Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day!

Benjamin's birthday is tomorrow and he got an early present. More snow than at Christmas!

It's still coming down strong.

The girls and Benjamin are building a snowman and I just heard their neighbor friends arrive. All the schools have canceled for the day.

Someone else loves the snow, too.


I'm off to make hot chocolate!


  1. A fresh layer of snow is always so pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I'm in southeastern Michigan and we got 6-9 inches yesterday depending on the area. All the schools were closed here.


  3. Looks like y'all are having a fun time in the snow, sugar, especially that pup! I love it when I don't have to go out in it.

  4. Kids love to be out of school for a snow day huh! :-D We haven't had one of those this year. We usually get wind and that's why they close the schools, because of drifting...not too much of that so far this year!
    Enjoy your day.

  5. Welcome to the winter wonderland of snow!! So glad you get a snow day and all the family fun and memories that go with it!!:)

    Linda C

  6. We are enjoying the snow too! Who knew Texas can be so beautiful! Always enjoy your posts.

  7. Looks and sounds like everyone is enjoying the beautiful snow. :-D

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    That Daisy is just too cute. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the weather report.

    Happy Birthday, Benjamin.

    Love, Debbi

  9. Woo Hoo!!! Hooray for a southern snow day!

    Happy early Birthday to your sweet boy. Stay toasty!

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Congratulations with Benjamin, I hope he will have a lovely day !!!

    Look at that Daisy go. She sure enjoys the snow.

    Have a wonderful day !!!

  11. Isn't it awesome!!! Babe and I were making snowmen this morning. We still have 6-9 inches forcasted for tonight. Enjoy!!!!

  12. Daisy looks like a dog now, not a puppy!

    I hope you all have fun in the snow. We have none, which is very unusual for us. I'm not going to complain. I consider it a blessing because carrying the twins through the snow each morning to drop off my daughter at latchkey was not fun.

    Enjoy the cocoa!

  13. Can't believe they cancelled schools for that tiny bit of snow. The streets are completely clear! We have twice that and people here at my school are walking around in shorts. Oh what a difference in Texas... :-)

    --M in Chicago

  14. Is this unusual for your area in Texas?
    I need to peek at the national weather and see if its headed our way.
    Mama Bear

  15. Hasn't the snow just been the best this year for us Southern folks?! Enjoy the frolic ~ and the hot chocolate! :o)

    I missed your Grace's birthday ... so a belated happy to her and an early happy to Benjamin! I seem to recall that this time of year is birthday season at your house. Enjoy all those yummy cakes.

  16. Love the photos. I live in WI and we have not had one snow day yet this year.

  17. I hope you enjoy it! I can always send you more if you want. ;-)

  18. Nice pictures of your family pet member having lots of fun. Hi Kelli, wish Benjamin a Happy Birthday for me and enjoy. I bet it is cold. Stay warm.

  19. Sometimes a snow day is the perfect thing -- especially when followed by hot chocolate :o)!


  20. Snow pictures are so beautiful. We're supposed to get some here in Alabama tomorrow.

  21. It was so exciting! I felt like I was back in Indiana...

  22. Wow that is unreal! Cant wait to see pictures from Revee too. It is suppose to snow here tomarrow night but I dont think it will really happen.

  23. What a birthday present! WOW!

  24. I love your pictures....This has been a big year of snow snow snow!
    Love your recipes!

  25. Beautiful pictures. Have fun making snowy memories! :o)

  26. That is wonderful! It is snowing here as I type - we rarely get snow and we're all so excited! They expect Atlanta to have 2-4", which isn't much, but for us it's grand.

    Your puppy looks like she is having a blast. Too cute.

  27. We have more snow here than we have had in 5 years - and more is on the way! I'm glad your children are getting to enjoy a taste of a good Canadian winter - in Texas!!! Our kids are loving it too!

  28. Hi Kelli, Love the pictures of all the snow...looks like Ohio
    Also love the new family room look, so cozy and warm.

  29. Hot Chocolate sounds good! We got snow again this weekend in NC. Your snow pictures are beautiful!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  30. Oh my heart, I just love to see dogs romping and enjoying the snow! I never thought Texas got snow! I hope you had a nice Valentine's Day! :-)

  31. Yes, my husband got stranded in Dallas due to the snow,but only by a day and a half thankfully!! =))

    Get this, we had a snow day pre-scheduled at the same time here in MA and we had NO snow!!! How bizarre and wonderful...haha!! Only 16" this year so far, I could so get used to this!!

    The dog was so sweet frolicking in the snow.

  32. Seems as if you are getting more snow than we are. Snow fall is lower here than usual, which is quite alright by me.

    God bless.

  33. I love it after a new layer of snow falls!! Great pics, thanks for sharing!!

    BTW, there is an award for you on my blog.

  34. What a pretty house! I normally love snow but this year we got wayyy too much :( xx

  35. I found your blog through Teeny Tiny Cabin. The name stood out to me. I am a homeschooling mom, too. I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be than at home with my family.

  36. Happy Birthday to Benjamin, hope he had a fun day:-) It sure looks pretty, doesn't it, when there's a fresh layer of snow on the ground! We haven't had any new snow since before Christmas so what's on the ground from then is starting to look really dirty. Your pup sure does look like he's having a fun in the snow! lol xoxo

  37. This is exactly how I like someone else's house!!! We got snow about 45 minutes north of us but it did not come all the way down Praise the Lord!! I dont drive good in good weather LOL your pictures were beautiful!! I am ready for spring!!


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