Thursday, January 28, 2010

January Days

Chicken and Biscuits
Hello! I hope your January is going well. We had a wonderful time while my Mom visited and now my brother-in-law's girlfriend has been staying with us for the past 2 weeks. She's been working on an art project, so I've enjoyed her company while I work, too.

Chicken and Biscuits
I got a couple of cooking breaks while my mom was here. My favorite thing she made was chicken and biscuits.

One afternoon, we enjoyed walking around our old downtown and I found a few new treasures, including these little birds.

Vintage lace
Vintage lace.

Vintage Stationery
An beautiful stationery set.

Vintage Stationery

And creme brulee candles.

Well, that is what we've been up to. Grace's 12th birthday (yikes!) is this coming Monday, so we are having a family party Saturday evening. She's requested ribs and mashed potatoes. I'll share pictures next week!

ETA:  I don't have a recipe for the chicken and biscuits.  The stew was made from leftover roast chicken and drop biscuits on top.

Until next time...


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hi Kelli!

    It was so good to hear from you! It sounds like you have had a wonderful January spent with loved ones! I hope Grace's birthday is a happy one! The menu sounds delicious. Take care!

    God Bless,

  2. What cute trinkets you found. I love your photos especially the flowers since the world looks dreary and yucky here in Utah.

    Have a happy Day!


  3. MMM chicken and biscuits. I may need to make that. It looks yummy!!!!
    Happy January to you!

  4. ummmmm, can smell those candles from here, and my, look at thoes sweet birds!
    Happy Birthday to Grace, and get some shuteye while you can!
    Blessings, Christina

  5. Hi Kelli. That looks delicious. Wow how time does fly. It's like only yesterday that I was reading your blog and Grace was making her own cake or something like. Happy Birthday to Grace. Time does go at the blink of an eye. Take care Kelli.

  6. Kelli, thanks for the updates. I love all the little treasures you found. Happy Birthday to Grace!

  7. Ohhhhh that chicken and biscuits look so yummy could you give me the recipe PLEASE!!!!!!

  8. Oh Kelli

    This supper looks so yummy and to have your Mum there too? Lucky girl!


  9. I LOVE those little birds. I collect bird things, too, and Marjolein Bastin. They just warm my heart. You enjoy and like the same sorts of things I do so I always love seeing your new little treasures. :)

    God bless you - Julie

  10. Momstarr4:11 PM

    please share the chicken n biscuits recipe :)

  11. Great pictures! I especially love your brown transferware. And the candles in the teacups.
    Happy Birthday to Grace. 12 years old! An even dozen.

  12. Anonymous4:47 PM

    And the recipe please????????? Or were you just trying to make our mouths water????

  13. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Welcome back, Kelli! I have missed you but it sounds like you have been wonderfully busy.

    I remember Grace isn't the only one with a Feb. birthday in your family. It won't be long until we will be sending you birthday wishes too.

    Love, Debbi

  14. Are you up for sharing that chicken and biscuit recipe?? That looks amazing!

    Love your cute new birds. :)

  15. Yum! Your mom's chicken and biscuits look so good! Now we see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree:)

    Love love love those little birds!! and all the sweet goodies you found!

    I hear you having a crazy winter in Texas this year-- hope it settles down for you. Wisconsin is its usually crazy cold self this year:) But we're used to it.

    Love hearing from you, Kelli. You were an encouragement to me over a year ago when I first started blogging. Your "homekeeping skills" and faith in the Lord inspire us all:)

    Linda C

  16. I had chicken and bisquits on Sunday. I made a big pot and gave a container to a neighbor who just had her gallbladder out. It's nice that you have a wonderful visit with the family.

  17. Kelli~
    The chicken and biscuits look so delish! And all those little treasures are just what I like ~ little birds, vintage lace and stationary ( I don't write to anybody, I just love looking at it!) and mmmmm...I can just smell those candles!
    Happy Birthday to Grace! May her day be blessed!

  18. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Kelli, you just can't post so a YUMMY picture and not share the recipe!!

    LOVE the trinkets you found.

  19. That looks so good! I love the little birds!

  20. That looks so yummy....and what wonderful treasures you have found!
    Enjoy the rest of your week!!

  21. What fun finds you have! Bet those candles smell delicious! Happy Birthday to Grace!

  22. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Good finds there. :)
    I always enjoy reading about what is happening at your house. Happy Friday, Kelli.

  23. Your pics are so good--what kind of camera do you have?

    Love the finds--all winners! :)

    Happy B-day to Grace!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Hello Kelli! Such pretty delights. I especially like your little birds and that so very Victorian style stationery. I hope your daughter has a nice birthday!

  25. Looking at that chicken and biscuit, my mouth is watering. Guess I should be thinking about my dinner tonight. So glad to hear you are having a wonderful January.

  26. I'm glad you had such a lovely visit with family and enjoyed a change of pace! I always love it when my Mum and I can work together to make a meal - but I always really miss her when she leaves! I sometimes wish we lived in an era where generations lived under one roof and worked shoulder to shoulder!

  27. Your so inspiring with your pictures and words. Thanks for sharing.

  28. I know how special these times with your Mother are. Love the birds.
    Mama Bear

  29. What delightful treasures! Ah, and chicken and dumplings is great for the weather that we have been getting!

  30. Kelli, those little birds are so cute. Sounds as if you had a wonderful month.

    God bless.

  31. Kelli,
    That's creative, cute, and lovely..
    Family Love Along with Love of your God, will make your life enlightening and special,


  32. Good to know you're all fine, you've been missed around here!

  33. Dearest Kelli,

    I found your blog by way of another blog....and another know, the rabbit-hole type of thing...and I must say I am glad to have found you!

    I have not commented before, but wanted to finally peek out from behind the curtain and say Hello from Colorado.

    I just love your blog and your inspiring posts...I wish I had as many ideas as you seem to have for projects. You are very clever!

    I know your blog is popular and you probably don't have time to visit everyone who comments, but you are welcome to visit at any time here:

    I would cherish your company!

    Yours so very kindredly,
    Honey Hill Farm


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.