Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Plans

Good morning! I've been adding a few spring touches around my house, including this vintage table runner that my mom gave me a couple of years ago.

Speaking of my mom, I just found out she's coming for Easter, along with my Dad, brother, and my sister and her family.

I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks away. What are your plans?


  1. Beautiful table runner! So much detail. We will be spending time with family (My mom, dad, brother and his family). We will probably to the beach for a couple of days.

  2. That is a beautiful table runner. It will be wonderful to have family come for Easter. We always have a big family brunch.

  3. Kelli,
    I love your table runner. How funny, my mother just gave me one a couple weeks ago! I love the basket design...perfect for spring!
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Goodness, I need to start planning! Not only is it Easter but mil's birthday the following week so I think I will have a combined celebration. I usually cook ham for Easter and have my inlaws over (they are the only family that live near us). Love your pretty table runner.

  5. That is SO pretty!

  6. the runner is full of details... can't help but admire the patience of the person who did this because obviously doing a thing like this is never my craft, sad to say :<

    Easter is a perfect time for family bonding. Instead of parents coming over, we decided to pay them a visit.., a surprise visit that is.., and i just can't wait!

  7. What a lovely table runner. We are having friends over for dinner.

  8. Kelli, my grandmother had a smaller version of that runner that she kept on her dresser. It must have been a popular transfer pattern.

  9. We have a very busy Easrer time. My husband is preaching good friday and Easter Sunday then he is off to scotland for some more preaching engaments on the tuesday after Easter and will be away a week, so I am going to stay with my parents. So if that was not ennough we have a wedding to go to on the Saturday betwen good friday and Easter Sunday lol..

  10. Please excuse my typo's in previous post seems my fingers are doing something different than my brain ..

  11. Love it! That is beautiful! I love vintage pices.

  12. pretty runner... the reality of Easter being 2 weeks away has hit me.... we will be meeting our potential future son-in-law... my daughter thinks this is "the one". And I decided to repaint the living room before the festivities.... another "what was I thinking" and I see everything else I would like to accomplish.

  13. What a beautiful table runner....I love vintage linens.

  14. I do love this runner! How special for your family to come for Easter! I know you will be baking up some wonderful things! I not sure of our plans yet. Depends on our children. lol I think I going to set up a brunch, or something! Just in case! They always come, but this year not sure of one daughter and her family. I am still recovering from surgery, with complications. So I decided time is going fast, so now that I can type for a little while, I started a Tea Time Tuesday. Time to follow my dreams! Hope your secret garden is starting to bloom. I would love one so much!


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