Monday, October 12, 2009

October, 12, 09

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian friends! We are enjoying a day off as well.

Pail of pumpkins
Some of you may remember this pumpkin potpourri that my mom sent me last year. I found something very similar at Target this past weekend. It was in the home decorating section, near the framed artwork and lamps. I'm deep cleaning my house this week, so I'd better get busy. Until next time...


  1. I just happened to find your blog. Love the header!

  2. Happy cleaning. :-D

  3. Love the little pumpkins!

  4. That's great looking pot pourri, have fun with the housework!

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Hi Kelli! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you. Enjoy your day off. Love, Debbi

  6. Those little pumpkins are so cute.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. We'll be having a New England style boiled dinner here, and apple pie for dessert. It's nice to have the holiday twice at our house (I'm American so our turkey dinner with the bigger family get-together will be next month, I'm not giving THAT up!) Hope you are having a nice Fall. We had our first snow yesterday. :)

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Hi Kelly!
    I just love your potpourri...
    I may make a run to Target and see if they have it...sometimes ours doesn't have much!

  9. Enjoy the cleaning, and if you feel like traveling up here to a very cold central WA, my house could use some scrubbing too :)

    Actually many people keep reminding me that newborns don't care about the mess. Thank goodness, because these boys will have to get used to the craziness and mess that is our home. Although I should clean out the cradle before they come Thursday.

    Wishing you a wonderful week!

  10. I saw some of those pumpkin potpourri at Potty Barn back in Sept.

  11. Happy Thankgiving

  12. That's neat! Keep on cleaning.

  13. I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Friday "theme day".

    In case you aren't sure why I would do that, please first go here:

    and then read this one:

    From what I could see, you are no longer hosting yours. Are my findings correct? Either way, PLEASE let me know via: pink bunnies (at) sbc global (dot) net

    Cheryl B.

    p.s. - your header is so lovely and inviting looking!! :-}
    Be-lated Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.

  14. I love the header on your blog and thanks so much for the wonderful tip on the po...I love your fab pictures, each one is better then the next, I'll be back, come visit

  15. Hi Kelly

    I love love the little pumpkin potpourri!! I may go to Micheals tommorrow and see if they have anything similar, if not I'll try Walmart or even the dollar store!

    We had our Thanksgiving supper tonight and it was wonderful. We are now very stuffed but happy! hehe

    How's the deep cleaning coming along?? I've been doing alot of that too the last couple of weeks. No wonder my back is so sore.

    Talk to you soon....

  16. Those little pumpkins are cute! Good luck with the cleaning.
    Mary Lou

  17. Ohhh I can't wait for Thanksgiving!!!

  18. Happy Thanksgiving, Kelli. I do enjoy the artwork that you post; I love the cozy feel of the hearth and table. I'm feeling inspired to make my plans for next month.

  19. Happy Belated (Canadian) Thanksgiving! We always enjoy Canadian Thanksgiving, as some of our closest friends are Canadian, so we're always invited over for the feast.

    Actually, we know quite a few Canadians here in North Texas...

  20. Hi there KELLI
    I am having a craft giveaway on my blog all are invited , spread the word xx

  21. I do remember these tiny pumpkins! How I love them. But no time, I go to surgery next Mon. as out patient and then the biggest surgery on Wed. So I will be on a blogging break for a while. Just want to tell you I will miss your Show and Tell. I loved visiting you this past year. Happy C. Thanksgiving!

  22. Ooooh, I've never seen potpouri made like that before, how darling! I so wish we had Target stores here, wonder if they'll ever make it to Canada!!

    Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving and Birthday wishes, dear Kelli! xoxo

  23. So cute!! You make me want to go to Target right now!

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I am loving your blog! I just happened upon it and am enjoying every word..Hope you don't mind if I follow...

    Laurie Anne in Canada

  25. Happy belated Thanksgiving!
    I hope you all had a great time - we did!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.