Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, February 22, 10

Good morning! I wasn't feeling well over the weekend (chills and sore throat), so I was very happy to wake up and not have to take more Dayquil. I have a few things to catch up on and I need to clean the kitchen because someone is coming to fix my oven, which stopped working last week.

It is supposed to snow all day tomorrow, so I need to pick up some milk and bread. Speaking of snow, Emily painted this beautiful picture for me. Isn't it a cozy little cottage?

I hope you have a great start to your week!


  1. glad you are feeling better. Emily's painting is beautiful!

  2. Glad you are better! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Emily's picutre is beautiful! What a talented daughter you have!

    I am in southeastern Michigan and we got 8 inches of snow so far. Looks as though the snow is next heading south.

    I have a table outside and I went out with the ruler and there is 8 inches of snow on the table! And more is coming.


  4. Sure glad that you feel better today. The weather does not help much to make a person feel good. You need sunshine and so do I. Blessing and get well wishes sent to your door step.

  5. Very nice painting! Lucky you!

  6. Emily's picture is beautiful~! How old is she? It's really, really good.

    I'm sorry about your oven. That's a hardship! I know that being sick with all that going on must have been challenging.

    I hope you have a constructive day and that all goes well with your oven repairs.

    God bless,

  7. Glad that you're feeling better.
    Seems as if there's a little something going around, no matter where you live. Around here it's been strep throat and 24 hour viral bugs.
    Tell Emily she's quite talented! She did a nice job.

  8. Oh dear, I do hope you feel 100% better real soon, no fun being sick!! Wow, I just love that painting Emily painted for you, it's gorgeous!!! I see that talent runs in the family:-) xoxo

  9. I'm glad you're better! (Hi! Long time no comment! But I'm still reading along!)

    Emily is indeed a very talented painter and it's something that should be fostered in her.

  10. Glad you are feeling better Kelli.

    Emily's picture is so sweet. She did a wonderful job.

    God bless.

  11. Glad you are feeling better. I love Emily's painting. She is very talented. I am very much looking forward to our second snowfall this winter! Hard to believe we are in North Texas.

  12. what a beautiful painting!!!

  13. What a talented artist! I'm glad you are feeling better.

  14. Wow, I had no idea it was painted by Emily! It's beautiful and looks like it's done by an artist, which she must be. She must have gotten it from Mom!

  15. Emily should make prints of it and make Christmas cards! I'd buy one in a heart beat and put it on my fridge where I can see it.

  16. That is a beautiful picture. Praying you will be well soon, Kelli ~

  17. Feeling bad in the winter is doubly hard - happy you are well again!

    I started a new blog where stories will be published about the farm and the animals if you or your kids enjoy reading! I am very honest and open about how God directed us..


  18. Glad you're up and around again--have a great weekend!

  19. You got a little painter on your hands! Glad you are doing better!


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