Saturday, October 10, 2009

October Days...

Hello! I guess I'm not very good at blogging breaks. I've missed you all and I appreciate your kind comments and emails; thank you! It's been very cool and rainy here, which makes for a nice fall in Texas. Grace and I picked up some pumpkins and Indian corn this morning. I also found mini white pumpkins which were less expensive than the full size ones.

My brother-in-law's girlfriend is coming for a visit next week (from California), so I have some deep cleaning, organizing, and decorating planned. How is your October going so far?


  1. I just love this time of year. The colours are wonderful, and I just love evenings with a slight chill in the air.

  2. Well, we've miss ya, chick. Post more often.

  3. Missed might as well just end the break and get back to know ya want to!!

  4. Hy!
    Here in Italy it's warm and it's strange in this period.
    It looks like spring!

  5. Hi Kelly,

    I know it's hard not to post at least something once in awhile. It was -7 last night. Now that's getting cold. Today my husband and I finished up outside before the really cold winter weather creeps in. We mowed the lawn, cut back shrubs and trees and now my husband is working on the underground irrigation and something to do with the hottub. And I get to have a break, hehehe

    Our neighbours are cleaning up outside as well and I got a huge bunch of parsley from her. So that was nice. Now I just need to clean it, chop it up and freeze it.

    I purchased some different sized pumpkins last week and have them sitting on the front veranda. And, as I am writing this the phone rang and it was our local thrift shop. Apparently I won the bid for the pumpkin/flower centerpiece. It will look so lovely on my table. I am going to take a picture and post it on my blog.

    It's Thanksgiving here in Canada on Monday. I did all my shopping yesterday. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, peas, carrots a salad and I have not decided what to make for dessert.

    Well enough of my rambling. Enjoy the October days with your family and I hope your visit with your brother-in-law's girlfriend will be full of giggles, talks, walks and lots of fun.

    God bless,

  6. This is such a nice vignette ~ love the tiny pumpkins and the soft lighting.

    Enjoy your company!

  7. Hi Kelli! Yes, we've missed you too! Love your picture:)

    We are busy here today picking apples from our tree in the backyard- bumper crop this year. A FREEZE WARNING is forecast for tonight!---can't believe it this early!:( But I called a local nursery and they said it won't hurt the apples if we don't get them all today. Thank goodness;)

    So I will be busy making applesauce, pies,etc. this week.

    Happy October!

    Linda C

  8. I have missed you! And, I'm still trying to get my Fall Decorations out, may be Christmas season, before I do. Very busy with in-home day care. Hope you have a great day!

  9. I have missed you and your posts soooo much!!! I love the picture> I have a few Fall decorations out but not much. love u & miss u!!

  10. Oh, enjoy your deep clean before your visit.

    Our October: crisp, the leaves are turning and falling into a thick carpet on our lawn, we have begun another adoption to Ethiopia, up to our eye balls in paperwork for said adoption ;-) but enjoying the time of preparing and cleaning out to make way for our new daughter.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
    *with one on the way!

  11. I am so happy to see you back. I just came back from vacation to see you were taking a break and I was so sad. I just LOVE your blog. I get so many ideas from you. I would have missed you terribly!

  12. Your little end table looks so cozy and I just love it! :o) Glad you enjoyed your break (even if it was shorter than you were hoping for, lol). We actually awoke to snow in our area :( Fall is my favorite season, so I'm not ready for winter yet! Thankfully, it has almost all melted... just hoping it stays away for a bit longer. :o)

  13. Hi Kelli,

    What a gorgeous photo, I love Fall, Even though it's Spring over here :)

    I'm glad you couldn't stay away, I have missed your posts.

    Have a great weekend,

  14. I love the mini pumpkins (especially the white) and the candle. So pretty. Miss reading your posts. Our October is super busy especially with #4 due in about a week and a half. :-)

  15. I'm so happy that you are back posting. I've missed reading about you and your family. I've been lurking and enjoying your blog for about a year now. Thanks for sharing your ideas, crafts, recipes and cards with us.
    Blessings, Diana in CO

  16. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Good to read one of your posts again. :)

  17. The photo you posted is so peaceful and it is nice to read one of your posts again. Enjoys your autumn days!

  18. A beautiful photo...glad you are back. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  19. So happy to have you back:) I should comment more often because I so appreciate your is a haven of beauty and rest on the web. You are a beautiful influence and presence in many lives! Thank you:)
    Here in the Smoky Mountains fall is here! Misty mountains, cold rain, leaves beginning to glow, autumn winds beginning to blow:)

  20. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Kelli, how nice to see you blogging. I have missed you very much. The first thing I always did every morning was to check your blog. I still check it every morning hoping you post something - and you did!

    I find your blog very inspiring and I sure miss your card crafting. I got out to your Etsy shop to get my daily card crafting fix. Your things on Etsy are truly lovely.


  21. Anonymous2:04 AM

    HI Kelli! I really have missed you. Reading blogs just isn't the same without some posts from you now and then. You really bring a lot of sunshine and inspiration into my life. Reading all of the comments before mine tell me that a lot of people have been missing the Winn family story.

    Have a wonderful visit with your guest. Love, Debbi

  22. I have missed you too Kelli....glad you checked in! Have a fun visit with your company.

  23. Miss you posting. I learned a lot from your tutorials.

  24. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Hi Kelli!
    I am so glad to see that you posted. I absolutely love your blog! Your love for Christ shines through in all you do. You are such a grace-filled woman with a beautiful family. I truly would miss all of your inspiring and creative endeavors if you were gone for too long. May you have a wonderful October!
    God Bless,

  25. I'm glad to hear from you so soon and that you're all ok. Can't wait to see your fall decorations.

  26. Hi Kelli! I'm glad you checked in. Fall is my favorite time of the year and it's speeding by. Enjoy your visitors.

  27. I do like fall, but I have not liked freezing every morning and evening....I like cool air to sleep in, but freezing in the daytime stinks! I bet where you are it is a much needed relief though, and not at all that cool. ;-)

  28. I'm so glad you are back. I've missed your blog and all the great pictures you post. The leaves are starting to change here and I'm really getting into the Fall mood. I love this time of year!

  29. Happy Monday, Kelli! Hope all is well at your house. Love the picture. :)

  30. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Glad you are back!

    from your Central Texas reader

  31. The mini pumpkins are so pretty! Your home always looks so warm and cozy!

    Be Blessed!

    Glad you're back!

  32. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I am glad you are still posting. You have talent in both decorating and crafts. Cheryl

  33. so glad to see you back your posts. Keep them coming...and thanks for the advice on blogging. Got my links set up.

  34. Just love your ideas. Fall is my most favorite season, next to Christmas that is. Keep up the beautiful ideas and photos.

  35. Hi Kelli,

    I'm so glad you're back, what a pleasant surprise!! I missed you!


  36. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I am so glad you're back! October is halfway over. Not anywhere near being cool outside here in Houston. I'm looking forward to the Ren Fest in Plantersville, and Halloween. My daughter is going to be a pumpkin fairy. She's obsessed with pumpkins!

    God bless

  37. Oh I'm so glad you're back. I have to catch up on some of your posts !! I love the little pumpkins. The candle looks great too ; )


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.