Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy First Day of Spring - Part 2

It really did start to snow last night and continued on for awhile.



My poor spring birdcage and nest decoration. I'm sure it will melt quickly, but I'm glad I didn't take the extra comforter off our bed!


  1. Oh my! I can't believe that you had snow on the first day of spring! I hope it warms up really soon for you. The little birds under the chair look like they are seeking shelter, so cute! Carla

  2. Brrr!! Hope it warms up soon so you can enjoy Spring weather.

  3. It always looks so pretty, but I hope it melts for you soon :)

  4. Your snow pictures are beautiful! It's snowing again like crazy here in NE Oklahoma.


  5. It snowed a little here too but we're in Michigan so that's to be expected. I am ready for some warm weather!

  6. Love your snow photos Kelli! It is finally spring in Florida!! YIPPEE!! It will be spring there soon!! Good things those daffodils are inside!! Thanks for your Etsy tips, gal! You're a sweetie! I'll let you know when my shop is open!


  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    You got some really pretty pictures of it. And it sure looks more charming at someone elses house than it does mine! We got a full foot of it!

  8. whoa! Texas is looking alot like Wisconsin this year!:) - except we always expect another snow in March- no big surprise! We had about an inch- all melted today- yay!

    Your area will be all greened up much sooner than here though and flowers growing outdoors! Sent pictures PLEASE!:)

    Great photos, Kelli!

    Linda C

  9. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Oh my, more snow !!!
    Here it has finally started to look like Spring. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, you couldn't ask for more ; )
    Have a good beginning of the new week !!!

  10. thats hillarious

  11. It is still cold here as well...we are just getting rain but maybe we will hit the 70s tomorrow. I sure hope so!!

  12. Snowing here today. Honey Bear flew to Houston this morning. He says it is sunny but chilly there today.
    Mama Bear

  13. Isn't the weather crazy. I hope that was our last snow. I read the previous post and was glad to see Daisy. She is so pretty and big. Haven't seen a photo in a while!
    Take Care have a Blessed Week,

  14. Hi Kelli, this is NOT what I EXPECTED when I read your post title! Big smile. But I totally understand. Snow has a mind of its own! hahahaha....your poor little birdcage, that is sad isn't it?
    Oh well. The sun will come out soon...and your birds nest will be pretty once again.

  15. Wow! It's crazy, we've had Spring weather for weeks - even poor Olympic athletes were competing in the rays of sun... The snow does look gorgeous though!

  16. HI Kelli! I love your blog...just found you via another blog. It was in the 70's here the day before Spring...we had all our windows open airing out the house and allowing the warm, fresh air to flow through. By evening it was raining, temps had dropped drastically and we woke up to what you did...snow and ice! I do think the snow is so pretty though~

  17. Hi again,

    I just realized after looking at this post again that I've got almost the same little bird dish (where they are all perched atop a leaf on the side!). I have a similar metal bird cage that I keep outside actually drew my attention to your post because I thought it looked so familiar! I'm following your blog now. Hope you'll visit me sometime as well.

    Have a great day!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.