Friday, November 12, 2010

Back Patio - Before and After

Hello! I hope your November is going well. We've started a new project at our house. Some of you may recognize this as our back patio, fairy garden and water garden area, except it's not looking as nice as it did 2 years ago.

It all started when we had the rusty and leaking gutters removed and the house painted. We discovered that the wall to the left had so much damage that the ivy and flowers had to be removed and most of the wood replaced. I was about to start over when we found termites and the company recommended that we get rid of the dirt and wood chips up against the house.

This past week we called the company that converted our garage to completely re-do this area. The plan is to do put in a better drainage system (that is what the ditch is for) and stonework from the back door all the way out to the gate. Most of the area in the picture will be a patio table and lots of flower pots.

I'll be sure to share progress pictures once the rain stops. While all this work is going on outside, I'm about to clean and organize the kitchen from top to bottom. Just in time for Thanksgiving!

Until next time...


  1. I will look forward to seeing this when it is finished. It seems as though with our homes there is always something to be fixed or worked on. I am busy making brown sugar for Christmas gifts right now. Think I am enjoying our cold Fall days and being inside right now. Hope you Have a wonderful week end.

  2. Good luck with your project. Carla

  3. What a huge job! It never fails that you try to improve one little thing and it mushrooms into a major re-do!

  4. What a big project to tackle! Good luck on your drainage!

  5. Seems like all home projects reveal some problem to be addressed. Those pesky termites can do a lot of damage...glad you found them in time. Post some pictures of your Thanksgiving decor Kelli...I always love seeing your cozy home.

  6. Oh what a huge project -- I was feeling overwhelmed looking at the photos, and then I read that you are going to reorg the kitchen! It must be an expression of impatience to get the outdoor project done!

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hi Kelli!
    Oh the joys of home ownership!!! There is always something needing attention or repair. Your patio will be wonderful when it is all finished though! So hang in there and concentrate on what the finished product will look like. Have a great Thanksgiving!

    God Bless,

  8. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Termites! Oh dear! I am sure whatever you do to the back will be lovely. You always seem to come up with the best ideas. I'll look forward to seeing the progress photos.


  9. Best of luck on ur projects!

  10. Hi Kelli!!

    Can't wait to the after pictures:)

    I am doing my kitchen too. I did my spice cabinet and my tupperware, now on to pots and pans:)

    Have a lovely day!


    P.S. My word verification is Vimpo...LOL. What is a Vimpo??? ;)

  11. Carolyn12:47 PM

    I love projects, but admit if they are too huge they get discouraging. I can't wait to see the outcome!

  12. Goodluck on the new project. I'm sure it will turn out great!

  13. A big project indeed and it will be a lot of work but so worth it once it's all done. It's a good thing you found the termite problem before you replanted everything!!

    I love your Autumn decor you showed in your previous post, so warm and welcoming. xoxo

  14. Home projects always take longer and are more involved than I think they should take and cost. Why is that?
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