can't bear to lose another favorite. (o:

    I really enjoy your photos, recipes and snippets of life that you share, thank you for all that you do.

    Many Blessings,


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.